Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 1362


Chapter 1362 Expulsion

"You don't have to persuade me!"

Fang Dou closed his eyes, breathes deeply, and then Flick your finger.

The fairy sword wrapped Fang Dou, turned into a light, and disappeared on top of Mount Tai.

"Hongluan, it's up to you whether to go back to Gouqu Mountain or not!"

The implication is that if Hongluan wants to follow Yuan Ming, he doesn't force it.

"Oops, Sword Immortal can't do True Qi this time!"

The son of the famous family shook his head slightly, it seemed that the outsiders had guessed wrong, this time on stage, Yuan Ming made his own decisions. .

No wonder Fang Dou is so angry and Yuan Ming is so high-profile, it is extremely easy to reveal his identity.

"Master, don't leave me behind!"

Hong Luan was so panicked that he was about to catch up, but was stopped by Yuan Ming.

"Hongluan, you..."

Hongluan refused without waiting for him to speak, "You hurt me, and now the Master suspects me!"

"I don't want to see you, I want to go back!"

Yuan Ming wanted to keep her, but Red Phoenix Sect refused.

At this time, the son of the famous family persuaded, "Hongluan, if you go back alone, it will not be too good after all!"

"Sword Immortal is still angry, and you are not good either! Go back, why don't you let me and the Yin-Yang Twins take you back in a short time!"

Hongluan sobbed, thought about it, and agreed.

However, she refused to forgive Yuan Ming after all, and she refused to talk to him.

The son of the famous family noticed that from just now to now, Yuan Ming's expression was calm and did not fluctuate much. He was only slightly surprised when he heard Fang Dou expelled him.

"The heart is like stone, the city is too deep!"

He couldn't help but wonder if Fang Dou cut off relations with him because he saw that Yuan Ming was not easy to control, and just in time Clear the relationship.

"No matter what, Yuan Ming, you can qualify for the Autumn Harvest Festival, which is a happy event!" No one else could laugh.



Chen Chongxu was a little surprised when he saw the messenger coming from afar. Normally, the internal communication of Taoism , all by casting.

The messenger will only be dispatched in the event of a major change.

"What's the matter?"

The messenger said respectfully, "The daoist has an order to let you return immediately!"

"But, I haven't finished checking it yet! ”

Mentioning characters, Chen Chongxu is full of bitterness. It is more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack to find a Heavenly Emperor candidate in the vast crowd of hundreds of schools of thought. .

"The daoist said it, no need!"

The daoist in the messenger's mouth is naturally the Master of the dust and the emptiness, the pure Yang daoist Yueming.

"Got it, when?"

Chen Chongxu knew that the matter was serious, and even put aside the task of finding Heavenly Emperor candidates, which showed that the matter was important.


The implication is that if the messenger brings the words, Chen Chongxu will follow him back.


Chen Chongxu didn't say much, just followed the messenger and set foot on the way back.

On the way, Chen Chongxu suddenly thought of Dan Rong and couldn't help asking, "Where's Daozi in the South?"

"He's been here recently, he hasn't gone out!"

Well, Dan Rong should have known in advance.

Chen Chongxu nodded, planning to go back, look for Dan Rong to explore the bottom.

After a lot of running around, he finally returned to Celestial Grotto, and Yueming daoist summoned him immediately.

It's a good coincidence that I met Dan Rong on the way. I haven't seen each other for many days, and the other party's cultivation base has improved again.

"What exactly happened?"

Chen Chongxu didn't have time to greet him, so he took advantage of the time to hurry to ask.

"It's a big event!"

"Mount Tai sacrifices to the rooftop, all influence competes for the qualification of the autumn harvest festival, and who do you think will be the final winner?"

Chen Chongxu startled, "Reincarnated immortal all lost?"

"That's right!"

"Then who won? Buddhism?"

"You No one can guess!"

Dan Rong said the correct answer, "The Disciple of Fang Dou in Gouqu Mountain, Yuan Ming!"


To say it was Fang Dou, Chen Chongxu also believed it, but it was an unknown Disciple.

He was about to ask, who is Yuan Ming, when the second big news came again.

"After the incident, Fang Dou thunder was furious and drove Yuan Ming out of Gouqu Mountain!"

Dan Rong chuckled, "Can't you understand?"

Chen Chongxu was shocked, what is this operation, Yuan Ming's move is to win glory for Sect, why is he fired instead of rewarding?

"I don't know either!"

Dan Rong shrugged, "I guess the daoists must have called us for this!"

After this conversation, Chen Chongxu finally understood and was no longer confused.

"Two Daozi bring it!"

After the messenger rolls his name, he disappears from everyone's sight, leaving behind Dan Rong and Chen Chongxu.

"You guys are here!"

One person came early and moved towards the two of them slightly nodding, just like Mo Duyu.

This reincarnated immortal, after returning from Mount Tai, returned to Celestial Grotto.

“cough cough!”

Mo Duyu couldn’t help coughing a few times. The root of the disease left by the Divine Ability of the Plague Ministry has not yet been completely removed.

Even if there is a pure Yang Daoist shot, there is no cure, which shows the horror of the Divine Ability of the Ministry of Plague.

"Mo Duyu, have you ever seen Yuan Ming on Mount Tai?"

Sure enough, Chunyang daoist asked Yuan Ming directly. Bright.

"I didn't pay much attention to it at the time. Yuan Ming didn't follow Fang Dou, but stood beside the son of a famous family."

"I think about it now, master and disciple have long been There is a sign of eccentricity!"

Mo Duyu thought for a while, "Yuan Ming is so ordinary that people who see it at a glance will automatically ignore it!"

"This way Ah!"

The pure Yang daoists in the sky began to communicate with each other.

Chen Chongxu and Dan Rong secretly observed the sky, and were surprised to find that there were many stars around the scorching sun representing Chunyang Daoist, and obviously many immortals were present.

The two Daozi were shocked. So many great characters gathered together just for Yuan Ming?

"Well, Fang Dou is good at seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, both sides, and growing!"

"After the end of the fight, he expelled Yuan Ming from the house, which is very important. Deep meaning!"

"We suspect that Yuan Ming is the third Heavenly Emperor candidate!"

Chen Chongxu raised his head suddenly, what, all my hard work for several years is in vain .

After thinking about it, the news is correct. Yuan Ming is not hiding among hundreds of families when he is with the son of a famous family.

Unfortunately, he had not been able to find Yuan Ming when he observed the sons of famous families several times before.

Next to Dan Rong, he thought to himself, since Taoism has guessed it, what kind of countermeasures should be taken?

After all, the Taoist family has a great career and cannot rely solely on guesswork. There must be a way to determine Yuan Ming's identity.

"Dan Rong, Chen Chongxu, the two of you have a trip!"

"Hold this token and go to the top of the North Mountain to do something!"


After a while, Chen Chongxu and Dan Rong looked at each other with surprise.

They instantly felt that they were too small, and that Taoism still hid such a big secret, and they only knew it today.

"Wait, go and come back!"

"As you bid!"

Dan Rong bowed his hands in salute, shocked, this time, Yuan Ming's I can't hide my identity.

On the Taoist side, an Ancient Divine Beast was imprisoned, so he could ask about the authenticity of the Heavenly Emperor candidate.

As long as Divine Beast speaks, Yuan Ming's matter of being a Heavenly Emperor candidate will no longer be a secret.

(end of this chapter)

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