Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 618


Chapter 618 Blocking the Road

"Danrong Fellow Daoist, I don't know something!"

Halfway through the road, V Bo Taoist suddenly asked a question.

The two branches of their Dao veins, each taking advantage of the magic weapon, shuttled over the river, and below it was a gray meeting, and occasionally large white scales jumped up.

In the depths of the surging waves, the faint back of fishing boats flashed from time to time.

Assaults the senses in the water vapor, with the smell of aquatic plants and fishy, people can't help shrinking their necks.

“Fellow Daoist please speak!”

Fang Dou indifferently said.

"Ma religion is blooming everywhere, attracting minions of scattered cultivation bases, bewitching ignorant people, and developing extremely rapidly!"

"According to this momentum, if there are another hundred or so years, the climate will Small Accomplishment!"

"Why is it so unwise to establish Sect hastily, and openly become an enemy of my Taoism?" schemes and deep foresight , to actually do this stupid trick?”

Fang Dou laughed, “How could Guanglin daoist not think of it, but he has no choice.”

“Oh, there is What's the inside story?"

Fang Dou pointed to the river in front, as if the opposite was a microcosm of the whole world, and talked eloquently.

"Majiao is in full swing. In the final analysis, it is the power that has climbed up to the Imperial Court."

"Emperor Longguang has a heart to support and fight against Taoism, so he chose Majiao!"

"Without the support of the Imperial Court, how could the Ma Sect be so powerful today?"

Taoist Fubo pondered for a moment, then said, "This is true, without the Imperial Court's acquiescence and connivance, the Ma sect would have no power. The influence of teaching covers the Land of a Province at most!"

"Yes, the Imperial Court is behind the impetus, and the Ma teaching has been able to grow stronger day by day!"

"This is the cause and effect of the Ma teaching. !"

Awakening the dreamer with a few words, Taoist Fubo's eyes lit up, staring at Fang Dou.

“Majiao and the Imperial Court are too deeply involved to be detached.”

“For the past 100 years, Guanglin daoist can afford to wait for trivial matters, but Emperor Longguang can’t. "

"The emperor is the emperor, and he is also a mortal body. After a hundred years, it is almost over!"

"The humiliation of Buddha's birthday, Emperor Longguang must report back in this life." This is why we rushed to the end of life essence, urged the established Sect of Majiao, and started a war with Taoism as soon as possible!”

Fang Dou concluded leisurely, “Without the help of the Imperial Court, there would be no hemp today. Teach the fruit of growth."

"The cause and effect is here, even the Guanglin daoist can't shirk it, so he has to personally enter the game and fight against the Taoist Shimen for the Imperial Court!"

" Good!"

Fu Bo Taoist applauded, "Dan Rong Fellow Daoist sees clearly, he is indeed the mainstay of Mount Huang's Taoism!"

Fang Dou was humble and waved his hands repeatedly .


The two looked at each other a few times and realized that something was wrong.

At the same time, the Disciples of the two families were talking in the air when they suddenly discovered the magic weapon under them and stopped abruptly.

Under the huge momentum, the magic weapon suddenly stopped, and many people fell back and forth under inertia.

"What's wrong?"

Fang Dou and Fu Bo got up and flew to the front of the magic weapon, "The rat who hides its head and shows its tail, don't show up soon!"

"I've been found by you!"

The water waves split on both sides, and a short bald man jumped out, riding on top of the huge underwater giant beast, slowly rising out of the water.

"Majiao, Jin Tianyi, I welcome you all!"

The bald man patted the giant beast under him. This huge monster split its mouth and was thousands of meters long. , from the depths of the throat came the breath-taking wind.


A gust of wind gushes out, instantly covering the two magic weapons, covering all the Disciples.

“Stop the storm!”

hundred zhang both hands forming seals, and the breeze around his body formed a rope, which firmly fixed his body in place.

Other Mount Huang Disciples also follow the same pattern and have a fixed body shape.

