Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 1314


Chapter 1314 Sacrificing to the Sky Terrace

Mount Tai Sacrificing to the Sky Terrace is an important part of the Imperial Court's sacrifice to heaven, and this time The place of the autumn harvest festival.

Since the Imperial Court issued this year's new rules, this land has been crowded with people.

Although some people doubt that the Imperial Court has always been offering sacrifices to the Temple of Heaven in Beijing, why did it move to Mount Tai?

It should be noted that although Mount Tai has a name, it has not been used for a long time and has been abandoned for a long time.

Some people still remember that since the fall of the Mountain Monarch in Thailand, the status of the original mountain in the world, Supreme, has plummeted.

Over the years, hundreds of schools of thought have sprung up, and there are even loose cultivators.

Only Mount Tai is always empty here, no one coveted it, which is also a miracle.

The Imperial Court changed the autumn harvest festival to the Tiantai, which made many people speculate.

"Why do you think so much? It's nothing more than worrying about fighting in the capital city and breaking the foundation of the Imperial Court!"

Di Xin was walking on the mountain road, looking at the surrounding scenery, It's a pity that there are too many people, otherwise it would be excellent to play by the way.

"Yuantong, look at it, if Mount Tai doesn't blood flow into a river this time, my surname will be yours!"

Yuantong said with a smile, "There is no need for the emperor's heart. , I believe you, besides, I don't remember my surname for a long time!"

The two of them came together, and they came to take part, after all, Imperial Court has no restrictions.

However, besides the two of them, there is also a black robed man.

Yuantong took a few steps and couldn't help but glanced at the black robed man. This companion has been with them from outside the capital.

Di Xin knew each other and explained to Yuantong in a low voice that this was the reinforcement sent by the Bodhisattva.

Yuantong knew that the top management was hiding it from himself, but he still couldn't be dissatisfied at all. Instead, he was curious about the black robed man. What is the origin?

Buddhism and Taoism are confident and let the black robed man play on behalf of his side, which shows that his strength is not under his tact.

"Could it be, what secret weapon is it?"

Yuantong thought to himself, and the two of them moved towards the top of the mountain offering sacrifices together.

On the top of Mount Tai, there is not only the sacrifice roof, but also other places, such as the cistern, the ten thousand stone forest, a piece of pine and other landscapes, and the terrain is complicated. If there is a war, it must be unprecedented. tragic.

From a distance, the Sacrificial Sky Terrace can already be seen, Di Xin raised his hand, "Stop!"

"This place is just right, you can observe the Sacrificial Sky Terrace, but it is not. It will become the target of public criticism!"

Yuantong didn't say much, although he was a Buddhist, but in front of Emperor Xin, he could only take a back seat.

even more how, although on the surface, only their three people appear in Buddhism, but in fact there must be countless hidden hands.

Not to mention anything else, just the Emperor Xin, the Heavenly Emperor candidate, or at least three or five Bodhisattva are always watching.

Just like when Fang Dou saw the young emperor in the capital, the other party thought he was visiting him in private, but in fact there were many hidden Confucian princes around him.

"Okay, the scenery here is also good, the mountain wind is just right!"

Yuantong raised his head slightly and saw another wave of people rising up from the next hillside.

"Look, those are the lackeys of the Imperial Court!"

Di Xin glanced at him and saw the two young men in the lead, wearing black clothed and white clothed respectively. They were black and white. Clearly, they are the yin and yang twins who have recently joined the Imperial Court.

The yin and yang twins took the lead and brought more than a dozen schools of thought, and the power is not small!

"Emperor, don't provoke them, so as not to cause trouble!"

Yuantong hurriedly discouraged, but in fact, he was afraid that Emperor Xin and Yuan Ming would meet and something bad would happen.

"I understand!"

Emperor Xin lowered his head and pondered, "This group of people who have taken refuge in the Imperial Court are the little emperor's minions, finding an opportunity to kill a few can also weaken the opponent. His strength!"

"If you have a chance, you must do it!"

Yuantong thought, this kid is really ruthless.

"Well, why did those loose cultivators come?"

Yantong suddenly opened his mouth and pointed in another direction. The leader was Tijiang daoist, who was the Loose Cultivator Alliance.

"Even these wild cats and dogs are here, it's boring!"

Di Xin doesn't even look down on schools such as the Yin Yang Family, let alone these stragglers.

The so-called loose cultivator is even more unbearable than the hundred schools of thought, and even some of the forces of inheritance look down on it.

The three schools of Taoism, Buddhism and Taoism have a long history, their inheritance is orderly and can be followed, and they belong to the orthodox world.

The newly emerging Hundred Schools School, although not as powerful as the three schools, is also clearly inherited that it is not a wild fox Zen.

But these loose cultivators learn the cultivation technique of piecing together the east and the west. They belong to the 'miscellaneous system'.

However, loose cultivators have the largest number and form the bottom layer of the cultivation world.

As a result, these loose cultivators have become the bottom of the chain of contempt.

Emperor Xin is a candidate for Heavenly Emperor, and he has the support of Buddhism, how can he look down on this group of people.

Yuantong didn't think so, and reminded in a low voice, "Emperor Xin, if these loose cultivators were in the past, they were nothing, but now, you can't always look at them!"


"Look at the Natijiang daoist, he can stand out from many other daoists and suppress all the ghosts and snakes. He is not a simple person!"

"Also, I heard that he is also a certain elementary school. The inheritance of the pie was expected to become one of the hundred sons, but unfortunately it failed in the end!"

"Several daoists who follow him have similar backgrounds, and they are not comparable to ordinary daoists!"

In the past, in the wave of Baizi's return, not all of them were trend-setters.

Hundreds are just a general term, not just one hundred, but hundreds.

However, there are only one hundred schools that can really give birth to a hundred sons, and the rest are just foreshadowing.

Tijiang daoist is one of the losers, unable to achieve a hundred sons, unable to revive the Sect, and still can only succumb to the loose cultivator.

"It's just a lost dog!"

Emperor's heart no longer looks down on each other.

Yuantong explained patiently, "Emperor, I'm not qualified to teach you, but I have to remind you of some things!"

"As an emperor, you can look down on the world, but you can't. Ignore the role of any chess piece!"

"There is no insignificant piece on the chessboard, if you dare to ignore it, you will suffer a lot!"

After listening to the emperor heart After a moment of silence, he said, "I'll take a look again!"

The three of Buddhism and Taoism found a place to hide, so as not to cause trouble.

Yantong noticed that from beginning to end, the black robed man did not say a word and followed behind them, almost following closely.

"What's the background, look at his obscure appearance, could it be a puppet?"

With Emperor Xin present, Yuantong was not convenient to take a test, so he could only feel the breath from a distance.

However, the other party's ability to hide aura is too strong, Yuantong guessed several times, but was unable to determine the exact origin.

It is conceivable that this black robed man must be the magic weapon for the victory of Buddhism and Taoism this time.

Unfortunately, those Bodhisattva at the top seem to reuse Yuantong, but in fact, they are guarding against him in many things.

This time I went out to do business. In name, Yuantong was the leader, but in fact, the key point was that the emperor's heart had the final say.

Yuantong is not a fool, he naturally knows the reason, and he simply does not break it.

(end of this chapter)

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