Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 257


Chapter 257 Teaching

"Master, can you teach me another thing?"

Tianci finished listening to Fang Dou I didn't think about the conditions at all, I just thought that Fang Dou was testing him.

I'm only sixteen and I can get there on my toes.

Fang Dou here is considering that he is alone, practicing the wild fox meditation, and all kinds of people are gathered together, and they are not systematic.

He didn't even understand it himself, how could he have such a face to teach the discipline, isn't this a misunderstanding?

However, he thought he was thinking for God's gift, but in fact, other people's children were farther than he thought.

Tianci grew up in a small town and has never seen any expert. Even the divine man at the west end of the town, a handful of incense ash cures all diseases, is considered a great character!

He finally met Fang Dou, an 'expert', how could he be allowed to miss it, he tried his best to catch it!

Fang Dou's sixteen-year-old appointment is indeed from the heart, but it has become a strict condition for experts to hear it.

Sure enough, I am too weak, not worthy of the Master's condition.

Three year old first class warlock, thought Black Tortoise Primordial Spirit!

Fang Dou looked at the gift of heaven and felt a headache. The method of eating Qi has been passed down, and Purple Mansion Divine Lightning is not suitable for the other party.

Thinking about yourself, there really aren't many suitable spells to teach?

So, Fang Dou refused to accept his disciples because he was afraid of mistaking them.

“Master will teach you how to play thunder!”

Fang Dou had an idea, the other party has Black Tortoise Primordial Spirit, it shouldn’t be difficult for water vapor to turn into thunder!

A moment later, there was a bang, and there was little smoke.


Fang Dou spat out the grass clippings and saw a huge pit in the grass in front of him.


Tianci clapped his hands, "Master, this trick is too powerful, it's louder than our family's New Year's firecrackers!"

"Promise to be a teacher!"

Fang Dou looked serious and put his hands on Tianci's shoulders, "Don't use this trick when you fight with children in the future!"

Tianci frowned. Nose, proudly said, "I won't play with them in the future, we are also people of culture, and it's too bad style to compete with trifling urchins!"

Looking at the god-sent stinky fart, Fang Dou couldn't help it. , reach out and spank his little ass.

"Master, what else?"

Fang Dou gritted his teeth, "There are more powerful ones!"

He took out the 'Six Spiritual Disgust Technique' '' Yujue, erased the content, entered the secret skill of 'Ciaoyun Flying Sword', and handed it over to Tianci, "Good disciple, this is a secret that is not passed on to the teacher, and the requirements for aptitude are extremely high, not ten years of hard work. I can't get started."

"You accept it, even if you can't practice, the Master doesn't blame you!"

Tianci looked at Yu Jue, his eyes lit up, "Master , you trust me so much, you have to practice what God has given you!"

"Don't be greedy for success, we cultivation people must have a normal heart."

Fang Dou Touching God's head, I thought to myself that such an excellent child can't let him take a detour, so I have to say a few words.

"Godsend, you remember very much, we people of culture, the stronger the power, the greater the responsibility... ah!"

"come again!"

"Listen, if you still remember being a teacher today and imparting the kindness of your skills, you will remember it very well in the future."

"When you are strong, you must have weakness in your eyes."

"Strictly follow your heart, and you will speak out if you are not right!"

"Also, don't be a good person!"

Tianci was dumbfounded. reason.

He had a small head and kept pointing, "I listen to the Master!"

Fang Dou emphatically exhorted, "The cultivation techniques that the Master passed on to you should not be shared. You can't even be seen by outsiders, can you do it?"

Tianci's excited face dimmed instantly, and he was still thinking of revealing his identity as a 'cultivation Disciple' in front of his relatives and friends , had a high-spirited addiction.

But weighing the pros and cons, if it makes the Master angry, then it's not necessary.

"Master, I will keep it a secret and never let outsiders find out!"

"You don't have to keep hiding it. When you break through the Fourth Layer of the Qi-eating method, you can initially show your ability. !"

These days, first-class warlocks can settle down, and if God can break through the realm of the master, plus the thunder technique and sword technique taught by Fang Dou, they can protect themselves.

"That's it, there is a banquet in the world, take care, Master is gone!" Let's go!"

"You let me go!"

Fang Dou squeezed his sleeves, but was clenched tightly by God-given little hands.

"I still want to take you back, and let my parents have a teacher's dinner!"

"Release, release!"

Fang Dou tone Putting Wen Wenwen, "The apprenticeship banquet will be exempted. When you are sixteen years old, if you and I still have fate, you can make up for it!" Master, you must come back to see me when you are free in the future."

"Sure, definitely!"

Usually, these two words are equivalent to 'maybe'.

Fang Dou looked at the gift of heaven, still worried, and took the jade from his hand.

"I'll leave you a few more sword qi for the teacher to use for self-protection!"

Fang Dou has become more and more skilled in Flying Sword along the way, and his entry-level skills have become great. Accomplishment.

Previously, in front of the Jiang Family, three swords were fired one after another, destroying Emperor Yubi, Ghost Messenger talisman, and Taoist priest, which shows its formidable power.

The emperor's royal pen, which condenses the power of the king's law, has the power to suppress the spell in the world.

Ghost Messenger talisman, issued by Dao Sect, has the support of a branch of Taoism.

The Taoist priest is a first-class warlock, and his realm is higher than Fang Dou.

However, the three could not stop even a single sword, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke one after another.

Fang Dou finally realized how terrifying the formidable power of Flying Sword with purpose.

The sword dao that belongs to him has already begun to take shape.

With a smooth mind, Flying Sword can press forward and kill!

This jade pendant can be used to store cultivation techniques. Its texture is already extraordinary, and it has been refined enough to hold seven sword qi.

Fang Dou used his Flying Sword skill, and his palms flickered seven times, pouring them into the jade.

The seventh sword qi entered, a burst of light erupted from Yu Jue, followed by a slight cracking sound, obviously reaching the limit, and one more sword qi would collapse on the spot, turning into countless pieces.

"Okay, bring it on!"

Fang Dou suddenly had a bad taste and said to Tianci, "In the future, in the event of danger, hold the jade and shout 'Master Save me!"

Tianci relies on Innate spirituality to achieve a first-class warlock in one day, but whether it is fighting skills or will of the people is vicious, it is far from enough.

Therefore, Fang Dou left seven sword qi, enough to protect the gods and grow to the realm of the master.

This is his love for God.

Tianci held Yujue, "Master, won't you stay for a few more days?"

"No way!"

Fang Dou thought for a while, He took out a bag of golden leaves in his arms, mixed with a few pearls, and gave it to God.

“Hid it up secretly, use it later, and take it out again!”

“Remember, he that shows his purse longs to be rid of it!”

"Also, a real man can't be without money for a day!"

After doing all this, Fang Dou fiercely threw down his sobbing godsend, turned and left the town of Black Tortoise.

Hey, my great grandfather made it, it's so heartbreaking!

(end of this chapter)

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