Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 1355


Chapter 1355 Recognizing Master

“hu hu! ”

Yuan Ming spread his palms, the two groups shrunk by one The flames of the circle landed on the palm of his hand, wriggling a few times and converging.

The fire light was formed again, but it was a little dimmer than before. This was inevitable. Several sets of magic weapons were burned one after another, and they were smashed in half just now.

In contrast, he paid more attention to the cane in the opponent's hand.

Yuan Ming knew that the Master's last True Fire was obtained from an old monster, who burned mountains and boiled seas and nothing difficult.

He has also experimented many times and is extremely confident in this group of True Fire.

The cane in the opponent's hand can hold True Fire hard without burning it, which is obviously a rare magic weapon.

He was moved, and he asked, "Do you have a name for this magic weapon?"

"This treasure is called the fairy cane!"

The connoisseur's son was very active, and he chose a name on the spot, which was also pertinent.

Yuan Ming listened, pondered twice, nodded.

Unexpectedly, a voice sounded, "Nonsense, my name is Xingtian Staff, what name did you give me?"


This time, even Fang Dou in the audience can't sit still, psychic magic weapon!

There is no doubt that the owner of this voice is the cane in the hands of the connoisseur's son.

This makes sense, only the psychic magic weapon can block Phoenix True Fire.

The connoisseur's son's expression changed from doubt to surprise, and finally to ecstasy.

For a treasure appraiser, to be able to personally identify a psychic magic weapon in his lifetime is a great achievement enough to be written on a tombstone.

didn't expect, he actually mastered a psychic magic weapon.

More didn't expect, this thing has been in my hands for many years, and it has never been regarded as useless waste.

"Okay, the staff of Xingtian, I said it wrongly, this is your name!"

The son of the connoisseur, he regarded it as a treasure in the palm of his hand, so he should mention it Watch carefully.

But next moment, the cane became so heavy that it pushed his wrist down.

What's going on?

The connoisseur's son nearly dislocated his arm from being dragged, and took a deep breath to stabilize his body.

Next moment, the cane turned into black light with a whistle and fled from his hands.

"You are not my master, my master is him!"

shua~ shua~ shua~!

Countless stares watching the excitement stopped abruptly in the direction the cane was pointing, Yuan Ming!

Yuan Ming was a little stunned, and pointed at himself, "Me?"

Before he could react, the light flashed, and the cane actually squeezed into Yuan Ming's hands.

"That's right, it's you!"

between Heaven and Earth quieted down, and there was only the sound of the wind blowing on the entire Mount Tai and around the altar.

"Yuan Ming, the feud for stealing treasures, you and I are absolutely irreconcilable!"

The son of a connoisseur, his eyes are bloodshot, and he looks desperate.

What's the best way to provoke a connoisseur disc? Destroy or steal their treasures.

The loss of the magic weapon is enough to make the son of the connoisseur irreconcilable, even more how, this cane is a psychic magic weapon.

Although connoisseurs are good at collecting treasures, perhaps the treasure is too widespread. Even though there are a lot of them, the level has not been mentioned. For so many years, there has not been a psychic magic weapon.

It finally arrived today, but before it was warmed up, it flew away with its wings on.

"How can you say that I robbed it, obviously he came here?"

Yuan Ming raised the cane, and suddenly found that the touch was different, as if a layer of glue was applied, and it was sticky. Stubbornly, you can't shake it off.

He didn't know whether to cry or laugh, this magic weapon depends on him.

"I don't care, if you return the Skywalking Staff, I may still save your life!"

The connoisseur's son with murderous intention on his face is obviously not a simple threat.

Yuan Ming didn't answer.

He also didn't know whether to cry or laugh, it's not that I don't want to pay it back, it's really stuck.

"Okay, you've made your mind dizzy, no wonder I'm ruthless!"


Under the stage, everyone whispered, and a good psychic magic weapon , actually took the initiative to get into Yuan Ming's hands.

The process was so tortuous and bizarre that they couldn't believe it even if they saw it with their own eyes.

After thinking about it, there is still only one explanation, Fang Dou's conspiracy.

This makes sense.

Yuan Ming, nameless junior, can have any bad thoughts except to obey Master Fang Dou's instructions.

The psychic magic weapon is not something that ordinary people can attract, it must be something that Fang Dou secretly used.

Okay, Gouqu Mountain is really well thought out.

Fang Dou: I...

"Master, what the hell is going on?"

Fang Dou thought you were right, everyone present , no one knows better than me.

This cane may be a great treasure, but it was not a magic weapon before.

The real magic weapon of transformation is Yuan Ming's release of Phoenix True Fire, after a collision with it.

The power of Phoenix True Fire unleashes the potential within the cane, making it a psychic weapon.

Of course, Phoenix daoist is just an introduction. The real situation is that the cane has accumulated enough and is already on the verge of breakthrough. It was only burned by Yuan Ming and pierced that barrier.

Therefore, after the cane was channeled, he immediately developed a favorable impression of Yuan Ming, believing it to be the main one, because the light of the fire that inspired the spirit flew out of Yuan Ming's body, contaminating his breath.

This is the entire process of development!

Hong Luan was stunned, and with such an inside story, Yuan Ming's luck was also very good.

But then, she became worried again, this is a magic weapon, and the son of a connoisseur will not let it go.

If, in the face of Fang Dou, the son of the connoisseur might show mercy, and now he will definitely kill the killer in order to regain the magic weapon. Isn't Yuan Ming dangerous?

"No, no, you underestimate the psychic magic weapon!"

Fang Dou can feel the vast sea-like power inside the cane, which is in the psychic magic weapon , is also the existence of one of the very best.

Suddenly, he envied Yuan Ming's dogshit luck.


"The staff of walking the sky, the magic weapon of psychic, can be used in the sky, the eight directions are boundless, Heaven and Earth are boundless!"

The son of a famous family Closing the scroll, Yuan Ming had good luck, as soon as he came to power, he got the magic weapon.

He greeted the Yin-Yang Twins and other companions, "Later, help Yuan Ming to get back the psychic magic weapon!"

Obviously, even if they belong to the same Hundred Schools School, in this matter , they still decided to side with Yuan Ming.

Who told you that the son of a connoisseur has eyes but does not know the real treasure, and mistakenly regards the psychic magic weapon as dry wood.

Besides, it's fine if you can't find it, but if you find it, you can't keep it?

I am ashamed of you, I always blame others for stealing things, and I don't even think about it, why did the psychic magic weapon abandon you, and would rather follow others than you?

"Understood, I'll naturally advance and retreat together!"

The son of the famous family and the others looked towards Sacrificial Tiantai, and they will help when Yuan Ming can't help.

In their opinion, even if they can't keep the ring and get a psychic magic weapon, it's not a bad trip.

In the ring, Yuan Ming finally gave up trying and asked the cane directly.

"What the hell do you want?"

"Master, as long as you don't lose me, everything is fine!"

The cane said flatteringly, "You I wanted to throw me away just now, because you don't know me, or we can go everywhere, so that you can see the value of this rod!"

"Alright, help me deal with that first. Red eye!"

"Ok, no problem!"

(end of this chapter)

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