Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 1320


Chapter 1320 Putting out the fire with water

When Mo Duyu made his move, he won a great victory and established his fierceness.

There are not many people in the world who can label the son of an ascetic like this, at least it can be comparable to the son of a famous family.

Some people even speculate that this person is a talent secretly cultivated by Taoism, and belongs to the same level of the two Taoists.

Photographed by his fierceness, after the First World War, he ushered in a brief cold scene, but no one challenged him.

After all, the end of the ascetic's son is too bad, and no one wants to be burned into black coal like him.

"Who's going up?"

A lot of eyes looked around, looking towards the direction of the Great Influence of Buddhism and Shuzhong.

The Taoist side shows the card, and if you want to compete with it, you have to be at the same level as Buddhism and Taoism.

However, the Buddhist and Taoist side are not stupid, so how can they take chestnuts out of the fire for them.

In fact, all the influences on the mountain hold hope, hoping that Taoism and Buddhism both sides suffer, and finally let the weaker ones take advantage of it.

It's beautiful, how is it possible?

Under many ardent gazes, Yuantong, Dixin, and the black robed man behind them simply closed their eyes and rested their minds, ignoring them.

Looking at the three Sword Immortals in the middle of Shu, they communicated with each other in a low voice, and they didn't even look at the sacrificial platform.

"Mo Duyu's deep and unmeasurable, he didn't do his best!"

"Yes, the son of an ascetic, he couldn't force his trump card either!"

"Don't go up for now, and wait for others to come on stage to see if he can test his true strength!"

Look, Sword Immortal is also very cautious.

Fang Dou, uh, it's obvious that he won't be on stage, and he can't count on it.

No one is on the stage, is it just like this is the end of a fight?

Of course not!

"hehe, the son of the cook, wants to challenge!"

A fatty, tall and strong holding a great cauldron, but surprisingly as lithe as a swallow.

I saw the afterimage passing by, and the person had already landed on the ring, and there was no movement at all.

"The chef, it's actually him?"

The son of the chef, like the Yebing family and the Dan family, is auxiliary and not good at fighting.

Who didn't expect, the second challenger was actually him?

Many sects who are familiar with the details of kitchen property immediately came up with an idea, what kind of style he smokes.

The body of more than 300 pounds, just fill it up like this, it is simply delivered to the door to boil oil.


Mo Duyu was slightly frowned, the son of an ascetic just now, he was a little capable, but the Big Fatty in front of him was simply a useless piece of shit.

"Not bad!"

The son of the chef, with a slap of fat chin, amazing five-layer chin, rippling water.

"Mo Duyu, you and I both understand that the son of an ascetic is not a mediocre person!"

"You can beat him, and you won't laugh at loss!"

"Other people were frightened by you and didn't dare to come on stage, but I wanted to fight, I bet you haven't recovered yet!"

tone barely fell , all parties on stage were commotion, Various sounds resounded like a tide.

"Why didn't I expect!"

"A good cook's son, he looks like a pig, but he's smarter than a monkey!"

"Ah, I was actually deceived by the Taoists!"

More and more people recalled that something was wrong. , just to stop everyone and leave him enough time to recover.

I just hate myself for being too cautious, but the son of the chef robs me of a great opportunity.

"You said that I..."

Mo Duyu seemed to find it amusing and did not explain, "Since you think so, just do it!"

Nodded, the son of the cook, just like this, he placed the great cauldron three people tall on the ground.

This great cauldron is also a protective sect magic weapon for chefs. Although it is not a spiritual level, it is not comparable to the traveller's rod, but it is also a powerful magic weapon.

Cooks, since ancient times, have been cooking for the nobles, and this great cauldron is kitchen utensils.

"Mo Duyu, I have already seen that your fire skills are powerful!"

"As long as you restrain your fire skills, you are like a tiger without claws. I won't be majestic anymore!"

The son of the chef came prepared, patted the great cauldron beside him, and amidst the muffled sound, there was the sound of rippling water.

The audience watching the battle on the stage was once again amazed, and it really is a good person!

First take advantage of the opponent's weak strength, and then take targeted measures, which is obviously to win!

"Master, that Big Fatty is really amazing!"

Hong Luan also sighed quite a bit. The other party can take the lead in the action, and every move has deep meaning. Liang, guess what he meant.

"Remember, there are crouching tiger hidden dragons in the world, there are powerful people everywhere!"

Fang Dou did not forget to take the opportunity to call Disciple, "Don't be arrogant and underestimate. The world!"

"Then Master, can this fatty win?"

Fang Dou did not answer, but said, "Maybe it can force out part of Mo Duyu's true strength. Right?"


Hong Luan was stunned, and the Master's evaluation of Mo Duyu was too high.

On the platform of sacrifice, the son of the chef moved.

"Your fire technique is so powerful that even if I invite Sanjiangzhishui, it will be hard to resist!"

"But, I have more power!"

"The water of the Eastern Sea is surging, it can reach the sky, and there is no end!"

"In my great cauldron, there is an introduction to the water of the Eastern Sea, which can continuously attract seawater!"

"Although water and fire are mutually exclusive, the gap is too huge. It can only be one-sided crushing!"

"Come on!"

The son of the chef, suddenly Raise the great cauldron and pour it down slightly.

Immediately, dozens of tons of azure sea water hit the ring and rolled up a large amount of waves.

These seawater, as if they had eyes and feet, automatically rushed towards Mo Duyu.

Mo Duyu slightly frowned, stood up, flew into the air, and watched the turbulent sea below, which had already submerged the entire sacrifice roof.

No matter who comes, the sea water flows to the edge of the sacrificial roof and stops immediately without leaking at all.

From the outside, it looks like all around on the altar, and the transparent walls that are closed on all sides are raised to form a pool that is suspended in all directions.


The sea water in the great cauldron seems to be endless.

Mo Duyu knew that no matter how high he rises, the sea below can catch up. This is the ultimate move of the son of the cook.

"That's the case!"

Mo Duyu's ten fingers tipped the tip, and sparks flew out, landing on the water below.

Gum dong dong, violent boiling occurred, and ten huge puddles sunk into the water surface immediately.

"Good day!"

The son of the cook was so excited that he put his mouth to the great cauldron and drank the sea water.

Mo Duyu waved her cuff, and countless sparks turned into butterflies, dancing gracefully, circling and falling, the target being the son of the cook.

However, the kitchen's son is surrounded by blue waters.

These seemingly beautiful butterflies can actually melt gold and iron, and when they get closer, they are submerged by the waves rising one after another.

Under the audience, you can even see the butterflies turned into flames. Due to the strong firepower, even if they are submerged underwater, they cannot be extinguished for a long time. They swim up and down in the blue water. An inexplicable beauty.

(end of this chapter)

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