Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 283


Chapter 283 Fire and water daoist robe

Dead wood daoist, came to find Fang Dou, just on a whim.

As a Taoist daoist, if he appreciates a Junior, he should at least give some pointers.

However, Fang Dou did not enter the Taoist school, and was still involved in Shimen.

If it weren't for a daoist robe, related to a Taoist expert senior, he would certainly not condescend to see him.

"Little friend, this water and fire daoist robe needs to be nourished with mana before it will work wonders!"

Withered wood daoist, after a little mention, said goodbye to Fang Dou.

Of course, he didn't forget to remind Xiao Leshi and the others not to provoke Fang Dou early.

Master Xiao, a Taoist mage after all, with a high status, couldn't help but ask, "daoist, what is the origin of this side boy?"

In his opinion Like Fang Dou and other folk warlocks, even if they have innate talent, they will not be able to pass on the true Taoism, and they will eventually disappear from the crowd.

However, the dead wood daoist, who values Fang Dou so much, makes Xiao Leshi somewhat incomprehensible.

Withered Wood daoist sighed, "Martial Uncle, looking at this game, the layout is far-reaching. Every move he makes is for the future."

"This Fang Dou, even if he didn't choose it. He is also an important person.”

“Even the deity has to be polite, how dare you impudent?”

Music Xiao heard the words of 'Martial Uncle' The name, the shock in his heart is undoubtedly added, he has only heard of this name once or twice.

'Fengchen Martial Uncle' is the Legendary in the mouths of all Taoist daoists, and it is an expert at the level of 'Land True Immortal'.

How many Taoist young talents have not had the chance to see him, why Fang Dou, a side-door warlock like Fang Dou, can be favored by him?

"What kind of luck is this?"

Xiao Leshi suddenly felt nervous, remembering the indifference and contempt of himself and his wife when Fang Dou was sent back to Hongluan, and the attack this time. Invisibly, Fang Dou has been offended.

If one day, Fang Dou, with the help of Fengchen daoist, becomes a guest of Taoism, how should he deal with it?


Fang Dou returned to the restaurant, excited. Who would have thought that a daoist robe by trifling would have something to do with Taoist daoists.

He has also heard the legend that there is a Taoist daoist playing in the world, turning into a sloppy Taoist, beggar, and enlightening a fated person.

Once upon a time, Fang Dou was trapped in a broken temple and was looking forward to a miracle.

However, the left can't wait, the right can't wait, and finally the heart died.

A daoist robe, obtained by accident, is actually the close-fitting robe of a Taoist daoist.

Thinking of this, Fang Dou became vigilant, there is no fate for no reason in the world, Taoist daoist, impossible embarrassed to pawn daoist robe!

Even more how, this is another 'fire and water daoist robe' of Magical Treasure Level, it really needs to be marked clearly, cultivators in the world are flocking to it and can bid for sky-high prices.

Only one explanation, the master of the daoist robe, is plot against what?


Fang Dou shook the head, in any case, his level is too low, no matter what game he enters, he is a chess piece.

"Hey, I still have to go!"

Thinking about it, my eyes are like a fog.

Only then did Fang Dou understand why the three must have Divination Technique.

"This is to learn some methods of divination!"

Unfortunately, these methods are all secrets that are not passed on.

Fang Dou subconsciously, took out the tortoise shell given by Mr. Wen, and rubbed the surface lightly.

From Kuaiji County to the capital, the road is dangerous in size, with cracks all over the surface of the tortoise shell, close to the edge of scrapping.

This is a magical treasure, which has the effect of warning and avoiding evil, but it is a pity that it is gone when used up.

“First sacrifice and refine the fire and water daoist robe!”

Fang Dou reminded of the dead wood daoist, this daoist robe needs mana to nurture before it can exert its formidable power.

Previously, Fang Dou knew nothing about this treasure, and completely relied on the quality of the daoist robe to resist various attacks.

Rao is so, the ability of this daoist robe has far surpasses the imagination.

Fang Dou doesn't even doubt that if he encounters a daoist's shot and hits his body, the daoist robe must be unscathed, but his fleshy body must be shattered.

"Try it!"

Fang Dou immersed himself in the daoist robe, followed the mana into it, and began to explore slowly.

After looking at it, I finally found the peculiarity of daoist robe.

The material of the water and fire daoist robe is woven with the silk spit out by the alien silkworm, and refined by the secret art of the refining device.

The mana flows smoothly along the texture of the silk, as if it were an extension of Fang Dou's body.

"This is the peculiarity of the magic weapon!"

Through the daoist robe of water and fire, Fang Dou began to glimpse the profound mystery of the magic weapon. of proficiency.

However, even if foreign object is skilled, it is impossible to become part of the body.

Cultivation people have the difference between Magical Artifact and magic weapon.

The magic weapon, made of unique material and carefully refined, can accommodate the smooth operation of mana.

Magical Artifact is a bit weak by comparison.

Fang Dou's previously refined sandals are at the Magical Artifact level.

Comparing the two is like the difference between a car driving on a country dirt road and a highway.

Fang Dou's mana, running in the daoist robe, began to probe into the tip of the iceberg inside.

"so that's how it is!"

The refining of magic weapons and Magical Artifacts is based on 'Fu Qi Jue', 'Curse Equipment Jue', and 'Array Equipment Jue'. Base.

In the water and fire daoist robe, the Formation, large and small, is entrenched in the front placket, back hem, two sleeves and other parts, and then connected to each other with mantras and talismans.

Fang Dou was dizzy and eyes blurred when he saw it because of its complexity.

Nowadays, all Fang Dou can do is to slowly warm up with mana and activate the basic functions of the daoist robe.

According to his rough investigation, the water and fire daoist robe can not only resist attacks, but also resist fire burning, ice freezing, and resist various spells such as soul-defying and sound attack.

The premise is that Fang Dou can complete the fire and water daoist robe ritual with his own movement method.

"Hey, let's improve the daoist robe's defense system first!"

The enemies Fang Dou encounters today are still mainly physical attacks, so let's improve this first.

This is a 'Positive and Reverse Grinding Plate Unleashing Calamity'.

When Fang Dou's mana has not yet been refined, this great formation can only passively counterattack, mainly to protect the integrity of the daoist robe.

But recently, Fang Dou's mana has begun to enter the center of the big formation, inch by inch refining the foundation.

“hu hu!”

Fang Dou’s eyes were full of shock, how could there be such a magical Formation in the world?

According to his estimation, he can only refining the array at the moment, but to understand the Formation thoroughly, the master must be realm.

Fang Dou made rapid progress day by day. In addition to preparing for the Buddha's birthday, he made a daoist robe in the small hall.

The plan to tackle the snack street is put aside for the time being.

Time flies, and soon it will be Buddha's birthday.

In the early hours of the morning, it was just dawn, and the streets and alleys were silent.

Fang Dou wrapped in a daoist robe, put on the Buddha's birthday cassock, left the small hall, and went to the Temple of Sacrifices to meet.

On the day of the Buddha's birthday, three thousand monks chanted sutras and prayed for blessings from the early morning, and in the afternoon, there were Taoist daoists chanting poems and famous Confucians reading congratulatory chapters.

That night, another Dao Music Division presented a grand movement, and the concubine Jin danced, wishing the queen mother a long life.

(end of this chapter)

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