Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 219


Chapter 219 Firearms Fight

With such momentum, all the civil warlocks under Chihuo's banner were all astounded.

The flash flood broke out, this is Heaven and Earth Might, how can the flesh and blood resist.

Even the fire-drinking old man sighed, "I don't know how many people are left on Bai Lao San's side."

Fang Dou closed his eyes and moved his mind into the poison spirit. Start condescending and look at the scene.

Looking down from the sky, on Tianchi Mountain, a spring was dug up, and the groundwater was sucked by spell, forming a surging torrent.

The torrent swept into a mudslide, with great destructive power and a condescending impact, which washed away all the people on the spot.

The leader of the purple flag is the third white man in the old people who drink fire. This man moved seven or eight big rocks from a distance in one breath, but in the face of the mudslide, he was also an utterly inadequate measure, to no avail. .

The remaining warlocks were involved in mudslides one after another. Although they used magic to save themselves, they were also washed away in various places, and it was not a climate.

"The demons of the Qianqiu Society are indeed capable!"

Seeing such a scene, the civil warlocks of the Red Fire Banner, suck in a breath of cold air.

The joy brought by the destruction of a cave just now has been dispelled a lot.

The troops led by Yao Xinzi were actually scientific researchers, not combatants, so they were completely captured by Qilie.

"Be careful!"

The old man who drinks fire thought to himself, if he encountered the same situation on his own way, how should he deal with it?

After thinking about it for a moment, he gave up in despair.

A bunch of folk warlocks, thus cautiously many.

Brother Hou Liu released trap crabs and searched all over the mountain road to find hidden trap traps.

An old man beside the fire-drinking old man was good at feng shui.

"That's good!"

The entire group went up the hillside, walked the section of the road again, and stopped at a flat hill somewhere.

Suddenly, there was an explosion from the top of my head, "Old man drinking fire, but you have firearms, don't my Qianqiu Society have none?"

"Let you see, I am Galeke. The means!"

Next moment, whiz whiz whiz sound came from the air, and in the eyes of everyone, large and small black dots jumped out of the mountain.

These black dots, hu hu, spun in the air, getting bigger and bigger, instantly turning into burning wheels, rolling down the hillside and jumping faster and faster.

"Not good, it's a wind and fire wheel!"

The old man who drinks fire sees that this is an extremely powerful firearm, issued from a high position, although it is not as good as an iron windmill, it is right They are battallion men and horses and are also huge in lethality.

In the past, he used firearms to deal with Qianqiu Society, didn't expect it to be the other way around this time.

"All spread out!"

Qi Lie released the iron windmill, crash-bang spinning the wind and fire, blocking the front of the three of them.

At this time, the wind and fire wheel bumped and bumped on the mountain road. Several of them were hit by the raised rocks and flew into the air, hitting the top of everyone's heads.

The wind takes advantage of the fire, the fire goes with the wind, and when it falls, it is a huge fireball that is blazing.

Many warlocks hurriedly avoided it, for fear of being caught in the slightest.

They follow the fire-drinking old man and know that firearms are powerful.

Boom, a wind and fire wheel hit the iron windmill and was ejected.

The iron windmill backed up a few feet, but finally stabilized, but more wind and fire wheels fell.

Qilie gritted his teeth, and the other party was condescending.


A warlock failed to dodge, was hit by the wind and fire wheel, screamed and rolled down the hillside, his body was burning with flames, whether it was dead or alive.

"It's all spread out!"

As the crowd began to disperse, the wind began to change.

The place where the demon of Qianqiu Society is located seems to be the direction of the upper wind.

“heaven helps me, let’s release poison dragon smoke!”

wu wu wu, balls of grass rolled down the hillside and began to emit thick black smoke, carrying black smoke to the , the nose is running, the eyes are red and swollen, and I can't see things clearly.

If you inhale too much black smoke, you will be more worried about your life.

I can't even stop the iron windmill, there is thick smoke billowing everywhere in all directions, and I can't tell if it's an enemy or a friend from five meters away.

The fire-drinking old man couldn't hold back, and rushed forward quickly, threw away his hands, all split up and in pieces of grass balls, "Geezer, get out of here!"


The remaining warlocks are defending in place and struggling to support.


Countless sharp knives poured down from the upper air vents, and the demons of Qianqiu Society took the opportunity to attack. Under several.

Fang Dou saw this, sighed, and took out the Mountain Ghost Talisman from his arms.

"The mountain ghost obeys orders!"

Fu Zhao shook twice and fed back information to Fang Dou.


On Tianchi Mountain, there are people who mobilize the power of mountains and rivers. Fu Zhao is oppressed and can only mobilize a small amount of power.

"Call the gust of wind and dispel the poisonous smoke!"

Fang Dou ordered the mountain ghost to gather the power of the nearby mountains and rivers to form a gust of wind.

Next moment, the mountain wind suddenly rises, swirling and gathering the black smoke into a large group.

From a distance, there are black smoke balls in the vortex, but they are thrown against the direction of the wind and towards the place where Qianqiu Society is hiding.


The demons of Qianqiu Society are terrified. They know the power of the poisonous dragon smoke. If they get caught, they will be slaughtered.

The crisis here has finally disappeared for a while.

Qi Lie didn't see Fang Dou casting the Mountain Ghost Charm, he just thought it was a sudden change in the wind direction, happy said with a laugh, "heaven helps me!"

At this time, the top The fight was also decided.

The fire-drinking old man found Galewinder and fought with him. The firearms of the two were already on the same level.

The mountains, rocks, plants and trees ignite spontaneously without wind, and everywhere all is ashes flying.

There is also the Qianqiu Society demon who was hiding close by, who was caught up in the aftermath and burned to ashes, die without a whole corpse.

The Galewinder also has the upper hand. Behind him is the big moneymaker of the Qianqiu Society. He has sufficient financial resources to refine all kinds of powerful firearms. In contrast, the old man who drinks fire has a lot of money.

"Old Fire Drinker, you can't beat me!"

The Galewinder threw out a Firebolt and exploded the firearm of the Fire Drinker, laughing wildly.

The fire-drinking old man was furious, and subconsciously stretched his hand into his arms, but suddenly thought that the fight was too fierce just now, and he had almost all the firearms on his body, and there were only two Dan Fire Thunder Beads left, which were still offered by Qi Lie just now. for him.

"What about him!"

The old man who drink fire didn't think about it, he snapped his fingers and sent the two Dan Fire Thunder Beads out. .

Two Dan Fire Thunder Beads, the internal mana is not released, until it flew into the front of the Galewinder, it suddenly cracked, and the internal Dan Qi thunder exploded instantly.

The Galewinder saw that it was Dan's Fire Thunder Bead, and was not nervous. He took out a piece of fire cloth, wrapped the two blasted thunder beads, and cast spell to throw them away.

However, he miscalculated.

The formidable power of Dan's Fire Thunder Bead far surpasses the imagination. his whole body.

(end of this chapter)

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