Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 259


Chapter 259 Hu Mei

This night, I sat and recited the martial law night, running the Shimen cultivation technique.

Since the last visit of Master Hai Yuan, he has performed outstandingly and has regained the appreciation of the abbot, and has resumed the treatment of key training.

The situation has changed, and other monks of the same generation no longer despised him in the past, but instead became more polite.

Later, the Buddhist son Jiexing of the Medicine Master Hall also formed an alliance with the Buddhist son Jiekong of the Avalokitesvara Hall and the Buddha son Jiekong of the Heavenly King Palace, forming a rivalry.

The younger generation of Fuyuan Temple already knows that these two parties are still strong candidates for the next abbot.

Due to its special status, martial law has a greater chance of winning.

My identity is different from the past, and quitting smoking is not like in the past.

These days, in order to perform after entering Beijing, the abbot presided more strictly and urged him to study hard day and night under martial law, which made him lose a lot of weight invisibly.

On such days, martial law felt extremely fulfilling, sweeping away the attitude of salted fish.

"hehe, next time I see Fang Dou brother, it will definitely be an eye-opener for him!"

It was late at night, the abbot and others were walking around the dilapidated temple Rest.

Outside the wilderness, on the ruins of the ruined temple, a light flickered.

The power of martial law within the body is abundant. In order to promote his cultivation base, the abbot presided over to take out the precious relic for his refining.

At the same time, the abbot did not hesitate to waste the cultivation base, using the method of 'empowerment', unnoticeable influence to enhance the root of martial law.

Fang Dou's eyes must have turned red with jealousy for such a generous treatment.

Born, just different!

"wu wu wu!"

The sound of wild dogs howling suddenly sounded in the ears of martial law, and the ears suddenly pricked up.

Strange, how can there be wild dogs in this wilderness?

Unknown to martial law, he was the only one who heard the howl among the members of the sangha who lived in the ruined temple.

In the incense burner sitting next to the collapse, the curling cigarettes are light and light, but the burning ashes are mixed with a few silver-like fluff.

"ao wu woo!"

The more you listen to the martial law, the more inappropriate it becomes. It doesn't seem like a dog is barking, could it be... a fox!

Unconsciously, the room where martial law is located has been shrouded in a layer of smoke, and it has become unreal, like a dream.

“dong, dong, dong!”

Someone was outside, knocking softly on the door.


Martial law thought, the rest of the sangha are sleeping, who doesn't have eyes, come to him at this time?

"The little girl got lost in the wild, please open the door for a night!"

Before martial law got up, he opened the hastily repaired wooden door, and when he saw the woman outside, he was stunned. Living.

The starlight is like water, like a robe, which sets off the white-clothed girl standing outside the door.

"High monk, the sky is dark and cold, please allow me in!"

Martial law looked at the woman for a moment, sighed, "Sorry!"

next moment, He closed the wooden door decisively and pushed his back against the door.

"When I'm stupid, come to my door very late at night, either a monster or a monster?"

Martial law patted his chest and began to recite the scriptures, "One day, I will be a Buddha in a monastery. ..."

Outside the door, the white-clothed girl bared her teeth, like a wild beast catching prey, "What a fat monk, he's not stupid!"

She fluttered her nose twice, smelling the aroma from the crack of the door.

"Meihu Fragrance only has half a moment's worth of effect left, so you must start it as soon as possible!"

As a lineage of Qingqiu, she is not too far away to provoke people in Shimen, but this time The difference is that the other party has an inner ghost, not only putting in the fox fragrance for her, but also tipping off the news and providing convenience.

Fox Incense is one of Fox Race's secret medicines. After it is released, it can seal a room and make it difficult for those who are close at hand to find it.

If the other party's offer was not too generous, the girl would not be willing to give up such a large capital!

"Monk, big brother, open the door, I'm afraid!"

The girl was outside the door, and she screamed. what's going on here.

Inside the wooden door, Amitabha was silently recited in the heart of martial law, and she ignored her.

These days, martial law and ascetic practices are finally effective, one has a solid Zen mind and is not tempted by foreign objects.

However, the girl is also a leader in Fox Race. With just a pair of voices, she draws a moving image in the listener's mind.

The martial law must be concentrated attention completely in order to resist the temptation.

Several times, his mind was turbulent, his hands were not obeying orders, and he was eager to welcome guests by the door and the wooden door.

However, whenever the fall is about to fall, the Sanskrit sound will suddenly sound in the ears of martial law, and the mind will be restored. This is the benefit brought by the abbot presiding over the initiation.

As time passed, the girl gradually became impatient and rolled her eyes.

"Good monk, since you are unable to tell good from bad, I don't have to be polite!"

Outside the door, the girl's hair on the temples exploded, and her eyes became Fierce, the reflection in the moonlight, vaguely stretched out two fluffy tails.

The martial law is still with eyes closed, scriptures are recited silently, remain unmoved.

He's not stupid, the Sangha has seven or eight Arhat Idols, and the abbot is deep and unmeasurable. As long as he can stick to his heart, no terrifying monsters can come in!

"Smelly monk, look at who this is, if he doesn't come out, I will kill him!" There was a person kneeling beside her, and her throat was clasped by her sharp claws.

"Fang Dou brother, what's wrong with you?"

Martial law was so startled that he broke into a cold sweat, he didn't expect it, and he saw Fang Dou thousands of miles away. .

No, it's an illusion, a sorcery by a monster to confuse me!

The martial law closed his eyes and kept reciting the scriptures in an attempt to dispel the illusion.

"Won't shed tears till you have seen your coffin!"

The white-clothed girl sneered, slicing the throat of 'Fang Dou' with a paw, blood pouring like a fountain come out.

Boom, the body fell to the ground with a muffled sound.

This time, martial law couldn't bear it any longer, and pushed the wooden door to pieces.

"You monster, dare to hurt my Fang Dou brother, I will fight with you!"

When he stepped out the door, he realized something was wrong, the body of 'Fang Dou', Disappeared in a puff of smoke.

The white-clothed girl smiled sweetly, "Just come out, come with me!"

I still want to struggle under martial law, but seeing the girl's smile makes my mind sink. His expression instantly became dull.

Next moment, he followed behind the white-clothed girl and left.

However, even the white-clothed girl didn't notice that she took the direction of martial law and was heading towards the town of Black Tortoise,

until the fox fragrance in the room. It was only after they were gone that someone discovered that martial law had disappeared mysteriously, and the entire Sangha was a sensation at this time.

"It's the demon fox of Qingqiu!"

The abbot picked up a few silvery fluffs from the incense burner. The attribute that charms all beings.

"But Qingqiu demon fox, why do you want to abduct martial law?"

"Evil creature has a heart, no need to guess, the top priority is to find martial law!"

Among the crowd, Jieping lowered his head and pretended to be heavy, thinking that it really did.

(end of this chapter)

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