Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 1327


Chapter 1327 Thunder Fire Double click


The steel whip strikes a straight line, hitting the Imperial Jade Seal, at the moment of first contact, burst out with dazzling rays of light.

This group of rays of light, like a long blooming flower, is suspended in the air, swaying quietly, and dissipates after a while.

But what about the Imperial Jade Seal!

As everyone knows, this Imperial Jade Seal is made of a fairy sword and has an extraordinary texture.

If it were an ordinary Imperial Jade Seal, even if it was carved out of jadeite, it would be so smashed by a steel whip that it would either split into two sides on the spot, or burst into seven or eight gaps.

So, the results are very different.

I saw the Imperial Jade Seal was hit by the steel whip. It didn't fly out, and it didn't land on the ground. Instead, it stuck to it and turned around.

Wang Lingguan's expression became serious, holding a steel whip in one hand and pointing at the Imperial Jade Seal with a pinch mark in the other.

I saw him stepping on a specific position with his feet, constantly walking on the ring, holding a steel whip steadily.

And the Imperial Jade Seal, still spinning, sticking to the steel whip.

Obviously, this change in the immortal sword contains a great ultimate move, and it is better than Wang Lingguan to deal with it carefully.

The audience began to analyze, and it really deserves to be Sword Immortal. One sword can contain the enemy, so what about the other one?

Everyone could see clearly that another immortal sword just now turned into a flying feather and melted into the wind.

It doesn't really disappear, but hides in the vicinity, waiting to move.

It is conceivable that once the second fairy sword appears, it is the ultimate trick of launching earth shattering, looking forward to the final result.

Mo Duyu was also nervous, lest the White Emperor Sword Immortal would sneak attack and seriously injure Wang Lingguan.

He invited this spirit official to come, which not only consumed mana, but also used relationships. If Wang Lingguan suffered too much loss, it would be embarrassing to meet in the future.

So, he interrupted get involved and stopped the second fairy sword.

"Bai Di Sword Immortal, I'm here to play with you!"

Mo Duyu folded his palms together, the flames turned into two axes the size of door panels, collided several times, jingle bells sound.

"Look at the axe!"

No matter what kind of weapon the fire turns into, there is no need for the corresponding magic weapon. It has both the sharpness of tearing the human body and the heat of Burning All Living Things. Very tricky.

The two big axes were extremely heavy and attacked the White Emperor Sword Immortal head on.

Mo Duyu's idea is very simple, attack yourself directly, forcing the second sword to return to defense.

At this moment, the greatest threat to him is the Feiyu Immortal Sword hidden in the dark.

This immortal sword does not show any traces, and then it can attack and retreat. It plays a pivotal role in the overall situation and must be forced out.

The strong wind driven by the axe was ignited in the blink of an eye, turning into a tongue of flames of dozens of meters, licking the face of the White Emperor Sword Immortal.

There was an exclamation from the audience, a slow remedy does not address the current emergency, even if there are two immortal swords, if the attack cannot be blocked, the White Emperor Sword Immortal is also in danger.

"There are three Sword Immortals in Shu, and Xianjian naturally has three!"

The daoist said this at the beginning, looking towards Qingcheng Sword Immortal, "I just don't know, Qingcheng Sword Immortal's immortal sword, has it been lent to the White Emperor Sword Immortal?"

"Don't worry, there are only two!"

Qingcheng Sword Immortal had nothing to hide, and said it directly.

Daoist was skeptical at first.

Fang Dou on the other side, in Sword Immortal's common sense, concluded that what Qingcheng Sword Immortal said was true.

While watching the battle just now, Fang Dou discovered that it was too reluctant to drive two swords with the cultivation base of White Emperor Sword Immortal.

To have the performance just now, it is already an extraordinary performance. If you take another bite, I am afraid that it will collapse on the spot.

Even with Fang Dou's sword technique, he can drive at most two immortal swords at the same time, and he wants three swords to fly together.

The problem comes again!

Bai Di's Sword Immortal trump card has been revealed, two immortal swords, one of which was borrowed from Lingxiao Sword Immortal.

Under such circumstances, how can we resist Mo Duyu's aggressive killing move?

"Good job!"

Bai Di Sword Immortal raised a forefinger and stabbed Mo Duyu in the face.

Mo Duyu felt that it was an unfathomable mystery, but the other party poked his fingertips at him, and still subconsciously tilted his head to the side.

This one will save his life for him.


A subtle cracking sound rang out, and Mo Duyu's cheekbones were slightly numb, followed by a stream of heat.

With a swipe of my finger, it turned out to be blood.

It turns out that just now, unconsciously, I was cut in the face by a sharp object.

Mo Duyu's heart tightened. According to this position, if he hadn't turned his head just now, it would not have been as simple as breaking his face, but... penetrating his skull.

“whiz whiz whiz!”

A similar sound of breaking through the air resounded in her ears again, and Mo Duyu’s heart tightened again...

From the audience's point of view, they will find that Mo Duyu is dancing with blood at this moment, and blood lines are constantly plucking from his body.

And the culprit of all this was actually a soft feather.

Ling Xiao Sword Immortal's immortal sword is now showing its prowess, killing Mo Du's jade hand in a frenzy.

This immortal sword, turned into a slender flying feather, launched a personal attack on Mo Duyu, almost to the point of with no opportunity.

It is difficult to achieve the same effect with any other Flying Sword, except the Feather Immortal Sword, which has a soft texture and is no different from ordinary feathers. .

Bai Di Sword Immortal came down with several sets of punches, and Mo Duyu had already become precarious.

Wang Lingguan noticed that something was wrong, and was about to swing his steel whip, asking Imperial Jade Seal to entangle him, but he didn't have time to come and rescue him in a short time.

At this time, the White Emperor Sword Immortal has tightened his attacking fist, and his soft feathers have begun to emit Death Aura, moving towards the throat and the key points of the heart and climbing up.

"Bai Di Sword Immortal, this is your own courting death, you can't blame me!"

Mo Duyu's angry roar, the roar contained thunder.

"Lei Bu Zheng Fa!"

Fang Dou's eyelids twitched, this is Mo Duyu's real trump card, this person even cultivated the Fire Department Tian Zhang and Lei Bu Zheng Fa.

Taoism has such talent!

Next moment, he realized that the White Emperor Sword Immortal would be defeated.

"Thunder Fire!"

Mo Duyu's palms were instantly submerged by the raging fire and electric light.

The outstanding thunder and lightning and sparks brought about a fierce reaction, which was amazing and terrifying, and instantly blew up the fairy sword.

Mo Duyu's voice sounded amid the rising flames and thunder.

"White Emperor Sword Immortal, I this move, your life and death depend on good fortune!"

tone barely fell, Thunder Fire crumpled into a ball, and then burst out with desperation The air wave instantly covered the sacrifice roof.

"Fast back, Mo Duyu can't control this trick!"

I don't know who reminded loudly, but when I saw the edge of the sacrificial platform, like a boiling soup pot overflowing, Boundless's Thunder Fire vicious waves, tyrannically pushed to the stage, moved towards all directions to vent out.

A stream of light rose on the ground, and more masks emerged. Everyone either fled or stayed in place to resist the aftermath falling on the stage.

At this moment, everyone is overwhelmed, and only a few people have the ability to observe the battle in the ring.

At first, the daoist was even more astonished, "Why is there such a commotion?"

Mo Duyu's outburst was beyond his expectations, this time the scene was too big , his identity could not be concealed.

A mountain on the opposite side was also affected by the vibration. It broke off on the spot and rolled down the valley. A series of movements sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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