Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 241


Chapter 241 Imaginary formation broken

That night, when everyone was sleeping, they suddenly heard a strange sound.

It was like the sound of a thousand thick sheets being folded and torn in half.

For a time, there was an uproar on the shore of Taihu Lake, and the civil warlocks got up one after another and went to check the situation.

The mountains that were originally dark have now become 'brightly lit', and five peaks have erupted like volcanoes, blazing fire, and rising with thick smoke.

Shuitian imaginary formation has been broken, and the real scene inside is exposed to everyone.

The left Elder performed the 'Five Elements Mountain' secret skill, which stimulated the five mountain peaks, like a large formation, locking the black clouds of the Old Ancestor in the mid-air.

Five mountain peaks, one golden-bright and dazzling, seems to be hiding thousands of red gold, one is full of green, already covered by forest and grass, one waterfall overflows and drowns the peaks everywhere, one incarnates just awakened. Volcano, no matter it is the top of the mountain, hot lava sprang out in all directions, the last one, the plants, trees, birds and beasts are gone, only the thick earth and rocks are left, blooming with yellow light.

Five high mountains, distributed according to specific directions, are entangled with each other, the formidable power is multiplied, and the area above the head is locked.

Old Ancestor's ghost cry and gloomy formation, desperately expanding and rolling, weakened the lock brought by Five Elements Mountain.

At the same time, the right Elder stood on a pinnacle next door, and the gathering soul flag grew to a hundred meters long, extending all the way into the deep valley at the bottom of his feet.

On the Soul Evocation banner, thousands of evil spirits and souls moved towards the sky and roared. If the evil spirits in the dark clouds fell, they would surely entangle and bite, irreconcilable.

The two Elders worked together to block Old Ancestor's attack.

"Old ghost, how dare you deceive me that there is no one in the Qianqiu Society?"

The right Elder was extremely happy and declared war loudly.

The Old Ancestor said, "The daoists of the Qianqiu Society are very talented, and even the 'Five Elements Mountain' of the hanging seal concept can make my Beimeng** eye-opening!"

This sentence was not only heard by the three fighters, but also by the civilian warlocks on the shore.

In an instant, many eyes focused on Daoist Steel Whip.

To this day, the identity of Daoist Steel Whip is no longer a secret. Everyone knows that he is a person from Hangyinguan.

However, the big guy agreed to attack Qianqiu Club with you.

But among the prominent figures of Qianqiu Society, there are people from your Qianqiu Society. What's the matter?

In addition, the accomplishments of the 'Five Elements Mountain' in front of me, I am afraid that even the Steel Whip Daoist may not make it out.

Mr. Wen asked softly, "Steel Whip Fellow Daoist, is there something I can't tell you?"

"I'm sorry, I can't say anything before Brother Mingyu comes?"

The Heavenly King Palace Arhat next to it was originally unperturbed, and was twisting the rosary in his hand. After listening to it, he couldn't control his emotions and forcibly crushed the beads.

"What, did you send Mingyi out?"

Arhat's face, the expression of hell, was clearly like 'fighting a local war, how do you use nuclear weapons' .

Mr. Wen knows that Mingyu is the number one expert of Hangyin View, and the current affairs of Qianqiu Society can actually let him go out in person, which shows that the involvement is too deep.

One of the two elders of Qianqiu Society has an unclear relationship with Qianqiu Society. This is something witnessed in public and cannot be washed clean.

The Daoist Steel Whip pointed to Five Elements Mountain, "You just need to know that this person is an abandoned disciple of my hanging seal concept, and now has nothing to do with this sect!"

hehe, abandoned Only this move, who can't use it?

Mr. Wen smiled calmly, stroked his beard, Heavenly King Palace Arhat, resumed his previous calm and composed appearance, and continued to play the rosary.

The three masters Peak Level don't fight each other, stirring the Taihu Lake into a pot of boiling water, with blisters rolling and turbulent waves everywhere.

