Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 217


Chapter 217 Liting Sweeping Caves

In the cave, rows and rows of iron cages are hung over the pool, and the inside is closed Dying living.

These living people, in the Qianqiu Society, are called 'medicine people'. As the name suggests, they are human-shaped little white mice used to try various medicine pills.

Those who can stand outside the cage are full members of the Qianqiu Society, with a total of thirty or forty people.

The leader, Yao Xinzi, is also a first-rate warlock, followed by a dozen second-rate warlocks, and the rest are third-rate warlocks.

This cave is not part of the defense system. It is mainly used for research and refining Longevity Pill medicine.

When the Red Fire Banner battallion attacked, the shortage of manpower was immediately exposed.

Seeing that the hot air keeps pouring inward, the cave is like a steamer, and everyone's mouth is dry, and it becomes more and more unbearable.

At this time, a medicine man in the iron cage opened his eyes and cursed with a weakened voice.

"You beasts, you are finally waiting for retribution. I opened my eyes and watched, how did you perish?" In the body, the flesh and blood melted and the limbs dissipated in an instant, becoming a muddy mixture.

"Listen carefully, the cave can't be defended anymore. After you kill all these medicine men, go out with me to break through the encirclement and meet at the center of the sub-altar!"

Qianqiu Society gang The demon, after hearing this, began to cast spell, and began to wantonly slaughter the medicine man.

After a few screams, a burst of fire suddenly passed through the tunnel of the cave and sprayed onto a certain demon standing outside. The fire was ignited on the spot and burned him to ashes.

The rest of the demons didn't care to kill a witness to silence them, and shouted in horror, "The enemy has come in!"

huhuhu, the steel wheels turned, and the ground was crushed all the way, and the rocks were broken , leaving traces of burnt rubble.

A few demons couldn't dodge in time, or were caught under the wheels, or caught by the windmill, their whole body trembled and screamed again and again on the spot.

Seeing this, Yao Xinzi hurriedly waved his hand, "Idiot, get out of the way!"

After all, he is a first-class warlock, with a good vision, seeing that the iron windmill is rampant, and the wind and fire are intertwined. The crowd gathers together, is the living target.

Behind the iron windmill, a majestic man rushed in, "Demon, do you recognize you as a grandfather?"

After hearing this, many demons exclaimed, "It's Huo Mengchang' Qi Lie'!"

Qi Lie is famous all over the world for his use of firearms and his bold personality, even the Qianqiu Society knows it.

"Trifling is only a second-rate warlock. He has Martial Uncle. I may be able to take a look at it."

Although Yao Xinzi is good at pill concocting, his means are not weak, otherwise You can't be one of the little bosses leading the way.

Seeing Qilie striding forward, Yao Xinzi counted his palms, everywhere all is green light, Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! swarmed towards Qilie.

When Qilie saw it, he stretched out his hand and pushed it, the iron windmill crash-bang jumped up, drew an arc in the air, and hit Yao Xinzidang in the head.

Yao Xinzi sou sou flicked his fingers, and the green light bypassed the iron windmill and attacked Qilie face to face.

Qilie stepped back again and again, but the green light seemed to be relying on his eyes, always flying towards his door.

Knowing that it is difficult to escape, Qilie took out a bottle gourd of red flame sand from his arms, moved towards the green light and covered his face, hitting most of the red flame sand.

A puff of red sand flew out, rubbed against the air, and instantly burned into a large group of fire.

The green light was enveloped by the diffuse Heavenly Fire light, and instead of burning out immediately, it made a rustling sound.

Yao Xinzi laughed heartily, "Others are afraid of your firearms, but my darlings are not afraid!"

These green lights are actually poison insects refined by Yao Xinzi with secret medicine 'Fire-proof Flying Armor', which normally eats the corpses of monsters, is poisonous and strong, and is not afraid of water and fire.

In an instant, most of the red flame sand shot by Qilie was destroyed by the fire-proof flying armor.

A large group of green lights in the air gathered together and continued to charge towards Qilie.

Qi Lie was careless, didn't expect there was a first-class warlock hidden in the small cave. Although it wasn't as good as the old man drinking fire, it wasn't something he could handle at the moment.

"Get out of the cave first, and tell Martial Uncle about this person's ability!"

Qilie pushed the two demon corpses into the air, trying to block the impact of the green light. .

didn't expect , the green light submerged in the corpse, and it changed instantly, the flesh and blood melted instantly, and the hard white bones were also gnawed.

"What a ferocious poison insect!"

The hairs on the back of Qilie's neck stand up, which is too poisonous. If the flesh and blood is hit, it will die on the spot.

He used his magic power, and the iron windmill rolled, crushing several demons who couldn't dodge, trying to block the 'fire-proof flying armor'.

However, these small poison insects are extremely cunning, flexible and lightweight. In contrast, iron windmills are huge and somewhat unable to keep up with the rhythm.

Qilie took a few steps back one after another, sticking his back against the rock wall, seeing that there was no way to retreat, green light was about to force his face.

Suddenly, the crash-bang in Qilie's arms was actually the sound of Dan's Fire Thunder Bead rubbing.

"Yes, there is this one!"

In Qilie's impression, Dan's Fire Thunder Bead not only has a powerful explosion, but also has a strong erysipelas, which can restrain these poison insects.

Qi Lie moves like lightning and pulls out a slingshot, as well as Dan's Fire Thunder Bead from Fang Dou.

"Fang Dou brother, big brother, this life is all up to you!"

At this moment, Qilie only hopes that the more poisonous the thunder bead refined by Fang Dou, the better , it is best to smoke the 'fire-proof flying armor' all at once.

A silver thunder bead popped up and fell into a large group of 'fire-proof flying armor', which burst open immediately under the mana stimulation.


Qilie’s expression froze, how is it different from what he was referring to, after Dan’s Fire Thunder Bead exploded, shouldn’t it be accompanied by metal dust and fire Is it smoke?

This Dan Fire Thunder Bead exploded, like a watermelon cut with a knife, evenly split into eight pieces, and a cloud-like Dan Qi flew out, accompanied by two rays of light of different colors.

"Fang Dou brother, your skills are too rough, big brother was killed by you!"

Such a movement doesn't seem to be able to dispel the poison. The look of insects!

Yao Xinzi laughed heartily, "Qilie, you are sleeping in the open at night, have your firearms soaked in water?"

"This formidable power is not as good as farting, why do you follow me? Fight!"

"Forget it, I killed you, throw your head out, let the old fogey drink fire, and taste the taste of seeing one's child die before oneself."

He was laughing complacently when suddenly the cave exploded with a loud noise, like a nine heavenly thunder Ting Huanghuang fell and burrowed into the cave.

The two thunders in Dan's Fire Thunder Bead are the double thunder of earth and fire, and they are nourished by Dan Qi, and their formidable power is unbelievably strong.

In an instant, two groups of lightning exploded, causing green light to fall to the ground, like the next green raindrops.

The ferocious 'fire-proof flying armor' was shocked to death on the spot with bits and pieces, and fell to the ground silently.

In addition, the exploding thunder continued to castrate, spanning a distance of several tens of meters, and crashing towards Yao Xinzi's location.


Yao Xinzi saw lightning rolling in front of her eyes, and it was too late to turn around to move away. She hurriedly raised her sleeves to cover her face, and was immediately enveloped by lightning.

Qilie stood there, his eyes widened, he was afraid that he was not using a fake Dan Fire Thunder Bead!

Dan Fire Thunder Bead, can have such formidable power?

Is he dreaming, or is this world wrong?

(end of this chapter)

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