Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 610


Chapter 610 kicks off

Mount Huang!

In the Guquan Temple, a silhouette haunts it. Most people see it and see that it looks unfamiliar.

However, a few senior Disciples, seeing this person, couldn't help but exclaim at first, and when they saw the other party's gesture, they forcibly swallowed the words 'Danrong Martial Uncle'.

This person is the Dan Dao fusion scholar who is under one person in the Mount Huang Dao vein.

It is widely circulated that this person is an anonymous 'deputy head teacher'.

In fact, realm, cultivation base, prestige and fame are all 'Eldest Senior Brother 'hundred zhang, who is above everyone else. When seeing Dan Rong, they should be respectful and bow down.

After all, this Danrong Martial Uncle is a person who created 'Fu Qian' with one hand, and is the same generation as 'Ming' in the hanging seal concept


Dao fusion scholar, that is, the main body of Fang Dou, has been secluded in Celestial Grotto cultivation before. Occasionally, if he encounters a major problem, he will also be resolved by appointment.

But this time, Fang Dou wanted to find the whereabouts of the Celestial Grotto figure. This Avatar was the most convenient way to inquire about Taoism.

The Taoist treasure of Mount Huang's Taoism, the most important core part, is hidden in the Celestial Grotto.

But there are also a small part, which are placed in the scriptures pavilion of Guquanguan.

Fang Dou was already in Celestial Grotto, rummaging through the air, but found nothing.

There is no other way but to walk out of Celestial Grotto and come to the bookstore in Taoist temple to try one's luck.

Walking all the way to the Jingshu Pavilion, Fang Dou raised his head slightly. Today was a young daoist. When he looked up to see Fang Dou, he happily said, "It's Danrong Martial Uncle!"

"It's you, Xiaochai!"

Fang Dou recognized that this young daoist was one of the original Disciples.

This person can guard the bookstore, but also has the level of granting, and can be regarded as a backbone Disciple.

"Martial Uncle, what scriptures are you looking for, Disciple will find it for you!"

If you are a common disciple, you will be shocked to see Senior Brother Chai behave like this Do not close your mouth.

Normally, I have never seen him so attentive. He has always been hard words such as 'the deposit is one character of money', 'find it by yourself', 'don't mess it up' 'but if it is damaged, double the punishment'.

"No need, I'll go up by myself and take a look!"

"Okay, Martial Uncle, slow down and go this way!"

Fang Dou walked into the bookstore, glanced around, and saw scattered Disciples scattered around the corner. Although these Disciples did not know Fang Dou, they all knew his identity when they heard the conversation just now.

Disciples bowed their heads and saluted whenever Fang Dou's eyes swept them.

Fang Dou wanted to keep them from being restrained, but he was still the same as before.

However, before he could speak, these Disciples turned and left, the footsteps were very light, like nocturnal cats on tiptoes.

In the blink of an eye, the Jingshu Pavilion became empty.

“Martial Uncle, if you have any orders, just speak up!”

Not far away, the voice of Disciple surnamed Chai came.

Fang Dou shook the head, looking down at the book, reading between the lines, looking for the whereabouts of the Celestial Grotto figure.

Existing Sect, impossible to have Celestial Grotto picture spread out, only those extinct Sect, Celestial Grotto or missing, or scrapped, will have Celestial Grotto picture come out.

So, Fang Dou's goal is the short-lived Sect Celestial Grotto in history.

In the Taoist classics, several Celestial Grottos that meet the requirements have also been found, and there have also been a few words about the Celestial Grotto pictures, but they are too vague, and it is difficult to follow the pictures heavenly ascension.


Unsurprisingly, in the Jingshu Pavilion, there was little gain, and after rummaging through the books, only a few insignificant clues were found.

"Senior Brother Danrong, walk slowly!"

Fang Dou walked out of the bookstore, and the voice of Disciple, surnamed Chai, rang out behind him.

"Long time no see for Dan dao fusion!"

Fang Dou didn't take a few steps when he saw a smiling middle aged daoist walking towards him.

This Taoist priest was born in Clear Wind Valley. Although he is also a true Taoist family, his own Sect has long since been dilapidated and has no foundation to survive. It belongs to Sect.

Only those with the path of Mount Huang, who have a foundation, can be qualified to become a Sect, otherwise they don't even have a mountain gate, what's a 'sect' 'sect'?

Mount Huang's Taoism is expanded, and it is not incorporated into those small Taoist temples. After all, Taoist temples are still a place to live. Until the mountains and rivers are exhausted, they will never join other Sects, which are considered as branches of their own inheritance.

But Sect is different. Without a base, it will become poorer and poorer. Many similar examples have gradually disappeared in the long river of history and died silently.

So, after Songzhu, Dan Rong and Hundred zhang, Mount Huang's three-man group discussed and decided to absorb Sect to strengthen Mount Huang's Taoism.

Before and after, there were several Sect inheritance companies such as Clear Wind Valley.

The so-called merger, in addition to my own participation, even with its own inheritance, must also be merged into the Mount Huang Taoism.

From now on, these families will call themselves Mount Huang Taoist priests, recruiting Disciples and cultivating descendants.

At the beginning, these people in the Sect, seeing that Mount Huang has few connections, have the heart to occupy the magpie's nest.

Fang Dou and hundred zhang acted decisively before they colluded and made a riot, using the thunderous method to shock everyone.

At that time, Fang Dou's shot was so violent that everyone was so shocked that they didn't dare to do it.

To this day, there are still many people who have psychological shadows and know that inside Mount Huang, no one can offend this Dan dao fusion scholar.

The other party took the initiative to say hello, Fang Dou responded with a smile, "Daoist Chong'an, the weather is good today, are you out for a walk?"

Chong'an Taoist priest quickly said, "There is a I am going to go to the site to investigate.”

“Mr. Dan Dao fusion, are you here to read?”

His eyes fell on Behind Fang Dou, who does not know that the true missionaries are hidden in the Celestial Grotto, and the scriptures are all tricking the bottom Disciple.

Fang Dou was moved and said, "I have recently been interested in the Celestial Grotto map and want to find some related news. Daoist Chong'an may have a clue!"

"Celestial Grotto map ?"

After hearing this, Chong'an Taoist priest wondered if there was any action in the Celestial Grotto of Mount Huang's Taoism recently?

"Frankly, Celestial Grotto pictures since ancient times, are Sect secrets."

"We Clear Wind Valley, we can't get in touch with Celestial Grotto, so there is no way!"

"If Dan Dao fusion is interested, you might as well find some descendants who destroyed the Sect, maybe there will be more clues!"

Fang Dou nominates, this suggestion is not as expected.

For the Celestial Grotto map, he can be described as a two-pronged approach. He is looking for clues on his own side. In addition, he uses the talisman money system to issue bounties to reward the clues of the Celestial Grotto map with a lot of money.

As a partner of the Founding Alliance of Fu Qian, open a small account for yourself and secretly do things that you don’t know about yourself, isn’t that with no difficulty?

"It seems that we have to wait outside, is there any good news?"

Fang Dou failed this trip, so he turned around and returned to little Celestial Grotto, didn't expect As soon as he stepped in, he heard the voice of Shochiku.

"Junior Brother, you're here just in time, come and see this call-up order!"

"What call-up order?"

Fang Dou thought to himself, we It's the Sect, what kind of battle is it that dares to pull a strong man on our heads?

Songzhu saw Fang Dou and handed him a jade book to read.

“Daoist join hands to issue!”

“For all Taoist factions?”

“This is to destroy the sect?”

(end of chapter)

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