Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 616


Chapter 616 Determination

"Your Majesty, there is a Demon Monk in the south of the Yangtze River, who confuses 3,000 believers, breaks the county seat, and coerces The common people are soldiers!"

"The people are white clothed and lose their hair, and they are called 'white clothed Buddhist soldiers', with a total of 100,000!"

"Demon Monk is called 'Sengjialan', cruel and cunning, He is good at using soldiers, and he has broken through the city all the way, and has endangered the hinterland of Jiangnan!"


"The chaos in the Central Plains is caused by the hungry people, breaking into the government all the way, chasing and killing the officers and soldiers."

"The rioters wear red belts on their heads, and they are called 'red-headed thieves'!"

"The red-headed thieves swept the hungry people and swept through hundreds of counties in the two states of the Central Plains to worship the 'Void Daoist' , also known as Dao thief!"


"Western Border important place, border city guards gathered in chaos, general Hou Xun, independent 'Destiny Great General'!"

"The rebels will kill loyal officials and officials, recruit bandits from all over the world, award officials and titles, and have 200,000 soldiers and horses in ten days!"

"Since the start of the army, the situation has been like fire, and it has broken through fifty cities one after another. "


It's late at night!

In the icy great hall, Court Eunuch's shrill voice was reading a book of memorials.

Longguang Emperor senile, long since the Buddha's birthday, was half lying on the Dragon Throne, with a bright yellow embroidered cushion under him, listening intently.

The great hall was empty, with only one person standing. It was the Qilian Imperial Tutor.

This Imperial Tutor, now under a single person but above ten thousand others, is the most trusted minister of Emperor Longguang.

The ruler and the minister played against each other alone, and faced the increasingly serious loss of self-control.

Previously, an imperial decree was issued to prohibit monks from all over the country from going to Beijing.

But no one didn't expect, the other party's response came so fast and so violently!

Countries all over the country have rebelled in just a few days.

In addition, the situation of rebellion has nothing common with each other, there are monks and Taoists instigating, there are wild heroes who raise their arms, and there are local generals who lead troops to rebel.

The domestic situation is already very tense. After more than ten years of severe drought, the people have been suffering from famine and have long been miserable.

This scene is like a pile of dry wood, a little fire star can ignite it.

Originally, it was the religious role played by Shimen and Taoism that cooled the pile of dry wood.

Nowadays, everything is out of control.

It is self-evident that behind this, it must be Taoism and Shimen.

The two rulers and ministers, silently, listened to Court Eunuch reading the memorials sent from various places.

The world is so rotten, looking around, there is no pure land?

Whenever, the entire country was infiltrated by Taoists and Shimen.

Court Eunuch read aloud, his legs shiver coldly under his robe, for fear that the emperor, in a fit of anger, would push him out and beat him to death.

"Enough, don't need to read it any more!"

Emperor Longguang waved his hand, "Go on, let what you see today rot in your stomach."

"But half a sentence leaked, I made you rot!"

Court Eunuch such as the amnesty, knowing that he could save his life, knelt on the ground and kowtowed desperately, "thank you lord for your grand grace!"

After Court Eunuch left, Qilian Imperial Tutor frowned, "You Majesty is willing to kill such eunuchs, why should Your Majesty be soft-hearted?"

"Old people Now, it's easy to be soft-hearted, and you also said, what can a eunuch do?"

The voice of Emperor Longguang was also much weaker than Old Xu, "Aiqing, you have also seen, Taoism and Shimen. The response is so violent!"

"I woke up one night, and the country is almost gone, haha!"

"These people from cultivation are talking about detachment In the world, there are actually more accidents than anyone else!"

"Taoism is good for power, Shimen is greedy for money, and famous religions go after their names!"

"But I regard my country as a battlefield for the deer. , why is it so embarrassing?"

Qilian Imperial Tutor said respectfully, "Your Majesty, the country has a tumor, and naturally it must be cut off. Isn't that what we planned this time?"

