Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 1305


Chapter 1305 Aftermath I

After the autumn harvest, the capital immediately rolled up a storm.

Good news will come from all over the world, and a book of happy memorials will list all kinds of gratifying figures.

The yield per mu is 1,000 catties, and even has an amazing quality of 1,455.

Some local officials even selected the 'King of Rice' and sent people to the capital for inspection by the young emperor.

When Hongluan went out to buy, she once encountered a tall rice straw that was taller than a human, and the heavy ears of rice on it were as big as a fist. Vestige.

What's more difficult is that it is not only sent from one local government, but sent to the capital one after another.

So much so that, these days, every family lying at the window, watching the 'Rice King' team attacking on the street, has become a daily program for the people of the capital.

There is news from Xiu Tianci on the other side of Gouqu Mountain.

This elder disciple has a real temperament. After he got the rice seeds, he opened up a few plots of land for cultivation.

It was the autumn harvest, and Gouqu Mountain also ushered in the harvest. Xiu Tianci reported the results to Fang Dou.

First of all, the yield of the god rice promoted by the government is much higher than that of the spirit rice in Gouqu Mountain, which basically fluctuates up and down the per mu.

However, this rice has no Spiritual Qi, and the taste is not even as good as normal rice.

More importantly, the absorption of water and fertilizer by this rice is far more than other varieties.

According to Xiu Tianci's observation, only the land in Celestial Grotto can barely support growth.

The fields opened up on Gouqu Mountain have lost their fertility after this season's sowing, and it will be difficult for the next year.

"That's true!"

Fang Dou sighed endlessly. In a modern agricultural system, various supporting facilities complement each other and are indispensable.

With the spell Divine Ability, you can come up with a hybrid rice with an advanced concept. There is no problem for the time being. If you want to continue for a long time, you must also get out the fertilizer!

What a pity!

Among the hundreds of schools of thought, there is no one called 'Chemist', no way!

"Master, Imperial Court's rice seeds are very good!"

Hongluan could not have imagined this far. Seeing the miracle of 'a thousand catties per mu', he thought of the future, and the people of the world will no longer be able to. What a wonderful world it would be without famine.

"Imperial Court must have received news at this moment, it depends on how they respond!"

Fang Dou turned his attention to the rice bucket space, where the huge rice grain still remained. Produces droplets of merit continuously.

After the autumn harvest, the rate of underwater production of merit is accelerated, and the accumulated quantity is also increasing.

In the rice bucket, twenty water droplets of merit have been accumulated, and they are still accumulating.

For the time being, I don't know what these merits do except for Forecast Future, but Fang Dou believes that he is already ahead of other forces.

Buddhism and Taoism have 8,000 merits and smallpox on hand, and 2,000 have been used up. Taoism has not yet started. As for the famous religion, it has not yet reached the harvest season.

The merit value mastered by Fang Dou should be well-deserved number one if it starts to rank.

It's a pity that he is currently weak and cannot be ostentatious, so he can only be the invisible richest man in a low profile.

As for the Imperial Court...

According to the Imperial Court etiquette, after the autumn harvest, choose the largest one of the rice grains to sacrifice to the sky.

Fang Dou can guess that ceremony is when famous sects reach out to heaven and ask for merit value.

"It's interesting."


"Not good!"

On the farmer side, the autumn harvest results from various places, The reports came up one after another. If, as expected, there were very few places with a real yield of thousands per mu, and the yield of most of the fields was between 800 and 900.

Layers all look at the output, but only among the members of the peasant family, they all see many unusual things.

In rugged mountains, poor soil, and dry land, the yield per mu will naturally be low; in fertile and watery areas, the yield per mu can be more than a thousand jin.

In other words, water and fertilizer play a decisive role in the growth of rice seeds.

Recall that in the experimental field provided by Imperial Court previously, the water and fertilizer were provided in unlimited quantities, and the data of thousand jin per mu can only be obtained.

Nowadays, the same rice seeds are widely used in different places, and the results are quite different.

The more Nongzi thought about it, the more worried he became, and suddenly he felt a pain in his heart, "Not good!"

The huge hidden danger of Shentao has already emerged in the rows of numbers.

"Quick, quick, I want to enter the palace, with Your Majesty on my face!"

Along the way, Nongzi's eyes were dull and he muttered to himself.

"I'm so stupid, all things grow in the world, and balance is the most important thing!"

"What grows from the earth is born from the absorption of the earth's strength, and the strong earth will grow strong!"

"The supply of land has always been within one's capacity and never excessive!"

"Shendao ignores the laws of nature and forcibly absorbs water and fertilizer, although it can achieve temporary abundance, but at the cost of damage to soil strength. !"

"This year, the local governments reported good news instead of bad news, and concealed the hidden danger of soil loss!"

"Waiting for the coming year, if the god rice is forcibly planted, the situation will be even more serious!"

This year there are still eight or nine hundred catties per mu. If we wait for the coming year, I am afraid that there will be only five-six hundred catties left. What about the year after...

Nongzi After a while of blackening, the rice seeds that were supposed to benefit the people have now become magic grass.

Forcibly overdrawn the earth's resources to obtain a temporary harvest, but at the expense of the future.

"Nongzi, Your Majesty is meeting the minister. I have no time for now. Please come back tomorrow!"

Nongzi ate a cold shoulder and said, "I can wait. !"

"I'm afraid I won't be able to wait for today!"

The palace attendant who guarded the gate said resolutely with a bit of pity in his eyes.

"Nongzi, you'd better go back!"

Nongzi had to speak, seeing the expression on his face, as if was struck by lightning.

He understood, the emperor didn't have time, but didn't want to see him.

At the moment, the autumn harvest is rejoicing, and good news has come from all over the country.

Even if there are any discordant things, in order to take care of the overall situation, they must be suppressed for the time being.

The emperor should know his temperament, for fear that Nongzi would say something inappropriate at the moment, so he simply refused to let him enter the palace.

"so that's how it is, I understand, haha!"

Nongzi's heart is bright, even if he is critical, the emperor and the famous people will never accept it.

Right now, the Imperial Court spare no effort is the big festival after the autumn harvest.

The official good news from all over the country can see the tone of the Imperial Court on this matter.

With so many eight or nine hundred per mu yields, forcibly it is mentioned that the per mu yields thousands of catties, for what?

"Teacher, I understand, I understand!"

Nongzi stumbled and walked out all the way, his back was particularly sad.

“What is the world in your eyes?”

He could almost imagine that the promotion of rice seeds in Imperial Court would squeeze the soil without limit, and the people would be short-sighted. After a short harvest, it will face the loss of soil strength. Not only will it be difficult to reproduce the glory, but even the previous output will not be achieved.

An unprecedented famine will break out in the near future, starving everywhere.

The culprit behind all this was the farmhouse he led.


Nongzi's mind was in chaos, he didn't understand why good intentions turned into bad things.

Unconsciously, he walked to a door and looked up to see the word 'Welcome'.

(end of this chapter)

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