On the other side of the Lijiang Disciple, the shot is a large sword light, cutting the wind into pieces.

The golden tile and the veil are two magic weapons, although on the verge of collapse, they are still suspended in mid-air against the strong wind.

"Bone Hydrangea!"

The giant beast roared violently, and its deep throat was like a cannon barrel, and a piece of while light was suddenly ejected.

The body of the white light is actually a huge hollowed-out bone ball, which is formed by the fusion of countless human bones, and it looks as big as a mountain.

This is a magic weapon that giant beast lurks underwater, eats people day and night, accumulates bones, and finally fuses it.

Fang Dou and Fu Bo hurriedly recruited the magic weapon when they saw this.

Jinwa accelerated sharply and retreated with many Disciples. The veil also wrapped the Lijiang Disciples, moved towards the sky and flew into the clouds.

Bone hydrangea smashed into the air with a single blow, spinning and catching up with Fang Dou's golden tile.

"Take me as a soft persimmon?"

Fang Dou was slightly angry, what did he mean!

The bald man is a member of Majiao, and his own cultivation base is not strong, but with good luck, the secret technique of the family secret beast, he conquered a Spirit Beast in the wild.

This giant beast is a mixed-race monster beast, which can be traced back to the Buddha's birthday. The boundless river water that fell from the Tianhe River was mixed with a lot of monster beasts deposited at the bottom of the river.

Those monster beasts entered the world, occupying their own place and lurking sound, and some overlooked, looking for the monster beast in the world to thrive.

The bald man had good luck, met a giant beast in his childhood, and conquered it.

But looking at this huge monster, it's already tens of thousands of meters long in its infancy. If it's an adult, it's probably as big as a mountain range.

Since the Majiao Sect Lord Guanglin daoist announced the established Sect, he has dispatched the teaching staff to disperse all over the place to kill the cultivators in Shangjing.

The bald man with the giant beast is stationed in the river, which can be said to be like a fish back in water.

This monster beast, like a tiger that has grown wings in the water, kills a lot of cultivators, and even refines the leftover bones into a magic weapon, white bone hydrangea.

This huge white bone ball is harder than steel essence, but also lighter.

The hollowed-out shape makes it useless when breaking through the void, and the speed is extremely fast. In the eyes of everyone, it is like a white light.

Fubo Taoist priest's magic weapon has been wrapped in the Lijiang Disciple and flew into the clouds, only the golden tile is still above the water, which is a ready-made attack target.

"Cloud and Mist Soaring Technique!"

Fang Dou flicked his palm against the void, and in an instant, a thick fog rose around him, drowning the many Mount Huang Disciples on the golden tiles.

hundred zhang and the others were amazed to find that under the support of the cloud and mist, their bodies became lighter and their feet were separated from the golden tiles.

"It turned out to be the soaring cloud technique!"

The hundred zhang cultivation base was the highest, and only then did the 'mountain and river stealth technique' cultivation Great Accomplishment and initially set foot in the cloud mist stealth technique.

He didn't expect that Fang Dou had already brought his cultivation to the point of perfection, and he could raise more than a dozen Disciples effortless.

This technique is ten times more difficult to apply to other people than it does to oneself.

“Martial Uncle is amazing!”

hundred zhang looked at him intently, and saw the golden tile shrink sharply. After a while, only the size of a palm remained.

At this moment, the bone hydrangea, as big as a mountain, was already spinning and flying to the front.

Mount Tai's momentum is overwhelming, once it hits, the flesh and blood will burst on the spot, and there will be no escape.

Fang Dou opened his mouth sharply, and wrapped the golden tile in a breath of fresh air. This magic weapon suddenly accelerated, turned into a golden light, and crashed into the depths of the bone hydrangea.

This breath of fresh air is nothing but a 'one qi', wrapped in the appearance of a magic weapon, increasing the formidable power more than ten times, easily breaking through the outer layer of the bone hydrangea, and drilling deep into the core ,

(end of this chapter)

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