The famous mountains that have been moved around can be regarded as a disaster. If you are not careful, they will be collapsed in large pieces. If you want to come back to the original owner, you will not be able to return it completely.

Tu Old Ancestor fought for a long time, and saw that the two elders were not disguised, as if they really didn't know the whereabouts of the 'Ghost Book', and already had the intention of retreating.

The reputation of their Mount Mang ghost cultivator has never been very good. In the home field of the Central Plains, they are cautiously. Now that they are in the Jiangnan area, they are not familiar with the place of life, so they must not capsize.

On the shore of Taihu Lake, there are people from Shimen, Taoism and Mingjiao. If they are injured in the Old Ancestor drama, the other party will definitely have the idea of 'eliminate demons protect the dao'.

Hey, people of justice, we have to guard against it!

Thinking of this, Old Ancestor's tone suddenly turned to one side, "You Qianqiu Society, now you have powerless to defend yourself, do you really want to continue fighting with me?"

The left Elder pointed at the messy In the mountains, under the messy gravel, the broken corpses could not be concealed, and the downed monsters could not escape.

"Old ghost, you ruined the foundation of my Qianqiu Society. Today, I will be irreconcilable with you!" It's not wise to fight with me for the sake of these few lives?"

Ghost cultivator In his heart, except for himself, human life is as cheap as a piece of shit.

"Old ghost, you really turned into a ghost today!"

The right Elder was extremely angry and greeted his companions, "What are you talking about with him, kill him!"

To be honest, the two of them are really not afraid of being caught by others.

The ability of the three steel whip Taoists, the two Elders knew in their hearts, were not qualified to be fishermen!

"Kill the old ghost first, and then force the steel whip back!"

The two Elders were furious and did not hesitate to use the power of the Tiangang altar.

For a time, the mountains swayed, as if to acknowledge allegiance in a certain direction.

The Tiangang Dharma altar mastered by Qianqiu Society was finally displayed in front of everyone.

Rumbling, a huge altar, three hundred meters in diameter, slowly rises from the mountains.

“Five Elements Mountain, set Five Elements!”

The left Elder sent the Tiangang altar into the Five Elements Mountain, and in an instant, the five peaks became more charming.

Lightning of different colors began to wrap around the mountain peaks, winding like a dragon.

Five Elements Mountain got the boost of Tiangang altar and suddenly soared.

Tu Old Ancestor sank abruptly, and the ghosts fell involuntarily, like iron filings attracted by a magnet.

In Five Elements Mountain, one after another thunder rises from the ground, and it is about to rise to the sky, splitting the evil spirits in the dark clouds.

The right Elder also shot, he threw out the soul gathering banner, turned into an endless veil, covered the black cloud all around from a high altitude, making it impossible to escape.

The two Elders have joined forces to bring Old Ancestor into an invisible cage.

"Old ghost, haven't you inquired about it before you came?"

"Come to Jiangnan, don't mess with anyone, don't mess with Qianqiu Society, you kill yourself, don't blame others!"

The two elders worked together to compress the ghosts and sorrows to 1% of the original, gradually revealing the outline of Old Ancestor.

This person is wearing a black robe, with a thin body, hiding in the rolling black clouds, and is desperately casting spells.

"Steel Whip Fellow Daoist, if the two elders of Qianqiu Society win, should we deal with us next?"

Mr. Wen sighed, "What should we do next, Are we going to do justice, or do we keep the useful ones for the future?"

Heavenly King Palace Arhat also looked towards the Daoist Gangbang, waiting for the answer from the other side.

This time, the Qianqiu Club was wiped out. Hangyin Guan had the home field advantage and was the initiator. Naturally, he had to assume the position of the main attack. The other two, who could send Mr. Wen and Heavenly King Palace Arhat, were already doing it. To the extreme, impossible to send reinforcements.

(end of this chapter)

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