Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 226


Chapter 226 Reversing Black and White

"Young man, you discovered Ou Qinghe!"

Mr. Wen He walked slowly, his temperament was as warm as jade, and he asked slowly.

Fang Dou gently put Feng De down, with a sad face on his face, "Brother Feng De volunteered to lead me to track down the whereabouts of Qinghe in the district."

"didn't expect, but He was injured by Ou Qinghe, and the bandit leader was also brutal. He said that he wanted to kill him and let Daoist Steel Whip taste the pain."

"It's my incompetence, I can't fight Ou Qinghe, and I can't beat Ou Qinghe. I can't save Brother Feng De!"

Fang Dou was so annoyed that he kept tearing his hair.

Hey, is such an extraordinary performance worth an S-Rank room card? Pooh!

The Daoist Steel Whip was flushed with anger, and kept driving the Steel Whip, smashing Ou Qinghe with one blow.

Ou Qinghe used various spells, either unloading or carrying hard, and the rock formations under his feet were cracked, but he became more and more powerless.

One side is angry, and the other is trying to escape, no matter how you look at it, it's not evenly matched!

Heavenly King Palace Arhat is standing next to him, fighting for the Steel Whip Daoist. Once Ou Qinghe wants to escape, he will encounter his Iron Fist!

Mr. Wen stretched out his hand and pressed it on Feng De's forehead and chest. His hand was soft and his skeleton was shattered.

Looking at the daoist robe fragments again, he shook his head on the spot, "It's a pity, after all, I can't stop the full strength attack of the mage realm!"

Based on these evidences, he has already judged that Feng De Shi was poisoned by Ou Qinghe, and even a body protection daoist robe could not stop him.

Fang Dou relaxed, it seems safe.

However, Mr. Wen immediately raised his head and stared at Fang Dou.

"This Little Brother, I heard you just now, call him Brother Feng De?"

"Yes, Brother Feng De and I met on the mountain!"

Mr. Wen asked with a smile, "Then, you must know that Feng De is a disciple of Hangyin Guan?"

Fang Dou's heart skipped a beat. , how could it be brothers with the folk warlock?

If this question is not well explained, all previous efforts will be in vain.

This Mr. Wen is worthy of being an expert from a famous teacher.

Fang Dou sighed, "Brother Feng De, although he is arrogant, he is jealous of evil!"

"When he was going up the mountain, he accidentally bumped into me and killed the demon, and he greatly appreciated it. Just let me follow behind him and think he's driving!"

"I'm also a face, just call him brother Feng De!"

"It's a pity, now that Yin and Yang are separated, I can't see Brother Feng De anymore!"

Fang Dou said here, covering his face with his sleeves and sighing, "Life is really difficult, how is death like? Woohoo!"

This sentence, from a sacrificial text, is one of the lessons of the famous Disciple.

Mr. Wen listened, his eyes lit up, "You also read the articles of famous teachers?"

"I understand a little bit, let Mr. laugh!"

Fang Dou tidied up his sleeves and bowed down to Mr. Wen.

Mr. Wen looked at Fang Dou's expression, and became more and more surprised. He thought that this young man was just a mediocre folk warlock, but now he has the famous realm of the basic introduction court.

Strange and weird!

Folk warlocks often pursue spells with great formidable power, and there are many Taoist sidemen of cultivation, or Lesser Stage of Shimen, but they rarely practise famous teaching methods.

Because of the ability of famous teachers, most of them are in self-cultivation, One with Heaven and Earth, and they don't care about fighting and fighting these trails.

Mr. Wen participated in the siege of Qinghe in the area before, and he took a sharp shot, but in his heart, he still believed that writing and writing was the right way.

Nowadays, I have an unexpected joy. I found that Fang Dou is a relic among the folk warlocks, and I suddenly felt the love of talent.

Famous teachers pay attention to education for everyone, irrespective of background. As long as they read my articles and agree with my experience, they are my colleagues.

"It's good that you can keep reading!"

