Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 476


Chapter 476 The Ghost Book mutation

After Yin Qi was absorbed by the Ghost Book, the evil ghost above burped, showing a satisfied look .

Fang Dou's heart skipped a beat, something must have changed.

From just now until now, the Yin Qi absorbed by the ghost book has been extremely impressive.

Fang Dou slaughtered hundreds of evil spirits one after another, and there were countless other nameless goblins, and the accumulated Yin Qi could form a huge lake.

With such a large amount of Yin Qi, how could they not be able to feed the evil spirits on the iron plate?

As expected, the magic weapon of the ghost book began to change.

Brush, a gray rays of light, brush from the iron tail section, spread to the top.

In an instant, the evil spirit on the iron plate's aura soared a lot, becoming more profound and distant.

In Fang Dou's mind, a message came, and he was overjoyed.

He held the iron card, swayed it against the ground, and shot a ball of Yin Qi on the spot, turning it into a ghost with a lantern.

This lantern ghost is the one that Fang Dou killed. He is holding a white paper lantern with a green Ghost Fire burning inside.


Fang Dou smiled and shook the iron plate again. The lantern ghost exploded on the spot, returning to Yin Qi in the sky.

Next moment, Yin Qi coagulates and turns into red-skinned 'blood grapes'.

This blood grape is also the one that Fang Dou killed.

Then, Yin Qi was restored again and turned into various appearances such as a 'ghost of a tongue'.

"As expected!"

This ghost book, after absorbing so much Yin Qi, began to transform, giving birth to a wonderful effect.

All the evil spirits killed by Fang Dou can be restored with this magic weapon.

But that's about it.

Fang Dou is not a cultivate Ghost Dao, having this ability is really useless.


Fang Dou also discovered that most of the Yin Qi absorbed by the iron-brand evil spirit was stored in the depths of the magic weapon.

In other words, Fang Dou can spend these Yin Qi to form a small army of wandering ghosts.

"It's still useless!"

Fang Dou thought to himself, he came to kill the evil spirits, and in turn manipulated the army of evil spirits, what could he do?

If you don't get it right, you will be mistaken by outsiders as a ghost soldier and unjustly killed in the hands of the sword cultivator.

"It's not feasible, it's not feasible!"

be that as it may, Fang Dou couldn't help it, and tried a couple of times.

Taking the Yin Qi in the iron card, you can form 500 'Ghost of the Mountain', 1200 of 'Blood Grape', 3000 of the 'Lantern Ghost', and 20000 of the 'Teacher Ghost'.

Well, the tongue-tied ghost is the weakest, so it can transform the most.

"If you don't ask for quantity, but gather on one body..."

Fang Dou started experimenting again, summoning the weakest 'tongue demon' and starting to pour Yin Qi .

Under the indoctrination of Yin Qi, this tongue-in-cheek ghost has undergone a wonderful change.

Originally, the tongue-in-cheek ghost is half human and half bird, with a bird head and a human body, with feathers all over its body.

However, with Yin Qi's indoctrination, the ghost's body was wrapped in a large group of rays of light.


Fang Dou felt it suddenly, as if breaking through a certain barrier.

The light group scattered, a thin old man with a feather cloak on his body, walking a few steps hunched over.

When he saw Fang Dou, he knelt down and saluted, "Du Zhong, the tongue-in-cheek ghost, I've seen the master!"

He also has a name, maybe he's an elite mobs!

Fang Dou squeezed the ghost book, raised his head and asked, "What skills do you have?"

'Du Zhong' pinched his mustache and said with a smile, " I have a tongue-in-cheek tongue, can speak and move people's hearts, and reverse black and white."

The so-called 'reversing black and white' is to create illusions and confuse people.

For example, if a sword cultivator enters the battle, suddenly encounters 'Du Zhong', is bewitched by him, and rushes into the countless formations of elite evil spirits, it must be a dead end.

This ability is one of the most powerful assistants in group battles.

"Good skills!"

Fang Dou found that Du Zhong, a tongue-in-cheek ghost, was at best a middle-class mage, and although there were many Yin Qi left, he couldn't improve any more.

So he guessed that maybe it was the limitation of the ghost itself, so he replaced it with a mountain ghost.

The mountain ghost was continuously instilled by Yin Qi, and his body did not increase but decrease, becoming as short as a child's height.

However, the original stone-like pit surface has become fine and smooth, and the texture has become more and more transparent.

"Gem monster!"

The mountain ghost was promoted to the higher level of mage, and his body became almost the hardness of a diamond. Although he was small, his strength was a thousand times stronger.

At this time, it was not easy for Fang Dou to use the Flying Sword to find a gap, because the opponent could manipulate his body to close the gap and forcibly clamp the Flying Sword.

"Sure enough!"

Fang Dou tried ghosts such as 'blood grapes' again, and found that the limit of improvement is the higher level of mage.

It is finally certain that the limit of ghosts raised by Yin Qi is the realm of the mage.

Fang Dou's eyes finally landed on the ghost on the iron plate. The ghost was full, closed his eyes again, and seemed to return to sleep.

“Where the hell are you?”

Once upon a time, Fang Dou also thought that what was sealed in the iron card was an elite evil spirit.

But now it seems that the trouble is not good, the owner of this ghost is a 'Ghost King'!

Fortunately, the evil spirit ate Yin Qi and fell asleep again.

Fang Dou can't even imagine that if he eats enough Yin Qi, will he get out of trouble and backlash himself?

You know, right now, during the Great Demon Slayer Festival, there are wandering ghost formations everywhere. This is ready-made food!

Fang Dou put away the ghost cultivator book and made up his mind that he would never use this ghost cultivator magic weapon again.

But, on the second day, he started to slap his face.

Because, after a night's rest in the ghost book, the iron card ghost head above it, the desire to eat again came out.

This time it's troublesome, the ghost head wakes up, it turns out that it's not a meal, but a meal every day.

Fang Dou wanted to suppress, but the evil spirit in the iron card, vaguely sending out a dangerous message, made him tremble.

There is no other way, so I have to continue beheading evil spirits and feeding iron cards.

Fortunately, after just beginning to wake up, the evil spirits in the iron card have less requirements for Yin Qi to eat.

This gives Fang Dou a little comfort.

Now I'm on a pirate ship, no, it's a ghost ship, and I can't go back empty-handed.

Fang Dou touched the chin , held up the ghost book, and summoned the school tongue ghost 'Du Zhong'.

Du Zhong knelt down and saluted, "What's the master's order?"

Fang Dou smiled, "I have something to trouble you, only a little pain!"


"Come on, look in this direction with a more natural expression!"

Du Zhong couldn't make up his mind, so he could only follow Fang Dou's instructions, one after another.

Next moment, Flying Sword sou sou flew over, beheaded Du Zhong, and exploded into Yin Qi in the sky.

A moment later, the ghost book shook, Yin Qi condensed again, and returned to 'Du Zhong'.

"Many thanks to you, you can go back and rest!"

The tongue-in-cheek 'Du Zhong' grimaced in pain, but still said, "It's the little devil's blessing to be able to serve the master. Son!"

Next, Fang Dou used the ghost book, summon the elite monsters of mountain ghosts, blood grapes, and lantern ghosts, beheaded one by one, and recorded them with jade slip.

Beheading elite evil spirits should give you a different score than ordinary evil spirits, right?

Fang Dou thought so, and continued to search for other kinds of evil spirits. With the book of ghosts, the newly unlocked copy of 'Philatelic', there are more interesting things.

(end of this chapter)

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