Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 1338


Chapter 1338 Afterburner

Wumen also seemed to sense the crisis, and the puff suddenly expanded, mentioning the instant expansion of ten times.

The swarming thunderballs were caught off guard and were pushed out.

However, this move seemed to be a futile struggle, and one after another thunderball exploded one after another.


In the blink of an eye, the power of countless thunders criss-crossed, superimposed into a terrifying situation.

The huge puff of smoke, unable to hold its strength any longer, was disappeared on the spot, revealing Wumen's figure.

Wumen's sallow face showed a slight surprise, then he nodded and coughed a few times.

"Get up!"

There was an exclamation from the audience. It turned out that all around the head of Wumen, sixteen vortex shrouded in smoke instantly appeared.

The vortex spins constantly, and the swallowing force released is more than that of the puff.

The aftermath of the thunderballs exploded one after another, and before it could reach Wumen, it was torn to shreds by the surrounding vortex, and then engulfed and disappeared without a trace.

The situation returned to the previous one again. The puff of smoke on Wumen disappeared, replaced by sixteen vortex, which defended all directions, Above the Heavens and Under the Earth. It seemed that there were still gaps, but in fact with no The swallowing power of opportunity eliminates all possibility of foreign invasion.

"cough cough cough!"

Wumen waved his hand, and the flat vortex began to rotate and expand, turning into balls of smoke, and the volume continued to expand.

Now, everyone can see that Wumen has not used all his strength before.

Just now, there was only one puff of smoke, which could protect Wumen's body from top to bottom. At this moment, the number has become sixteen times, and the increased power is far more than sixteen times.

It is said that Mo Duyu did not exert all his strength and only used the formidable power of Tianzhang of the Ministry of Fire, but on the Wumen side, why not just try it?

"This is exciting!"

The audience under the stage was excited, thinking that Wumen was about to lose, didn't expect a reversal.

This great witch from the Mi Sect is powerful, far exceeding the middle and upper level among the hundred sons, enough to be Mo Duyu's formidable opponent.

However, considering the Taoism behind Mo Duyu, no one thinks that Wumen can win.

After all, the Mijiao behind Wumen, the sects of the trifling barbarian land, even the sects of the Hundreds of Schools that rose later were disdainful.

"It can add to the blockade of Taoism, and the Mijiao will be considered successful!"

This is the mind of the overwhelming majority. They believe that Wumen cannot win, so the stronger the better, the better. Mo Duyu caused the most trouble.

But, is that really the case?

"Daoist friend, you have been attacking all the time, how about letting me try it?"

Wumen waved his arms, sixteen vortex turned into smoke balls, from his Rising up behind him, under the dark light rendering, the sickness on his face was weakened, and it was not so obvious.

"Miasma attack!"

Wumen gave the order, and the vortex flew out in unison.

Seeing that, sixteen smoke groups swarmed, about to drown Mo Duyu.

Mo Duyu noticed that the armor was burning, and the thunder wings behind her were also beating restlessly.

All kinds of signs, representing the opponent's attack, have reached the point where they can hurt him.


Mo Duyu was horrified. After the extinction of witchcraft in the world, only a few minor branches remain.

But he was immortal and knew the true ancient witch inheritance, how terrifying?

The Wumen in front of him repeatedly used unexpected powers, which made Mo Duyu begin to suspect that this Mijiao had really gained the inheritance of the ancient witch.

Isn't this a good sign?

Era of the Great Conflict, Era of the Great Conflict, all influence tangled and complicated, the more power, the more complicated the situation.

"No matter how many times you come forward, I will kill you one after another, and cut off your thoughts!"

Mo Duyu's heart was cruel, listening to the surrounding talk, this rice The teacher has been retired for many years, and this time there is a successor. It is nothing more than talking about the big change in the outside world and wanting to fish in troubled waters.

After the fight, he also determined that the opponent is eligible to enter the game.

However, in order to eliminate an enemy ahead of time, Mo Duyu was determined to cut off the claws extended by Mijiao.

In order to achieve the effect, the thunderous method must be used to exterminate. The worse the death of Wumen, the better the effect.

In the previous games, Mo Duyu only killed and killed, but this game is going to be an exception.


Mo Duyu raised her head and saw sixteen puffs of smoke coming towards her face, spinning out multi-colored rays of light, assaults the senses. Sweet, fragrant and other scents made his chest feel unbearable.

"This is a poisonous miasma!"

Mo Duyu was horrified. Even if he was an immortal reincarnation, he would not dare to provoke it easily.

According to rumors, the poisonous miasma in the inheritance of ancient witches can not only defile the fleshy body, but also like maggots on the tarsal bones, firmly attached to the Primordial Spirit. The source spirituality, until eventually the soul flew away and scattered.

Mo Duyu didn't expect, the puff of smoke from Wumen seems to be only defensive, but once it turns to attack, it has such a terrifying lethality.

"It must not be brought close to you!"

Mo Duyu's eyes turned fierce, his whole body tossed, his wings and armor mixed together, at this moment, Thunder Fire was no longer entirely different.

“hu hu!”

The sound of the wind suddenly became fierce, and above Mo Duyu’s head, the Thunder Fire merged into a strange state, as quiet as water.

At this time, sixteen puffs of smoke had already covered Mo Duyu's head and all around him, releasing countless miasma like tentacles, trying to penetrate Mo Duyu's body.

"Thunder Fire is mixed, resist the filth!"

In Mo Duyu's view, although the poisonous miasma is powerful, it is a contemptible filth, only the thunder is righteous and full of anger , so that this filth can be completely resisted, and the world can be returned to the scene.

The fight on the stage was thrilling, and the sound of thumping and falling to the ground also sounded one after another.

It turned out that many people with weaker cultivation bases just saw the color of the puffs, and they went into a coma.

Slightly stronger, it is the smell of a weak smell, the chest is boring, and the thinking is blank.

"Get out of the way, this is a poisonous miasma. You can't touch it, you can't see it, you can't hear it, and you can't smell it!"

The doctor's son is crazy. There are casualties, but the number of people is not large, and one or two can be controlled.

But right now, the poisonous miasma that Wumen unleashed is capable of mass destruction. Once it spreads, even if their doctors die from exhaustion, they will not be able to save the lives of everyone on the mountain.


Hong Luan just caught a glimpse of the smoke ball's bewitching and gorgeous color from the corner of the eye, and he was a little smoky and wanted to fall asleep.


Fang Dou took out the Flying Sword and flicked it against the blade, and a clanging sword cry sounded.

Hongluan's feeling is like when she was drowsy in summer, suddenly a basin of ice water was poured down from the top of her head, and she woke up instantly.

"Master, what's going on?"

Recalling the scene just now, I still have lingering fears.

"The other party is very poisonous, and even if he is not on stage, he can be attracted by the color light and overflowing breath!"

"Look good, this is the top person."


Fang Dou also sighed, the ability to drive the poisonous miasma, which he had also seen in the sorcerer's book, but didn't expect that there are still people who can cultivate to this point.

"Could it be, the son of the Wu Family?"

(end of this chapter)

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