Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 1303


Chapter 1303 Response

Imperial Court This action to promote rice seeds is a feast.

Including Shu Zhong, so many influences, all succumbed to the Imperial Court, for what?

The merits!

The day-to-day election of the emperor is a great good fortune, which is extremely rare and bred in the day after tomorrow.

Once successful, the future rewards will be astronomical figures that are difficult to calculate.

The main body of the Imperial Court, the candidate of the Heavenly Emperor, and the senior leaders of famous sects are also aware that although this matter is highly rewarding, success is not easy.

Therefore, people widely absorb investment, don't hesitate to share profits, but also attract help from all parties.

This year's first sowing has such a gratifying momentum.

It is conceivable that once the autumn harvest in the coming year is verified, the entire territory of the country will be covered with divine rice.

Fang Dou stared at the rice in front of him. As you can imagine, this is definitely not the divine rice of Imperial Court.

Just kidding, Imperial Court is willing to promote the rice that can really yield merit?

No need to do anything, planting rice behind closed doors, and relying on the merits of the harvest, are enough to leave a few other people behind and hurt the young emperor's leg in a high position.

The only explanation is that this rice seed entered the rice bucket space and was nourished by the five-color Divine Land, so mutation occurred.


Fang Dou picked off a bunch of rice ears and crushed the rice husk, revealing not the rice, but the water droplets of merit rolled into water droplets.

"Good harvest!"

Look at the rice grain again, where the ear of the rice was plucked, and began to slowly bloom and inoculate.

Goodfellas, one-year lifespan, forcibly extended lifespan.

"No, no!"

Fang Dou pondered carefully, this rice has a lot of origin.

Thinking of this, Fang Dou immediately left the space and left the Welcome Hall.

Farmland outside the capital is also planted with seasonal rice. Where does Fang Dou go to find the answer.

The rice fields outside the city, from a distance, look like emerald green blankets on the ground, changing colors against the wind.

In the paddy fields, clumps of rice have already been erected.

Fang Dou went forward to check it again and again, and finally confirmed that it was just planted this year and has not yet bloomed and headed.

"That's weird!"

Fang Dou nodded and pondered. The promotion of rice seeds has not been completed, and the Imperial Court's move has not been certified by heaven. How can it be merited?

"This Young Master is stepping up, don't step on the rice!"

Fang Dou was fascinated, and suddenly several people came beside him.

"Oh, I'm sorry!"

Fang Dou looked up and saw that it was an official who persuaded the farmer to walk towards him with several farmers.

This official, from the outside, is no different from other peasants except for wearing official uniforms.

“Young Master, you have to go out for a walk, you have to take out something else. This is a paddy field, where water insects breed and it is not clean!” Broken rice.

"But I heard that Shendao is specially cultivated and has the function of preventing insects!"

Fang Dou pointed to the paddy field, the water surface under the rice was clean and free of small insects Flying scene.

Shen Rice is insect-proof, so the paddy fields are cleaner than before. Farmers work in this environment for a long time, free from mosquitoes and diseases, their health is guaranteed, and their lifespan is virtually extended.

Therefore, this is also one of the merits of promoting rice seeds.

As soon as the official heard it, this is not a pampered young master who doesn't understand anything, so it's not easy to fool him!

"Young Master, at first glance, you are a noble person. Please raise your noble hand, and don't embarrass these ordinary people!"

"You can step on the broken rice, and it will grow up in the future. How many meals do you have!"

"There are so many great places to visit in spring, why come to the fields?"

Fang Dou was obviously worried about the rice fields in the fields when he saw his sincere attitude , nodded, asked, "In your opinion, how will the harvest in the fields be next year?"

The official was persuading, when asked suddenly, he was stunned before answering, "Naturally, it will be fruitful!"

"Is it true that, as the official document says, the yield per mu is thousands of kilograms?"

The official said firmly, "Absolutely not!"

"Not necessarily!"

Fang Dou shook the head, although you are a farmer, you may not be better than me in handling rice.

He raised his hand and pointed to a few random places, "It's up to 867 over there, it's better here, it can be in the early 90s, where else..."

The official was dumbfounded and immediately retorted, "Young Master, before the rice is planted, it is difficult for Divine Immortal to know exactly how much it will harvest!"

"Our farmers follow the whole process, and we can only start from water, fertilizer, and growth. It's probably estimated!"

"If you are like you, you can predict a ten-pound error in one bite, which is absolutely impossible!"

At this time, several farmers next to me also all They all agreed.

"Little Young Master, you are from a noble family, and this official knows more about crops!"

"He said that if the yield per mu is 1000 jin, there must be a full 1000 jin. Quantity!"

The official smiled nodded, after all, the farmers had already experimented many times in the Imperial Family's experimental field before promoting rice seeds.

"If that's the case, maybe I'm wrong!"

Fang Dou didn't say anything, the trip has already achieved its purpose, and there is no need to argue with the other party.

With that, he turned and left immediately.

The officer watched Fang Dou leave, relaxed, and finally left.

They are responsible for patrolling the fields. In addition to regularly driving away birds and wild beasts, the most troublesome thing is the pampered young masters of these wealthy families.

The sons and daughters of wealthy and luxurious families don't know how hard farming is, but after reading a few books, they think the idyllic scenery is unrestrained and romantic.

There are people who go out in the early spring and mistake rice for weeds, making many ridiculous jokes.

There are even those who hunt on horseback, driving their prey across the rice fields, and they don't know how much rice they trample at once.

They don't feel distressed, but the old farmers who are farming, facing the messy fields, want to cry but have no tears.

The three-year rice seed promotion plan, the Imperial Court has never paid more attention to it, and strongly supports it in terms of policy.

"Careful, how's the inspection here?"

The official turned around, showing surprise, "Nongzi, didn't you go to Shuzhong?"

This middle age person in coarse cloth rolled up his sleeves and trousers, revealing his tanned arms and calves. This is the standard dressing style of the farmhouse, which is convenient for summer work at any time.

With such an unremarkable appearance, he is the most common farmer in the farmland.

If you don't know him, no one would think that this person is the son of a contemporary farmer.

"The fertile soil in the middle of Shu is thousands of miles away, the environment is pleasant, and it is the natal home of the new concubine. It is not difficult to promote it!" Sow seeds in all places and grow rice, and then return!"

"Don't tell me, Shuzhong has been closed for many years and has hidden a lot of good things!"

"I Just in the middle of Shu, there are several ancient farming methods that are worth learning!"

"Uh, what are you doing standing here?"

The officials finally found the object of their complaints. , "Nongzi, don't you know that although farming is hard work and normally a lot of work, it's more tiring to protect the fields!"

"Not to mention the birds pecking and wild boars spoiling! "

"The most headache is those pampered young masters. They go out on the green, and the good young plants are trampled by them!"

"No, just give one away!"

"No, just give away one!"

" p>

"By the way, he also said that the harvest of these fields will not reach a thousand jin per mu in the future. What do you know?"

(end of this chapter)

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