Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 1367


Chapter 1367 Waiting


The Ancient Divine Beast suddenly laughed, laughter full of disdain .

"You come and ask me, should I answer?"

Chen Chongxu was stunned, and looked at Dan Rong, how could he say goodbye to Chunyang daoists? Same.

Shouldn't the token be shown, the Ancient Divine Beast should know everything and say everything?

But looking at the reaction of Ancient Divine Beast, it is like a non-violent non-cooperative attitude, not cooperating at all!

"Senior, is there any misunderstanding?"

Chen Chong thought for a while and continued, "What do you need, please!"

The implication is that it can be mentioned if there are conditions, and we are responsible for conveying it.

"I don't want anything!"

The Ancient Divine Beast said flatly, then asked, "That silent boy, you answer!"


Dan Rong wanted to be the background of the dust, but didn't expect the other party to stare at him.

"Yes, it's you!"

Ancient Divine Beast added, "You look more honest!"

This time it's dust and emptiness didn't know whether to cry or laugh

However, at the request of Ancient Divine Beast, Chen Chongxu could only hope that Dan Rong would let the other party speak.

“senior, what do you want to ask?”

The Ancient Divine Beast thought for a while, “How many years have passed since I was imprisoned?”

Dan Rong was silent.

"Why, don't want to answer? Are you still calculating?"

Dan Rong said helplessly, "senior, I don't know, when were you detained!"

"Then did you know?"

Ancient Divine Beast asked Chen Chongxu and got the same answer.

"Forget it, maybe whoever sent you here doesn't know either!"

Ancient Divine Beast thought for a while and asked, "Outside, who is the oldest ?"

Dan Rong and Chen Chongxu both understood, this method is good, finding an anchor, you can calculate the approximate time.

At this time, Dan Rong had no choice but to look towards Chen Chongxu for help.

The old farts of cultivators are all in Taoism and Buddhism.

didn't expect , Chen Chongxu also spread out his hands, indicating that he had nothing to do.

"Okay, who is your Master?"

The Ancient Divine Beast was speechless, and sent these two hairless brats, but couldn't find out anything.

Chen Chongxu has come to the spirit, he will know this question.

“My teacher Yueming daoist!”

“I never heard of it!”

Ancient Divine Beast doesn't give face, blunt said.

A deadlock for a while!

"Forget it, I'm stuck here, I don't know the years, and no one cares about me in the outside world!"

"What's the point of knowing the geometry of the years!"

"If you weren't a candidate for the Heavenly Emperor, you wouldn't be able to think of me!"

For some reason, hearing these words, I felt an inexplicable sadness.

"Senior, please take a look at the information of these three people!"

Chen Chongxu took out a jade slip, which was instantly taken away, exploded in the air, and turned into a beam of light Submerged in the gigantic head of Divine Beast.

Dan Rong knew that the information in jade slip was the information of Emperor Xin, the Young Emperor and Yuan Ming, including their appearance, life, birth date, and even their unique breath, which was also captured by a trace of it. internal.

Now, it's all sent to Ancient Divine Beast's mind for him to judge.

Fang Dou is a little curious, this Divine Beast is wearing scale armor, it is definitely not the Bai Ze or stone monkey that the two guessed.

But, what exactly is the Divine Beast that can judge the identity of the Heavenly Emperor candidate?

After an unknown period of time, Ancient Divine Beast finally said, "These three people are indeed candidates for Heavenly Emperor!"

Chen Chongxu was overjoyed and finally confirmed.

Yuan Ming is the purpose of their trip, and the first two are staying for a while to add a layer of insurance.

No matter Buddhism or famous religion, they are the generation of deep plans and distant thoughts, if in order to protect the real Heavenly Emperor candidate, it is indeed possible to launch fake eye-catching and lure competitors into mistakes.

Now, through the witness of the Ancient Divine Beast, the three have been confirmed as candidates for Heavenly Emperor.

However, Chen Chongxu thought about it, and was a little suspicious, why are the pure Yang daoists so sure that what Ancient Divine Beast said is true.

At this time, Ancient Divine Beast spoke again.

"There are three candidates for the Heavenly Emperor, and that's the three!"

"You guys are really good, you have all the confidence of the three. Which ones have been controlled by you?"

Dan Rong's expression is weird, you really look down on Taoism, you don't have one!

However, as a Taoist person, in front of Ancient Divine Beast, he must not expose his shortcomings.

"Senior doesn't need to worry about these little things!"

Chen Chongxu answered appropriately, and he didn't push back hard.

However, the Ancient Divine Beast is interested, how can they easily let them go.

"How are we exchanging information?"

"I see, you were just curious, why can I confirm the identity of the Heavenly Emperor candidate?"

"How? , you tell me what you want to know, and I also let you know, the information you want to know!"

"Remind you that not everyone is qualified to trade fair with me!"

Dan Rong looked towards Chen Chongxu, although it is a bit embarrassing, but there is nothing to hide, people are in prison, and it is a single room, even if you know about it, there is no way to spread it around.


Chen Chongxu thought it was reasonable, after all, he also wanted to know!

"Let's not hide the senior, these three people are not in control!"


This time it was changed to Ancient Divine Beast, surprised. "It's not like your method?"


Dan Rong and Chen Chongxu subconsciously felt that this Ancient Divine Beast seemed to have misunderstood something.

Sure enough, the other party suspected something and asked, "Which family are you from?"

"Well, Taoism!"

"I haven't heard of it. !"

Ancient Divine Beast, really don't give face as always.

Chen Chongxu and Dan Rong were all shocked, they had never even heard of Taoism, what kind of Ancient One was this?

Taoism, but from Ancient Era, is handed down to the present day.

“senior, have you ever heard of Ancient Era, a hundred bees rise?”

Dan Rong added, “Also known as the Spring and Autumn Prosperity!”

The Ancient Divine Beast was silent for a moment, then said, "Don't you want to know who I am?"

"Okay, I'll say it now!"

"I'm Qilin!"


The surroundings were very quiet, with only two shallow breaths, and there was no noise at all for a long time.

After a while, Dan Rong and Chen Chongxu reacted, scumbag.

The Qilin auspicious beast, this is a long-standing image in mythology, but among the cultivators, there is a more famous name, Paladin.

The Paladin, the Ride of Saint.

Qilin is extremely proud by nature and cannot tolerate being a mount, only the sage of the ages, this case is eligible to ride it.

Above the Three Realms, since ancient times, the only Saint is the Heavenly Emperor.

Only Heavenly Emperor is eligible to ride Qilin.

Dan Rong and Chen Chongxu looked at each other with horror in their eyes. No wonder the other party could judge the identity of the Heavenly Emperor candidate.

Qilin, he can't even recognize his master, who else can judge?

The two of them didn't understand at the same time, how could a dignified Heavenly Emperor mount be suppressed under the barren mountains?

Maybe it's another Ancient Secret.

"I understand, the years have changed, and you may not be the same group of people!"

Ancient Divine Beast said leisurely, "The authority to hold me should be changed a few times before the into your hands!"

(end of this chapter)

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