Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 238


Chapter 238 My Pot

There are two Elders on the left and right, who are in a rush at the moment.

The Qianqiu Society, entrenched in Kuaiji, Weiyang and Jinling, secretly attracted the folk warlock to join the society, and its forces developed by leaps and bounds.

It didn't take long for the power to threaten the three great families.

This time, Hangyin Temple and Fuyuan Temple, together with the official forces behind Mr. Wen, joined forces to kill Qianqiu Society, which is very telling.

The bigger the crisis, the bigger the reputation you get if you get through it.

It is conceivable that if Qianqiu Society can win this match, it will become a famous Great Influence like Phoenix reborn from the ashes.

The two Elders on the left and right, immediately reported to the Altar Master and asked him to come back and preside over the overall situation.

At the same time, it was ordered to divide the forum in various places, stick to the place, and wait for the order.

As for Taihu Lake, where the main altar is located, the Tiangang altar has been moved to famous mountains from all over the world, and the imaginary formation has been set up.

Everything looks, where water flows, a canal is formed!

However, the development of reality soon exceeded expectations.

First, there was no news from the Altar Master, not even the slightest bit of news.

On the Qianqiu Club side, although there are no leaders, the two elders usually preside over the affairs, so they didn't panic.

However, the speed of the enemy's onslaught was beyond Qianqiu Club's expectations.

They didn't expect in their dreams, and the three families, including Hangyinguan and Fuyuan Temple, ended up in person, entangled a bunch of folk warlocks, and launched a massive crusade.

Qianqiu Society recruits people, and it is not uniform. Usually, in order to collect materials, Pill Recipe, catch the living, and act by fair means or foul, it has already caused anger and resentment.

Without the concept of hanging seals, the folk warlocks are all scattered, and no one dares to come forward.

But now, the situation is different, the civil warlock is in order, several branches of the Qianqiu Society have been removed one after another, and even the chief mage has died several times.

The two Elders, the distressed mages who can guard one place, are both shrewd and capable Generals.

Once these people die, no matter how many warlocks there are in the general altar, there will be some weak stems and strong branches.

Fortunately, the two elders on the left and right are all at the level of the mage Peak, and the other party is big, and only sent three people: Steel Whip Daoist, Mr. Wen and Heavenly King Palace Arhat, and the rest are civil warlocks.

With such a comparison of forces, the Qianqiu Society has a great chance of winning!

Therefore, Qianqiu Society calmly arranged the imaginary formation of Shuitian, waiting for work, waiting for the future enemy to be wiped out.

Didn't expect, opened a net, just caught a few small fish and shrimp, and rushed in a huge monster.

Mount Mang ghost cultivator, Old Ancestor.

The Central Plains is a place where all influences must contend. Mount Mang ghost cultivator can occupy this place and endure the annihilation of all directions without falling. Its ferocity and power are universally recognized.

Tu Old Ancestor is also a powerful man among the mages. He has a place in Mount Mang. Qianqiu Society has heard of it for a long time, but he only knows that he is happy in the Central Plains, and he has never been to Jiangnan.

This old ghost suddenly came and broke into the imaginary formation by himself. With the ghost crying and worrying, he brought down all the young men of Qianqiu Society.

Shuitian imaginary formation can stop the Steel Whip Daoist and the others, but it cannot stop the giant crocodile Old Ancestor.

As soon as Tu Old Ancestor came up, he moved towards the two elders and asked them what 'Book of Demons'.

If the two elders can really take it out, they will definitely not hold on to it. At a critical moment, it is better to do less than one thing more. Let’s send this god of plague away!

However, I can't get it out!

It can make Tu Old Ancestor travel thousands of miles and come to the south of the Yangtze River to ask for it. This 'ghost book' must be a very precious treasure.

This kind of treasure, if it falls in the Qianqiu Society, how can it be hidden from the two Elders?

No, just no!

At first, the two Elders patiently explained for a long time, but the Old Ancestor remained unmoved, again and again, threateningly.

"If you don't hand over the ghost book, I will kill all of you and your subordinates!"

Tu Old Ancestor pointed to the ground. He has been hidden in many caves, but unexpectedly, he was cast a spell, blocked his mind, and fell into a coma.

"Won't shed tears till you have seen your coffin!"

old ghost coldly snorted, there were seventy or eighty ghosts on the spot, and the souls were drawn out of the coma, hum Killed without humming.

These living souls are submerged in the dark clouds above, which further complements the formation of ghosts and sorrows.

"Old ghost, do you dare?"

The left elder was angry, and a small sign flew out from his cuff, which rose in the wind and instantly turned into a three-meter-high figure. Soul Evocation streamer.

The wind was strong, and on the surface of the gathering spirit banner, there was a shrill sound of howling ghosts and wolves.

“ao wu!”

A ferocious evil spirit struggled to climb out from the gathering spirit banner, moved towards the black cloud above his head and roared.

"such insignificant ability, it seems that the ghost book is really not in your hands!"

Tu Old Ancestor shook his head, this magic weapon is too rough, but if the other party has seen it Ghost books, all impossible only have such a level.

No, he clearly found out that the fugitive slave hid in the Jiangnan area and joined the Qianqiu Society.

"You two, hand over that fugitive slave!"

The right Elder was furious, "What fugitive slave, you don't say his name, how do we know who it is?"


"That fugitive slave is extremely cunning, he has already changed his face and his identity and name has changed!"

Tu Old Ancestor said coldly, "But, he will definitely bring the treasure of the ghost book. On the body!"

"How can we find this?"

The left Elder coldly snorted, "Don't talk to him, fight!"

"Mountain With Five Elements, the force locks the sky!"

He stretched out his hand, tapped all directions, and pointed out five directions neatly.

There are five hills that outline the pentagram.

The mountains shimmered with rays of light, emitting rays of light like pillars of smoke, straight into the sky, and inserted into the black clouds under the cloth of Old Ancestor.


In the dark cloud, countless evil spirits struggled, as if being stabbed by a needle or scalded by boiling water, they all wailed in agony.

The ghost crying and sorrowful cloud formation, which was raging and rolling, shrunk a lot in the blink of an eye, and was firmly fixed above the five mountain peaks.

“Five Elements Mountain!”

Tu Old Ancestor looked thoughtful, this is one of the unique spells of the hanging seal concept!

His eyes fell on Elder Zuo, "didn't expect, in Qianqiu Club, there are people from Hangyinguan?"

Elder Zuo coldly snorted, "I won the prize. , trifling is the next, just an abandoned disciple!"

"Those who are sensible, hurry back, we don't care about you!"

Tu Old Ancestor fell into contemplation, as if weighing the pros and cons.

At the foot of the mountain, a group of people were perplexed and did not understand what was going on?

Fang Dou's heart was bright, and the ghost book in the mouth of Old Ancestor was probably the half that Yan Venerable had in hand.

The two groups of people in front and back of them all broke in from the outside world, just wandering on the edge of the mountains, belonging to a fish that escaped the net, and were not covered by the ghosts and sorrows.

The two sides are fighting, and there is no time to distract them. If there is a winner, no matter whether it is the murderous Old Ancestor or the two Elders of Qianqiu Society, neither side will let them go.

"Brother Qilie, we should retire!"

Fang Dou coughed, reminding Qilie.

Qilie stared at the rolling black clouds, imposing in a terrifying manner, thinking that the news must be brought back.



(end of chapter)

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