At this moment, Mr. Wen's doubts about Fang Dou were swept away. Could scholar be a bad guy? can not.

Fang Dou hurriedly asked a few questions, "I am studying and studying, and I have hidden a few questions. I have been suffering from not having a famous teacher. Would you please advise me?"

This move, but I was scratching my head. Mr. Wen's itch, he laughed heartily, "I'll answer one or two for you!"

"dong!" Sallow, obviously suffered a big loss.

As soon as the steel whip Daoist grasped the steel whip, the airflow above his head rolled, obviously using his true power.

"Don't even think about running away!"

Ou Qinghe gasped, "You stupid old man who doesn't distinguish between loyalty and guilt, someone else killed you Martial Nephew."

As expected, the Daoist Steel Whip was so sure that he was furious, "I want to make a quibble!"

Mr. Wen spoke up, "Ou Qinghe, do you mean to say that it is this Little Brother? , hurt Feng De?"

Fang Dou heard this, his heart tightened, what happened?

Ou Qinghe listened, nodded again and again, "You are the one who understands!"


Mr. Wen smiled lightly and pointed at the steel whip. The Taoist asked, "Steel Whip Fellow Daoist, do you believe it?"

"I believe his grandma's legs!"

The Steel Whip Daoist was extremely angry, "Deceiving the old man On top of my head, my Martial Nephew body was smashed to pieces, besides you, who else has such means?"

"If you want to plant a slander, at least find a reliable explanation!"


Right now, Fang Dou trifling second-class warlock, absolutely can't do this.

Mr. Wen said with a laugh, "This thief things have reached a dead end and started to sow discord, trying to distract me, Steel Whip Fellow Daoist don't have to care about him."

No one will believe the truth. Ou Qinghe feels that he is more wronged than Dou E.

Swept his eyes and saw Fang Dou faint smile, like a provocation to him.

"You little thief, before I die, I will kill you first!"

Ou Qinghe flew into a rage out of humiliation, fiddling with his palm towards the void, and instantly rose. Pick up a Fireball the size of a washbasin.

This is the real spell formidable power, you can transform the thunder into wind and fire by manipulating Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi without chanting the spell.

Unfortunately, this group of Fireballs flew towards Fang Dou.

Although the Fireball was slow, the temperature was so high that the stones on the ground were beeping and cracking appeared on the surface.

Fang Dou was so burned that his mouth was dry, thinking that even if the fire-drinking old man used the firearm himself, it would not be as good as Ou Qinghe's casual blow.

At this moment, he looks dangerous, but he is extremely safe.

As expected, Arhat of Heavenly King Palace, with golden light wrapped in both fists, took a few steps forward, punched Fireball.

Diffuse Heavenly Fire light, which could not burn through the golden light, but was smashed by huge fists on the spot.

"Ou Qinghe, do you want to kill a witness to silence them?"

I can't tell!

Ou Qinghe now has nowhere to redress his grievance, his mind is confused, and he suddenly calms down.

Why are you fighting to the death here?

"Everyone, I won't accompany you any more, goodbye!"

Ou Qinghe spit out an earth-yellow bead, which exploded on the spot, covering his body with natural yellow smoke.

"Not good, this is a dungeon!"

When the steel whip daoist saw it, he hurriedly threw the steel whip, only to destroy the afterimage in time, and landed on the rocky ground. Punch out a pit two meters in diameter.

Mr. Wen, Heavenly King Palace Arhat, looked thoughtful at Ou Qinghe, who was walking away.

"The Daoist Steel Whip, the Five Elements Escape technique, only has inheritance in the Hanging Yin Temple."

"How come the demons of Qianqiu Society can also?"

The Steel Whip Daoist complexion ashen, "The two Fellow Daoists got it wrong, it's definitely not the Five Elements Escape technique, this demon is the spell of the unorthodox way!"

"Don't confuse me, I will hang up by mistake! Yinguan's reputation!"

(end of this chapter)

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