Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 489


Chapter 489 Overturning the clutch

The Ghost General army is brute force close to God, two big hammers swept in all directions, secret Airtight.

Even as a first-class ghost, he is still a worthy opponent.

Fang Dou fought with him for a long time, but could not gain the upper hand, and realized that Sword Art has many shortcomings.

Therefore, he switched his sword stance from fast to slow.

The Flying Sword came slowly, with erratic movements and stronger deterrence.

The Ghost General still wields the twin hammers, but it was as if they were stained with thousands of threads, and it became more and more difficult to wield them.

Fang Dou relaxed , the previous plan finally paid off.

Fang Dou is no match for the Ghost General's army, he can only use his skills.

Sword Art, a tailor, is good at ingenious changes. Once he changes his mind, he is like a fish back in water.

"go! ”

The Flying Sword turned into thousands of threads, like a torrential rain, hitting the Ghost General army all over.

Swipe, Ghost General raised two sledgehammers, staggered a few times, and blocked the Heavenly Sword.

However, the original action of lifting the heavy as if it were light has now become extremely difficult.

This Ghost General's hammer seems to be a hundred times heavier and no longer as flexible as before.

"The opportunity is here!"

Fang Dou's eyes flashed, and he pointed to the air with his fingers.

In an instant, the Flying Sword intertwined back and forth towards the void a few times, 'stitching' the two big hammers on the left and right.

The advantages accumulated earlier have exploded at this moment.

Ghost General's military action came to a sudden stop, and the two sledgehammers became one and could no longer be separated.

As a result, the two hammers no longer have the advantage of quick clutching and become cumbersome.

Fang Dou's chance!

“Break for me!”

Fang Dou saw this, he commanded the bronze Flying Sword, his chest was tumbling, and the thunder spirit of the internal organs evolved.

Crackle, Flying Sword drilled into the sky, tumbling along with the thunder, as if brewing power.

It fell from the sky and fell down, which is the advantage of Soaring Firmament City's Sword Art.

Integrating the essence of the five internal organs and transforming the thunder, this is to see the restraint power of thunder technique on evil spirits.

Sword Art is the melting pot, which will be the Full Mastery of each director, this is 'Myriad Laws Return To One'.

The Ghost General saw Fang Dou's imposing manner on his head, which made him even more intimidated and knew that the situation was not good.

Therefore, he took a deep breath, and Yin Qi rolled beside him, revealing a faint trace of earth-yellow rays of light.

"This is... a baleful aura, or a baleful aura made of the essence of the five earth!"

Fang Dou's Astral Fiend crown was immediately induced, and it turned out that this Ghost In the General Army, a precious E-land evil was integrated.

It's no wonder that the Ghost General's pair of big hammers are extremely heavy.

Wu Di Sha is a rare baleful aura. If it is poured into the magic weapon, it is enough to make the goose feathers become a hundred times heavier than Mount Tai.

"I made a lot of money!"

Except for the descendants of Astral Fiend, no one knows the cultivation method of Astral Fiend better than Fang Dou.

Danyu daoist obtained the Heavenly Astral Law, and it was difficult to collect the Heavenly Astral Qi, so he had to set up the altar of 36 Heavenly Stars in an attempt to gather the power of believers to become enlightened.

The Guanglin daoist is different. He relies on the cultivation of the earth evil, and he has many conditions to achieve it, so he can stabilize the cultivation.

Under the whole world, the most abundant place for earth evil is not on the ground, but in the underworld in the depths of the earth.

But how dangerous the underworld is, except for ghosts, living people go in to save the dead.

Although there are occasional leaks on the surface of the earth, the most precious veins of baleful aura in the world are always hidden deep in the heart of the earth.

During the battle of Monster Realm, Fang Dou saw with his own eyes that the baleful aura on Guanglin daoist were all ordinary things, obviously his collection was not rich.

In front of this Ghost General army, there is an earth shackle vein hidden on his body.

