Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 299


Chapter 299 On the way home from Beijing

Fang Dou thought that he would be able to leave Beijing and return to his hometown after returning to the capital.

The capital suffered this great disaster. Every family was mourning, and every family was mourning.

This immortal punishment is fine in the Imperial Palace, but in the capital, both the poor and the rich have suffered disasters, and no one is spared.

Qilian's Imperial Tutor led the officials, allocated money and grain from the treasury, and assisted by the famous teacher Disciple.

Emperor Longguang lost his concubine Jin and once again favored Concubine Li, and the harem changed again.

Among the six ministries, although the Ministry of Rites lost Yuyanggong, the strength of the famous sects remained intact. The remaining Mohists from the Ministry of Industry, Legalists from the Ministry of Punishment, Farmers from the Ministry of Households, Soldiers from the Ministry of War, and Imperial Family from the Ministry of Personnel suffered casualties. heavy.

These six, originally the basic game of Emperor Longguang, finally collapsed this time.

Qilian Imperial Tutor took the opportunity to insert a lot of henchmen into it, but he didn't find out how many of these henchmen were disciples of famous teachers!

Scholar in the world, according to the broad concept, can be regarded as a famous teacher.

However, in a narrow sense, only those with the six arts of the gentleman who have the Divine Ability are the full members of the famous sect.

As expected by Shao Ziling, the famous sect also became one of the winners, taking the place of Baijia and starting to take charge of the path of humanism and luck alone.

The Imperial Court was running slowly, and it took a few days before the Buddha's birthday was dealt with.

Three thousand monks, each handing out half a bag of royal rice, a piece of silk and satin, monk robes and hats, returned to the monastery.

Fang Dou received the 'reward', his eyelids jumped, this little thing is not enough for the chicken Master's half-day meal.

It seems that Imperial Court is really out of money!

The reward was so shabby that many monks saw it with disdain and almost threw it away on the spot.

The good news is, it's finally time to go home.

Without waiting for Fang Dou to set off, the news of one after another came one after another, and the news flew into the capital.

The empire of Emperor Longguang is already unstable.

The first thing is that on the territory of the country, dozens of places in the north and the south, have successively launched floods, flooded the plains, and wiped out the villages and farmlands.

This is the repercussions of the Flood.

How much water was there at that time?

Kong Ziruo once said that one-third of the water will be sent to the sky, and it will take ten years to turn it into rain and snow.

A third of the water flows into the four seas and five oceans, raising the water level everywhere.

It should be noted that it is common sense that hundreds of rivers meet the sea.

This three-point flood has entered the ocean, raising the water level, and has lost its function of water storage.

The inland water veins had nowhere to vent, and finally broke through dams and flooded everywhere, causing floods.

After floods, there will be droughts, and this year and even the next will usher in a year of famine.

The second thing, the backlash of humanity and luck, is beginning to take shape.

Across the country, thieves swarmed, demons and ghosts entered the house, and the law and order deteriorated.

In the north and south of the Yangtze River, and inside and outside the Yellow River, there were people who organized riots, involving more than 100 of them, and the background of Taoism and Shimen was behind them.

In the past, military families were prosperous, and handsome soldiers from all over the country pacified the chaos, but it was a piece of cake.

Nowadays, the patriarch of the military, Niu Wu sent overseas, and the remaining giants competed for power and profit, fell into chaos, and could not send troops for a short time.

The third thing, the territory, the area bordering the barbarians, also began to burn everywhere.

The vast grassland, the Endless Sea, and the Western Desert, the alien races that had disappeared, began to appear one after another.

For a time, the beacon tower that had been inactive for many years rekindled.

Internal trouble and outside aggression, Imperial Court seems to be stable, but in fact, its feet are starting to loosen.

When Fang Dou was leaving, he heard that the Ministry of Rites was in mourning. They were Yuyanggong, Shao Ziling, and Kong Ziruo, and they thought it was necessary to pay their respects.

Shao Ziling has the grace to pass on the arts, and Duke Yuyang is Guan Ziqing's Master. As for Kong Ziruo, um, the other two have worshipped, and this is not bad.

On this day, the capital city was hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Yuyanggong is famous all over the world, Kong Ziruo is admired by the world, Shao Ziling is an Imperial Teacher, even more how, the three of them died for the country, and they are extremely proud.

Fang Dou went to the empty Spirit Hall first, bowed from a distance, saw the sword fragment, and it was put into the tomb.

In contrast, Shao Ziling's Spirit Hall is much less empty than complacent.

Fang Dou knew that this old man died of exhaustion in order to calculate the future.

With reverence, he knocked three times before getting up.

The last is the Spirit Hall of Yuyanggong. The first two are all alone, only this great Confucian, not only has many Disciples, but also countless followers of Confucianism.

even more how, famous teachers pay attention to the word 'proprietary', Spirit Hall has a solemn atmosphere, famous teachers' Disciples are arranged on both sides, and the etiquette of grief and music is meticulous.

As soon as Fang Dou stepped into it, someone greeted him and immediately took out Guan Ziqing's token.

"I'm here to kowtow in place of my friend!"

The one standing at the door to welcome the guest is also one of the Yuyanggong Disciples. Seeing Guan Ziqing's token, he raised his head in surprise, "You recognize Ziqing Junior Brother!"

Guan Ziqing is far away in the south of the Yangtze River, and he is the honorary of the county. Beijing.

However, Fang Dou replaces it, which can be considered to make up for the regret!

Other people in the Ministry of Rites also recognized Fang Dou's origin and released goodwill to him nodded.

"Fang friend, you can replace Ziqing Junior Brother to respect filial piety, it is a good story!"

Kowtow in the Spirit Hall of Yuyanggong is far from simple. Under the guidance of , three bows and three kowtows, every time I get up and kneel, I have to pay attention to it, which can be called complicated.

"As expected of etiquette!"

Fang Dou sighed one after another.

"Complete the ceremony!"

When Fang Dou was leaving, there were still Guan Ziqing's Senior Brothers exhorting, "Please convey on your behalf, Ziqing Junior Brother will serve as an official to benefit one party. , don't read the story of your teacher."

"Also, in addition to official duties, you can't waste your knowledge. This is the foundation of famous teaching!"

Fang Dou went three times in a row. A Spirit Hall, seeing the sun slanting west, it will be over if you don't leave the city. Recently, a curfew has been issued, and the city gate is closed at night, and you are not allowed to enter or leave!

Hurry up and hurry, and finally left the capital before closing the city gate.

Fang Dou relaxed, most of the 3,000 monks who came to participate have already dispersed, but including Fuyuan Temple, medium-sized and large temples are still gathered around the four Great Saint monks, asking for Buddhist scriptures .

No need to ask, what is going on inside Shimen!

But all this has nothing to do with Fang Dou, he just wants to return to Jiming Temple as soon as possible.

The way back home is even more difficult. The originally tight road was soaked softly by the flood, and it was difficult to walk.

Fang Dou can only traverse the wet mud-covered ground by using his sandals.

Fang Dou was still full of energy after the night, as the dawn was approaching and the morning star was about to emerge.

"It's time for the cultivation platinum breath again!"

He immediately found a clean place, facing the eastern sky, and began to breathe.

After dawn, Fang Dou slowly finished his work and was about to continue walking.

Suddenly, a tuk-tuk-tuk hoof sounded, and in Fang Dou's sight, a black donkey appeared, dragging a skinny Little Old Man on his back.

Little Old Man was dressed in black cloth. After seeing Fang Dou, he asked loudly, "This little brother, dare to ask this direction, but go to the capital?"

(this chapter end)

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