"Yes, it has been more than ten years since the Buddha's birthday, and I have worked hard to support the hemp education, and finally I have achieved results!" Shimen did not hesitate to take the risk of the world and instigated rebellion in all directions. It can be seen that this move by the Majiao really hit the nail on the head.”

“Just like a wild dog, it will bite people hysterically when it hurts when its tail is stepped on. !"

Qilian Imperial Tutor bowed slightly, "Your Majesty is wise!"

"Okay, Guanglin daoist is presiding over the grand formation and entertaining guests from all over the world. Victory!"

"Those two have a lot of good things, and the trifling local officers and soldiers naturally can't stop them."

"Imperial Tutor, are you ready?"

Qilian Imperial Tutor replied, "Guanglin daoist, has arranged manpower, ambushes in various places, and intercepted the monks and Taoists in Shangjing."

"Well killed, these bull-nosed bald donkeys, how many did you kill? I can't solve the hatred either!"

Emperor Longguang raised his hand, "My more than ten years of hatred, if there is no Taoist Shimen bloo d flowing into a river, there is no possibility of washing! "

Speaking of his excitement, Emperor Longguang coughed violently and his body trembled.

Qilian Imperial Tutor hesitated slightly, then said, "Your Majesty, the Guanglin daoist came again yesterday, or for the Imperial Court luck thing! "

"Oh! "

"Your Majesty, I think you should be cautious, the Imperial Court's luck is no trivial matter, once it is bound to the big array, it becomes a situation of both glory and loss! "

The content of their conversation was still requested by the Guanglin daoist before.

It turned out that the 'Landscapes and Rivers' series organized by the Guanglin daoist, the final link, It is the luck of the Imperial Court.

The luck of the Imperial Court is related to the continuity of the dynasty, and a slight damage will affect future generations.

On the birthday of the previous Buddha, Emperor Longguang Going one's own way, defying the sky and carrying the immortals, resulting in the damage to the luck of the air, in the eyes of these years of severe droughts.

Now, I have to introduce the luck of the Imperial Court into the great formation.

It's fine if you win, but if you lose, the Imperial Court will suffer bad luck, and it's not a tragic situation where the second generation will die.

Qilian Imperial Tutor asked a question, but he didn't have any hope in his heart, Long Guang Emperor Longguang said, "Promise him!" "


Qilian Imperial Tutor wanted to persuade him again, but heard Emperor Longguang say, "Imperial Tutor, the general trend of the world, after all, is still in the capital." . "

"Look at the death period of the world's beacon fires, rebels and rioters emerge in an endless stream, and the roots are all in the Taoist Shimen family! "

"And their purpose is all in the capital, the matter of the established Sect of Majiao!" "

"As long as the two families are eliminated, it is like killing the fire source, and the chaos in the world will be settled immediately!" "

"As for the luck of the dynasty, as long as these two cancers are pulled out, it will be restored to its prosperity, and my dynasty will last for thousands of years!" "

When Emperor Longguang finished speaking, his eyes became brighter and brighter. He seemed to be under the old man's body, his spirit was burning.

Qilian Imperial Tutor sighed, bowed and stepped back. Obey! "


At the center of the Beijing Grand Array, together with the Guanglin Daoist, the other five Daoists saw it at the same time.

From the ground below, Infiltrating large swathes of purple dewdrops, these dewdrops converge and turn into a circling Giant Dragon Pattern.

"This is a noble purple, dynasty luck! ”

The Giant Dragon Pattern raised its head and roared violently, and everyone’s ears were like a thunderous explosion, and their minds were rippling for a while.

After the introduction of luck in the big array, it was like the body was injected with Divine Soul , instantly became flesh and blood, complete with muscles and bones.

"It's done! "

Guanglin daoist smiled and patted his knees, "Just waiting for the guests to arrive!" ”

(end of this chapter)

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