Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 263


Chapter 263 Family Law

Jie calm down, like a hundred and ten drums beating in disorder, but his expression pretends to be flat.

He stepped out of the crowd and stood in front of the first seat of the Heavenly King Palace. In the past, master and disciple had never stood so close!

Jieping raised his head and saw that the eyebrows of the first seat were almost completely white, and he felt a pain in his heart, "Master is a little old again!"

At this time, the first seat of Tennoji said, " Jieping, let me ask you, this time martial law happened, someone secretly put the fox incense in his incense burner!"

"This kind of pickled filth is specially used to shield all around, disturbing the five senses!"

"Who is it that did this poisonous attack on the same sect?"

Jieping's thoughts flowed in his heart, and he had already gone through his actions once, since Recognize that there is no weak spot.

Therefore, he took courage and replied, "Master, Disciple really doesn't know."

"But since the murderer started, there must be traces to be found, just go to the martial law Junior Brother room You can find clues!"

Jieping's remarks seem to be fair, but in fact, he is determined, and he does things cleanly without leaving any clues.

Listening to his words, the expression of the head of Tennoji became more and more sad, staring at Jieping and shaking his head, "Child, do you remember what I said to you?"

Jieping was stunned. He studied the scriptures in the first place, and he heard a lot of lessons under the criticism. He couldn't think of it for a while?

Before he could answer, the first one had already said, "You are too small, if you don't know how to control yourself, you are very likely to harm others and yourself!" Without looking at Jieping, he went straight to the abbot and bowed his knees, "Old man is guilty!"

"Junior Brother, please get up!"

The abbot glanced at the ring Ping, "The sin is on others, no need to take it upon yourself!"

Jieping a heart is like sinking into an ice cave, getting colder and colder.

When he opened his mouth, he couldn't even hear his own thin, gossamer voice.

"Abbot, Master, and Martial Uncles, please clarify, what did Disciple do wrong?"

Jieping felt grief and anger in his heart. Is it me who is under martial law?

Could it be that just because he is the son of the abbot, he should be partial to everything and ignore my years of hard work in Jieping?

"Jieping, you still don't know, what did you do wrong?"

The head of the Temple of Heaven, with his back to him, his voice was generous and steady.

“Disciple doesn’t know!”

Jie Ping gasped, “Someone must have framed me, Master, you are doing justice for me!”

“ Chi'er, you..."

Fang Dou watched anxiously, this Jie Ping would not admit it, so he would show evidence.

As an outsider, it's not easy for him to make a move. If he has the opportunity, if he attracts incense, he will be able to trace back to the person who started from the remaining ashes.

The abbot presided over and didn't bother to talk to Jieping, and turned to the first nodded of the Guanyin Hall, "You come to make him give up!"

From the face of the first seat of the Guanyin Hall, you can Seeing his characteristics that match this lineage, he is generally fair-skinned, male and female.

This first seat, according to legend, is also fifty-sixty years old, but from the appearance, at most, he is in his early thirties.

He walked to Jieping and smiled kindly, "Jieping, don't be nervous."

"Martial Uncle..."

The first seat of Guanyin Hall , put both palms together and shake out a lotus flower the size of a washbasin.

The petals of the lotus blossom out in turn, revealing a circular mirror in the center, standing vertically in front of the ring plane.

The head of the Guanyin Temple, said lightly, "Have you ever heard that I have a Divine Ability in Shimen, which is called the Buddha's Eye of the Past, Present and Future!"

Jie Ping's heart Convulsed, reluctantly said with a smile, "Could it be Martial Uncle?"

"Just kidding, Martial Uncle can't!" The daily chatting made Jieping's inner tension gradually recede.

Among the crowd, Xie Kong hung the rosary on his wrist and folded his hands together.

He was mourning in his heart, for the same sect of Jieping, who has a good relationship, because Jiekong knows that once the Master makes a move, no matter how you hide it, you will not be able to escape.

Jieping didn't know it yet, relaxed.

"However, Martial Uncle has a Divine Ability called 'Little Fate Mirror Art', which is worth seeing!"

"My Shimen has a 'Theory of Birth and Destruction', a There is a cause and effect in the world, and the line connecting cause and effect is the cause!”

“You can Erase the traces of external appearance, but cannot erase the residue of fate!"

"The mirror of small fate is to reveal the 'fate' hidden in all things!"

Jie Ping Feeling dry in my throat, I asked softly, "Is there really this Divine Ability?"

"Heavenly King Palace cultivates fleshy body Bodhisattva, and is not good at Divine Ability, and Xiaoyuanjingjing is Martial Uncle. I have a unique Divine Ability, so you can be forgiven if you don’t know!”

The first seat of the Guanyin Temple gently nodded, holding the lotus mirror in both hands, and said softly, “Don’t hide!”

Jie Ping was struck by the clear mirror light, as if being bound, he stood still.

The mirror light is like water, and it fluctuates a few times to restore calm. The scene that emerges inside makes Jie Ping horrified.

The monks all around saw the light of the mirror. When the monks were on their way, Jieping was sneaky, found a special incense burner for martial law, and stuffed a thing into it.

No matter what, this thing is 'Meihuxiang'.

Jie Kong closed his eyes, this same sect, he is finished.

Jieping felt chills on his hands and feet, but he couldn't hide what he thought was private.

Childish, too childish.


Jieping laughed out loud, out of breath.

Heavenly King Palace's first seat, with a very calm voice, "Abbot, Jieping mutilates the same sect, my Heavenly King Palace will never cover it up, and please send down the decree!"

The abbot presided over Qing sighed then said, "Junior Brother, how can I not know, he grew up with you, he is like father and son, but Jieping kills the same sect and colludes with demons, this is a taboo!"

The Heavenly King Palace was silent, and then said, "Please send down the decree and send Jieping to pass away!"

Jieping looked at his back with despair in his eyes, "Master!"

"That's it!"

The abbot presided over lightly sighed then said, "Pass on my decree, take Jieping back to Fuyuan Temple, imprisoned in the Tallinn guarding mausoleum, and can't take a step for the rest of your life!"

Jieping roared frantically, "If you want to shut me up to death, don't even think about it!"

"Why do you persist in your own wrong doings, you evil creature?"

Heavenly King Palace , stretched out his hand, golden light sank into Jieping's chest.

The young monk fell to the ground softly on the spot, his eyes widened, and he couldn't say a word.

"I used the method of 'locking the Golden Dragon' to seal the cultivation base of martial law. I can't use it in this life, and I'll be a waste for the rest of my life!"

"Send him back! "

This matter has come to an end.

Fang Dou sighed, although there is no martial law, on the Heavenly King Palace side, the relationship with martial law has become more and more tense.

But it is the best way to preside over it.

Jieping's secret murder of martial law this time is already a big cross, and it will be severely punished wherever it is placed.

Now that he has a life, although he will be imprisoned for life, he has already obtained mercy.

"Fang Dou, since we are both in Beijing, you and us will take care of each other!"

The abbot invited Fang Dou.

Fang Dou respectfully returned the salute, "many thanks, abbot, I will be grateful!"

So, Fang Dou followed the monks of Fuyuan Temple to the capital together.

(end of this chapter)

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