Faced with the threat of Fang Dou, the Ghost General of Double Hammers tried to break away the threat of Fang Dou Flying Sword with the help of Earth Sha.

"It's beautiful to think about!"

Fang Dou this move, with Flying Sword combined with thunder technique, with the help of the power of Huanghuang Nine Heavens, shot from above, it is a confident move. trick.

The attack power of this move is not much worse than that of Primordial Spirit.

even more how, no repercussions for Primordial Spirit Edgeworth yet.

“scattered ashes and dispersed smoke!”

Fang Dou angry roar, at the same time, the dark clouds above his head explode with thunder.

The thunder tore through the clouds, and in the dazzling light of the sky, a mass of light burst out, which was wrapped in the long-brewed bronze Flying Sword.

Swipe, the Flying Sword is the core, and the outer layer is circular rays of light, moving as fast as lightning.

The Ghost General army has forced out the Evil Land Demon, two big hammers covered with yellow rays of light, raised high and facing the Flying Sword that fell from the sky.

Boom, the ball of light fell, pouring down countless thunders like flowing water, covering the ground below like rain.

Ghost General's body was splashed with dirty air, like water droplets falling on a puddle, splashing muddy water.

Next moment, the scattered electric light began to gather, turning into a dazzling beam of light, covering the whole body of the Ghost General army.

Double hammer Ghost General, holding two balls of earth-yellow rays of light aloft with both hands, to fend off thunder.

The lightning bolts, like a life force, jumped and swam, attacked forward with no opportunity, trying to break the defense and electrocute the Ghost General army into coke.

Beside the Ghost General army, Ghost Fire Yin Qi tossed and was cut off layer by layer by electric light, but the total amount was still deep and abnormal, and it was still stubbornly resisting.

"break for me!"

Fang Dou thoughts move, the bronze Flying Sword instantly turns into rays of light, from solid to thunder.

The thunder turned into a beam of light, which suddenly soared, easily defeating the defense of the Ghost General's army.

Two big hammers, flying high, fell outside the hundred zhang.

The Ghost General, with his hands raised, struggled in the thunder beam, thinning his outline until finally disappeared.

“hu hu!”

Fang Dou breathes deeply, then haha size.

Although this time, the mana is still exhausted, but it is different from the last time when it was cheap.

This time, the two-hammer general is peak state, and Fang Dou defeated it with strength of oneself, which has far-reaching significance!

“Second Ghost General Army!”

Fang Dou shook the ghost book, absorbed Yin Qi of the Double Hammer General, and the ghost head on the iron plate showed a greedy look , crazy absorption.

A moment later, Fang Dou unleashed his double-hammer Ghost General army. Seeing this fat ghost, he clicked one's tongue in wonder in his heart.

be that as it may, the double hammer general is a foot general, and his overall strength is still not as good as the previous lance general.

Fang Dou thought about it, might as well collect some more Yin Qi to see how much he can strengthen it.

Count the time, the deadline for this bet is coming to an end.

Fang Dou no longer expanded outwards, but turned around and entered Shu, while strangling the wandering ghosts he encountered, collecting Yin Qi with the ghost book.

Double hammer Ghost General army, absorbed enough Yin Qi, and the body began to increase sharply.

This brute-force Ghost General army eventually became a huge body like a hill, and the big hammer in his hand was also as the tide rises, the boat floats, and it was enough to kill thousands of people with one hammer.

As for the Wu Di Sha in his body, it is also under the control of Fang Dou.

In the crown of Astral Fiend, there is a small snake-like vein that swims slowly and continuously, just like the earth-yellow's earth-yellow.

This Earth Demon is one of the Five Elements Earth Demons. It can also be cultivated with Fang Dou's cultivation technique.

"Well, I found a time to practice the practice, which is very beneficial to the cultivation!"

Fang Dou's current Five Elements inner practice method is considered to have reached the bottleneck. It's really good to use Astral Fiend The cultivation technique comprehending of the door.

(end of this chapter)

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