Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 1329


Chapter 1329 Wei Tuotian

"I will fight with Buddhism!"

After the emperor opened his mouth, all the people on the mountain All eyes were focused on him.

For a while, countless gasps of cool air sounded.

"Buddha's Heavenly Emperor candidate!"

Everyone couldn't believe that Emperor Xin, who was a candidate for the dignified Heavenly Emperor, rushed to Mount Tai, and even took the stage to participate in the war.

You must know that the matter of choosing an emperor on behalf of the heavens has only been spread until now, but anyone with some ability will already know the inside story.

However, Heavenly Emperor candidates are still extremely rare.

Looking at the world, there are only two people who really open their identities, and Emperor Xin is one of them.

The other is the young emperor of the Imperial Court. He lives in the imperial city and is surrounded by numerous famous Confucian Confucians.

It stands to reason that with the preciousness of the emperor's heart, Buddhism and Taoism should also focus on guarding, how can he let him out so easily.

Besides, you are a Heavenly Emperor candidate, and you go to someone else's site to grab something, isn't it a bit...

"Emperor Heart, are you too embarrassed?"

At first the daoist spoke sarcastically, and immediately realized that this is a good opportunity!

If the emperor's heart was on the altar of sacrifice, Mo Duyu seized the opportunity to kill him, and the Heavenly Emperor candidate of Buddhism and Taoism would be gone, and he would return to the same starting line as Taoism.

So beautiful!

At first, the daoist coughed a few times, "cough cough, you really want to come on stage, you can't do anything!"

"But, I'm afraid you can't be the master!"

When he said this, daoist looked towards Yuantong next to him at first, meaning to ask the Buddha to speak.

"No need, I can call the shots!"

Emperor Xin said with a slight smile, and above Mount Tai, other forces made a sensation.

There is a good show to watch. Heavenly Emperor is a candidate to take the stage, so that Taoism and Buddhism will face each other in advance, and this time it is an irreconcilable situation.

The Taoists will definitely not miss this opportunity, and they will try their best to kill the emperor's heart.

As soon as the emperor's heart dies, Buddhism and Taoism have been invested in the past, and it is good to not go crazy.

Therefore, if Emperor Xin dares to boast about coming to power, he must have some trump card.

"If that's the case, please!"

The daoist was very happy at the beginning, thinking that this time, he would lose his qualifications for the Autumn Harvest Festival, and let Mo Duyu take action and kill him. God's heart.

The appearance of Emperor Xin, the Heavenly Emperor candidate, was simply an unexpected joy, and it was an unbelievable opportunity.

Under everyone's attention, Emperor Xin shook the head, "You misunderstood, I speak on behalf of Buddhism, but it's not me who came to power!"

"You, how can you? Don't believe what you say?"

The daoist was furious at the beginning, you are deceiving my feelings, ah!

Since it's not an emperor's heart, could it be... a Buddha's tact?

Everyone's attention turned to Yuantong. The power of this Buddhist son was obvious to all in the battle of Dajiang, and he was indeed qualified to become Mo Duyu's formidable enemy.

Mo Duyu, who was on the altar, looked cautious. According to his estimation, the strength of this Buddhist son was not inferior to him, but belonged to the level of pure Yang in sight.

That is to say, although they are still Chaoyuan realm at this level, they are different from ordinary Chaoyuan daoists. They are candidates who are qualified to be promoted to Pure Yang and Supreme.

"Buddha, you..."

Yantong waved his hand, "I misunderstood, it wasn't me who came to power!"


It's not the heart of the emperor, and it's not the tact of the Buddha, could it be...

Until now, everyone has discovered that in the entire group of Buddhism and Taoism, in addition to the two of them, there is a third three people.

The black robed man is silent, standing still, showing a state of not one drop of water can leak out. Although many people use secret techniques to investigate, they can't find the slightest bit to take advantage of. machine.

"Who is this person?"

Everyone began to speculate, is there any existence that fits the characteristics of Buddhism?

After seeing the first few games, he still has the confidence to challenge Mo Duyu, who is obviously the top figure in the Great Ascension Bodhisattva.

There are not many people in Buddhism and Taoism, and they all have names and surnames. It is impossible to jump out of a nameless generation.

Could it be that...

Suddenly, someone saw Mo Duyu on the stage, and then saw the black robed man of Buddhism and Taoism, and the two were linked together.

Black robed man, is it also the secret weapon of Buddhism?

At this time, other forces are angry, can you two show some sincerity, usually hide and tuck, and press hard to make big news at critical moments, is it interesting?

"Of course it's the same sect, go up and ask the Taoist experts how to do it!"

Emperor Xin stretched out his hand to the altar, and the black robed man suddenly moved and walked slowly forward go.


The daoist hurriedly said at first, he couldn't see through the black robed man, and was thinking of finding an excuse to keep him from being on stage. ,

"It doesn't matter, let him come over!"

Mo Duyu suddenly spoke, but his eyes were always on the black robed man who was walking slowly.

This kind of reaction has never happened before, which shows that Mo Duyu also attaches great importance to black robed man.

Finally, black robed man stepped on the ring with both feet and stood quietly on the ground, as still as a mountain.

"Put your name on it!"

Mo Duyu said, "In the world, no matter what, you must have a title, it doesn't matter if it's true or false!"


Under the black robe, a voice came out, "Wei Tuotian!"

These three words can be said to be owned. Anyone who knows about Buddhism and Taoism knows that Wei Tuotian! The meaning of tuotian.

If Wang Lingguan is the security Captain in Taoist mythology, Wei Tuotian is the gold medalist of Buddhism and Taoism.

The status of the two can be described as equal and indistinguishable.

Black robed man reported this identity, Mo Duyu subconsciously laughed, he just summoned Dharma Protector God General Wang Lingguan in the ring, and the Buddhist side sent 'Wei Tuotian', which is also Too deliberate.

He felt relieved, the more Buddhism and Taoism gave tit for tat, the more effective the Taoist strategy was, wouldn't it be a good thing?

As for 'Wei Tuotian', just listen to it, don't take it seriously.

In Buddhism, there are also cultivators with nicknames 'XXVajra' and 'XXBodhisattva', and no one really regards them as Vajra and Bodhisattva.

Many viewers in the audience also understand that it is nothing more than a nickname.

There are even people who guessed the Magical Artifact of this black robed man based on the three words Wei Tuotian, which is very likely to be a Wei Tuo pestle.

Amid the uproar, the stage began to change.

"Fighting in battle, don't avoid an inch!"

"Your black robe is too cumbersome, you might as well take it off and let me see your face!"

Mo Duyu said with a slight smile, "It's a coincidence, I happen to know Wei Tuotian, and it's good to see how confident you are that you dare to call this name!"

black robed man two words Needless to say, with a flip of the palm, the black card turned into a dark cloud, directly inserting beyond the topmost clouds.

Under Mo Duyu's eyes, her expression never cared, but gradually turned solemn and surprised.

Of course he doesn't know the Dharma protectors of Buddhism, but the person he sees, the imposing manner mixed with a bit of familiarity, is exactly the characteristic of the mortal enemy.

Under the black robe, there is a pale-looking young man with a vertical mark between his eyebrows, as red as blood, but his hands are empty.

"Wei Tuotian?"

Mo Duyu gritted his teeth, "I want to see, are you the real Wei Tuotian?"

The tone barely fell , he formed a seal and cast spells and summoned Wang Lingguan out.

Now the security Captain of the Buddhist and Taoist families is fighting an unprecedented confrontation.

(end of this chapter)

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