Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 244


Chapter 244 The Death of Man

Fang Dou felt that the scene he was in was too magical and realistic.

On one side, the left Elder was killing him wantonly, and on the other side, he took the opportunity to sound transmission to Fang Dou.

This one of the leaders of the Qianqiu Society has brutal methods and regards human life as a must, but at this moment, when talking with Fang Dou, he uses a negotiating tone.

Fang Dou could sense that the other party seemed to be threatening, but he was actually pleading with him.

However, the reputation of Qianqiu Club is too bad, and what it does is completely in line with the evaluation of inhuman and anti-social, Fang Dou does not want to have anything to do with them.

"If you don't listen, what do I ask you to do?"

Fang Dou said suddenly, "I'm not interested in Qianqiu Society's affairs!"

"It's not Qianqiu Club, it's my personal request!"

Zuo Elder's words are full of aging and tiredness, which is in stark contrast to the ferocity of his shots.

"To tell you the truth, I was originally a Taoist priest of the Hangyin Temple, and was later expelled from the Taoist Temple, and only after I joined the Qianqiu Society."

"I regret in this life. There are too many things, but this is the only thing I remember before I die!"

"After I die, you must help me and give me a word!"

"This sentence only involves personal matters, and has absolutely nothing to do with Qianqiu Society!"

Fang Dou thought about it, but still felt troublesome. thing.

"Thanks, you'd better find someone else!"

The elder left's voice became annoyed, "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you, and the elders around you and Companion?"

Fang Dou sneered and asked, "Look, who of these people around me is afraid of death?"

The left Elder's tone softened, "Just one sentence, I would like to present it with "Five Elements Secret Art"!"

"Are you putting me on fire?"

Fang Dou was furious, "Five Elements Secret Art" Art" is an Absolute Art of hanging print concept. After so many years of inheritance, people don't worry about outflow at all.

Anyone who works in Jiangnan area, even if they get this Secret Art, who would dare to cultivate and use it?

Do you really think that the Taoist priests who practice the concept of hanging seals are pure monks who read scriptures and pray?

The means of killing people just now are enough to make the civil warlock realize the prestige of the hanging seal concept.

The left Elder suddenly said, "Fang Dou, you really won't compromise?"

"Absolutely not!"

Fang Dou spread his hands, " After I finish speaking, you can come and kill!"

"Haha, I read it right, a person who encounters strong unyielding must also keep his promise!"

" Listen carefully, if someone comes to you in the future, tell him..."

The left Elder, not far away, suddenly stopped, as if disheartened, there were still folk warlocks screaming and fleeing they fled like frightened flocks.

At the same time, the cage of 'move mountain, collapsing sea' has been weakened to the extreme. The steel whip Daoist is holding a steel whip, and the air is cracked.

He saw the left Elder stop, the steel whip held in the air, "What's wrong with him?"

"The light is gone, death is not far away!"

Ming Xin yawned, feeling bored, took out his feather clap and waved it, instantly piercing the cage.

A colorful rainbow bridge emerges in mid-air, holding Mingyu up to the sky and falling towards Kuaiji Mountain.

"I'll go first, the mess here is up to you to clean up!"

With a lingering voice, Mr. Wen said politely, "Brother Senior, you're really good-natured!"

The Steel Whip Daoist thinks that the praise is too reluctant. Even I know that Mingyu Senior Brother has always been supercilious even in the concept of hanging seals.

At this time, on the shore of Taihu Lake, Elder Zuo suddenly took a step.

He took a step by step, moved towards the direction of the red fire flag, slowly approaching.

Other folk warlock relaxed, now it's the unlucky old man's turn to drink fire.

The red fire flag swayed, and a group of civilian warlocks saw this killing star coming, all of them were helpless, "Huo Lao, what should I do?"

"Stand to die!"

The fire-drinking old man roared.

In Fang Dou's ear, he heard the left Elder, and it took a long time to say that sentence.

"The culprit of the Qianqiu Society is the Akihiko Akihiko, an abandoned disciple of the Hangyin Guan!"

After a long silence, Elder Zuo became nagging and kept asking Fang Dou.

"Old man, I am full of evil, I have done all the bad things, death cannot wipe out the crimes, but you are a man of justice, and you will definitely keep your promises, right?"

"This sentence I will definitely convey the words, but who is that person? You should tell me!"

At this time, Elder Zuo had already approached, and under the pressure of his gaze, the entire Red Fire Banner's troops, Back and forth again and again.

"When you meet him, you will understand!"

After saying this, Elder Zuo disconnected and suddenly smiled, "Just to give you a big credit. !"

He opened his arms, flung the civilian warlocks on the left and right, stopped in front of Fang Dou, and sighed, "What are you waiting for?"

Fang Dou He lifted the steel rod and said softly, "Offended!"

next moment, the steel rod was like lightning, inserted into the left Elder's chest and pinned him to the ground.

Exclamations sounded from all around, no one didn't expect, the seemingly majestic Zuo Elder, in fact, ran out of fuel, but was picked up by Fang Dou.

Rumbling, in the Taihu Lake, the effect of 'move mountain, collapsing sea' is eliminated, and the lake water smashes into the sky, submerging the mountains.

The cage was broken, Daoist Steel Whip, Mr. Wen and Heavenly King Palace Arhat, immediately rushed to the shore and saw the body of the left Elder.

"Who killed him?"

A moment later, a name came up.

"Jinling County loose cultivator, Jiming Temple Fang Dou, belongs to Chihuo!"

Mr. Wen heard and recognized Fang Dou, said with a laugh, "Sure enough It's this kid."

The three of them had seen Fang Dou on Tianchi Mountain before, and now they saw that he killed Elder Zuo, and there was no doubt at all.

Heavenly King Palace's Arhat didn't feel anything at first, but suddenly there were a few monks beside him who stepped forward and explained in his ear.

"What, did he walk very close to martial law or the precepts of the Hall of Medicine Masters?"

He brought all monks from Heavenly King Palace, never met Fang Dou, But after hearing the name of Fang Dou, in contrast, I recognized Fang Dou in the next county.

"Yes, some time ago, this person was invited to fight against the martial arts in Arhat, defeating Jingkong and Jingxing's foreign aid. It is said that the means are not weak!"

Heavenly King Palace Arhat listened, silently nodded, "Got it!"

Competition among juniors is a good thing, Fang Dou is also one of the foreign aids of Fuyuan Temple.

He, the Arhat, is not interested in standing up for the Buddha.

Purple Qi Rising From The East flag and the money flag approached, Bai Sancai and Sheng Zhi ordered happily over, "Young and promising!"

Fang Dou's thorn today can be described as It is famous all over the world, and as a warlock, he killed the left elder of Qianqiu Society. This is a serious mage.

This story is enough to be written into a Legendary novel and spread all over the world.

Whether it was a bargain or not, Fang Dou's record of killing the left Elder should be counted on Fang Dou's head.

Qi Lie put his arms around Fang Dou's neck and kept talking.

"At that time, the old monster killed me, and my mind went blank, thinking it was over."

"The brothers next to me are probably similar to me, and there must be others. I peeed my pants!"

"But, no one didn't expect, Fang Dou brother, you are so mighty!"

"Everyone said it was you who tried one's luck, this is all It's bullshit, with so many people present at the time, who has the courage to step forward?"

"Fang Dou brother, I'm convinced, in terms of courage, you definitely surpass me!"

(end of chapter)

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