Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 254


Chapter 254 Black Tortoise Town

Fang Dou Surprise!

Mrs. Liao killed Mr. Old Jiang, together with the two old servants who strangled her, and did not continue to kill.

"Have you made your wish?"

Fang Dou was surprised. With the formation arranged by Liao Wu, Mr. Liao turned into a demon, at least slaughtering the entire Jiang Family.

"Expert, I am an ignorant woman, and I also know the truth of revenge. The one who killed me was an old bastard of the Jiang Family, and has nothing to do with other women and children."

"Even if I am in my life. For evil spirits, I don't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately!"

Liao Shi got his revenge and slowly put it in front of Fang Dou, "Please also ask expert to kill me this evil spirit!"

Fang Dou was stunned, you are too reasonable, I can't do it well!

"Forget it, since your wish has been fulfilled, I'll simply send you over."

Mr. Liao bowed after hearing the surprise, "Thank you expert!"

Fang Dou nodded to her, "There is one more thing that needs to be settled by you."

Liao Shi recalled, turned into a gust of wind, and caught a shiver coldly middle age person from the Jiang Family mansion .

This person is one of Old Jiang's confidants, and desperately kowtows to Mrs Liao for mercy.

"Third Young Master, I didn't hurt you, don't kill me!"

Mr. Liao grimaced and threatened, "From now on, you can't stop for a moment. , hurry up to the county office and report this matter to the intelligence officer."

"If you dare to stop or slow down, I will eat you!"

Medium Nian servant rolled and crawled, and disappeared at the end of the horizon in an instant.

After half a day, the tragedy that took place here caused a sensation in the whole town of Black Tortoise.

The government sent an official to see the corpses scattered all over the place, and they were shocked.

It is not a trivial matter that an old official who retired to the countryside was killed, and I heard that it has also been implicated in strange legends such as evil ghosts seeking their lives and Taoist fighting methods.

The survivor of the Jiang Family, who was lucky enough to escape, would dare to hide it again, without omission and in detail.

At this point, Old Jiang's evil deeds announced the world, and he became a hypocrite that everyone spurned.

The well-known 'moral family' in the area has since disappeared, and after several generations, no traces can be found.

"You choose to be here?"

Mrs. Liao begged Fang Dou, took him to the ferry port, and asked for the degree.

"Yeah, when I joined the Jiang Family as a servant and got a fortune, it was from here that I sent Liao Wu away from home."

Mrs Liao looked at the Lianlian River. , with emotion.

"Now, the fifth child is dead, and I have been fulfilled with flesh and blood before I can avenge this great revenge."

"The Taoist priest, my sister and brother, are all here, Please forgive me!"

Fang Dou sighed, running Beast Dao's Divine Ability, releasing golden light from his palm and pressing it on top of Mr. Liao's head.

Familiar part again, Fang Dou can't help but sigh.

Beast Dao is Buddhaism Divine Ability, which is used to save the undead.

Hundreds of souls from Kuaiji County, Fang Dou has been transformed one after another these days, with no gain at all.

"The bald donkey is stingy!"

Fang Dou guessed that it was because he did not invest in Shimen, so he was not included in the merit system.

However, you can't be a monk, it's impossible in this life!

Liao's mood was calm, and the golden light quickly penetrated into the body, blooming brightly.

As the transformation progressed, the outline of this powerful corpse began to blur, and it disappeared without a trace.

Fang Dou didn't know that the ghost cultivator is the spirit material that ghost cultivators can't ask for. Even in the ghost book, there are several ways to refine the formidable power based on the ghost corpse.

If he was seen by the ghost cultivator for his behavior of humiliating Mr. Liao, he would be scolded as 'reckless waste of natural resources'.

“many thanks expert!”

Before disappearing, Mr. Liao folded his hands together, extremely pious.

A picture suddenly appeared in front of Fang Dou's eyes, which was the residue of Liao's memory.

Under the dark sky, the Sun, Moon and Stars retreated, Heaven and Earth were dark, and a sinister storm swept the four directions.

between Heaven and Earth, a tornado shaped like a funnel, whirling and wreaking havoc in all directions.

The whole town of Black Tortoise is shrouded in a storm.

Thousands of households keep their doors closed to withstand the tornado of the season. If there are living people and livestock who dare to go out, they will be immediately washed into the sky by the tornado.

This is unique to the town of Black Tortoise, and every winter, there are tornadoes that connect Heaven and Earth.

That year, Liao was only thirteen years old, hiding in the crack of the door, listening to the sharp wind outside the door, the storm slammed the doors and windows, like a thug trying to break in.

Suddenly, on a whim, Mr. Liao secretly peered through the crack of the door and looked outside.

It doesn't matter, it turns out that there is a huge monster hidden in the funnel-shaped wind roll.

The size of the huge monster is a hundred times more majestic than any mountain in the world, like a stone pillar between Heaven and Earth.

Mr. Liao can clearly see that this huge monster is like a tortoise magnified countless times.

But this tortoise is very different, with a mouth full of fangs and a python wrapped around its back.

This is not a turtle, but the legendary Divine Beast Black Tortoise.

Black Tortoise moved towards the sky, swallowing wind and rain in the sky, and a violent tornado rolled around, and a century-old tree can easily uproot.

This scene left a deep impression on Mr. Liao, but he never saw such a scene in the rest of his life.

After a long time, Mr. Liao also thought that it was his eyesight.

However, in the town of Black Tortoise, there are also many people who say that they have seen Black Tortoise, but they are the only ones who are sure and can't find a second proof companion.

Over time, no one believed it anymore.

This memory, before Liao's transformation, exists deep in his mind.

Fang Dou breathed deeply after reading it, "This town of Black Tortoise has a lot to offer!"

He took this trip, in addition to taking care of this injustice, he also The town of Black Tortoise is named after it.

Right now, Fang Dou's Purple Mansion Divine Lightning, the cultivation has reached the bottleneck, and is stuck on the kidney water Black Tortoise.

Ever since he heard the words 'Black Tortoise Town' in the inn, Fang Dou was more and more sure that this was his chance.

As expected, later in Liao's memory, he saw the back of Black Tortoise with a glimpse.

That domineering domineering is definitely the legendary Divine Beast Black Tortoise.

The town of Black Tortoise has tornadoes every year, and it must have something to do with Black Tortoise.

Fang Dou thought of this, raised his head suddenly, and saw the silly boy standing beside him.

"How did you forget him?"

Fang Dou took out some money and gave it to the silly boy, "Go back and do business!"

The silly boy shook his head , "I originally wanted to go back to farming."

"It's okay to farm!"

The silly boy said firmly, "There are so many people who have died wrongly in this world, and they can't afford it. She's homeless like a aunt."

"I plan to open a Yi Village at home to accommodate these poor people!"

"Your money , I accept it, and it must be used for practical purposes!"

Fang Dou is applauding nodded, "Although you are stupid in aptitude, you have a heart for kindness."

He started as a fool The department learned that Liao Wu didn't take him for a long time, and he didn't pass on any real ability.

Besides, when you open Yi Village, you often deal with dead objects, which will inevitably get you dirty!

"Forget it, I'll pass you some magic spells, which can be used in the future!"

Fang Dou took out half of the ghost book, selected Qi Refinement cultivation technique, and several spells , for the silly boy.

Although the aptitude is dull, the temperament is not bad and can be taught.

The silly boy remembered it carefully, "Don't worry, expert, we will definitely not embarrass you!"

(end of this chapter)

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