Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 1300


Chapter 1300 Lobbyists

"I'm Zhu Bajie, the nail-harrowing rake - disbanded!"

Fang Dou Looking at the courtyard of the Guest House, I saw a few leaves falling. Although the season was not right, there were still some autumn thoughts.

This sentence suddenly jumped out of his heart, which made him laugh for a while.

Today's troubles will surely make the Imperial Court turn their backs, so let's hold a meeting overnight to discuss countermeasures!

Originally, the deity dignified Sword Immortal of Gouqu Mountain, it is a blessing to be polite to you, don't take it for granted.

You're better off, kick your nose and face, and openly marry Sword Immortal in Shu.

How can there be such a cheap thing in the world?

Okay, you have found a helper, my Fang Dou is superfluous, let's go!

"Master, it's almost done!"

Hong Luan carried a broom, crash-bang, and piled up a small mountain of things on the bluestone floor.

Fang Dou glanced over inadvertently and saw this pile of garbage, which looked like gems and gold threads 'dumped' a few days ago.

"Didn't you throw it away?"

Hongluan explained, "Master, I was dizzy at the time, so I thought about throwing things into the gutter."

"After thinking about it, the things were gone, and they thought we took them, so they found a place to save them!"

"We left today, so we simply moved out to bask in the sun and let them Look, we didn't move at all!"

Fang Dou listened to nodded, "Okay, that's it!"

At this moment, master and disciple heard , there was a knock on the door.

"Guess who is Hongluan?"

Hongluan said angrily, "The little emperor will send someone here!"

She doesn't Stupid, knowing that this cleanup will definitely alert the Imperial Court's eyeliner, it is just in time, most likely Imperial Court sent someone over.

"Go and please come in!"

Hongluan twitched his lips, "Master, since we are a lobbyist, why should we meet again?"

" foolish child, Imperial Court dares to send a lobbyist at this time, obviously very confident!"

"So, it's better to meet up!"

After a while, Hongluan Invited an old Confucian scholar with gray hair and came to Fang Dou.

"It's polite to meet my old friends!"

Although the old scholar is old, he can vaguely see the style of the past. It is Fang Dou's former County Magistrate, Guan Ziqing.

"It turned out to be Brother Guan!"

Fang Dou is very polite, this teacher knows how to play emotional cards, come and go like this, is it annoying!

"Sword Immortal, Zhenguo, I'm here to advise you to stay!"

Fang Dou asked earnestly, "Since you've come to lobby, what's the point?"


"Of course there is!"

Guan Ziqing breathes deeply, he knows that Fang Dou is determined, and once he makes up his mind, he is a heart of stone that is difficult to melt in a furnace.

He came here this time. The so-called old friendship was nothing more than a stepping stone to open a conversation. What really moved Fang Dou was another trump card.

"It's a big deal!"

Fang Dou understood and waved his hand, "Hongluan retreat first!"

Guan Ziqing said again, "Before the I declare that this secret is nothing to my famous sect, but it is extremely important to the Sword Immortal of Zhenguo!"


The other party is saying that confidentiality and No, it's all up to him.

Fang Dou snapped his fingers, placed a barrier around all around to restrain him, and then nodded to him, "Now we can talk!"

Outside the lobby, Hongluan looked back and saw Sheng. The heavy ban has been lifted, and I am a little worried.

“Sword Immortal of Zhenguo also knows that Shuzhong is a kingdom of its own, and it has always been independent of the Imperial Court!”

“Why this time, it is a married woman and a Come to the capital in person and form an alliance with the Imperial Court?"

Fang Dou subconsciously wanted to say, doesn't he want to take advantage of the Imperial Court's east wind?

On second thought, this answer is commonplace and not worthy of the other person's careful opening.

"Could it be that there is another secret?"

"Yes, there is a secret!"

Guan Ziqing said slowly, "This is the Imperial Court and An exchange made by Shuzhong!"


Fang Dou was furious before he could finish his sentence, "His Sword Immortal from Shuzhong came out and returned I want you to be invited to the Imperial Court three times and five times, and even make promises and exchanges!"

"But I'm Gouqushan, so I'll let you all greet me!"

"It's almost It's bully intolerably!"

Facing Fang Dou's anger, Guanzi Qingrao was already prepared, but he was still in a hurry.

"Zhenguo Sword Immortal don't be impatient, please listen to me!"

Fang Dou calmed down, "Okay, I'll listen!"

"The secrets that the Imperial Court exchanged with them are the ruins of the ancient Sword Immortal!"

Hearing these words, Fang Dou's heart sank, and everything suddenly became clear.

Difficulty had previously seen Sword Immortal's behavior in Shuzhong, which was unusual and inconceivable, and now it finally makes sense.

Only the temptation of the ancient Sword Immortal can make Shuzhong make such a huge sacrifice and marry the noble daughter of the family to the Imperial Court.

It should be noted that Sword Immortal in Shuzhong, what you keep in mind is to return to the glory of Sword Immortal in ancient times.

Unfortunately, the sword dao civilization in Shu has developed to the ceiling.

Fang Dou is a sword dao, which is also born out of the Shuzhong system.

The sword cultivator in Shu does not inherit the essence of the ancient Sword Immortal.

Therefore, the three Sword Immortals are still out of reach for Chaoyuan realm, and the Chunyang Sword Immortal can only exist in dreams.

In the legend, Ancient Era and Chunyang Sword Immortal are not rumors, but can be seen.

“so that's how it is!”

Fang Dou understands that the Sword Immortal bet on Imperial Court in Shuzhong is for the Sword Immortal ruins overseas.

Wait a minute, why do you say the site is overseas?

“How do you prove that the overseas Sword Immortal site is real?”

Guan Ziqing explained, “There are records in some out-of-print ancient books that at the end of antiquity, an explosion broke out. The battle of heaven shaking, earth shattering!"

"That battle completely changed the pattern of Heaven and Earth!"

"The land was shattered, among which the real Sword Immortal essence , fell into larger pieces and went overseas!"

"As for Shushan, it is a branch of the mountain that has been left behind, and it is not a true biography!"

"We have evidence, the site Just overseas!"

Fang Dou looked thoughtful and said, "That's it!"

He closed his eyes and thought about it carefully, the other party this remark, true or false, or , how much is true and how much is false?

“Look at the Sword Immortal of Zhenguo!”

Guan Ziqing took out a parchment and gave it to Fang Dou for inspection, “This is the evidence!”

Fang Dou took the parchment and found nothing on it, nothing to see.

Next moment, his eyes were drawn to the edge of the sheepskin.

"This cutting technique..."

Fang Dou became more and more obsessed, the subtle sheepskin edge, in his eyes put the Great Accomplishment a world, hidden endless profound mystery .


Guan Ziqing was used to it. After all, he showed similar things to the three Sword Immortals in Shu, and the other party responded the same way.

They are incomprehensible to a layman, perhaps it can be explained by the consonance between sword cultivators.

After an unknown period of time, Fang Dou put down the parchment scroll, breathes deeply, "Sure enough!"

The implication is that he has believed Guan Ziqing's words.

Because of the cutting technique used in this parchment scroll, and the sword dao essence it contains, Fang Dou can recognize at first sight that it is the inheritance of Sword Immortal since ancient times.

The Imperial Court has this physical evidence, which is enough to prove that most of what I just said is true.

"Is this thing really recovered from overseas?"

Fang Dou was not at ease and asked Guan Ziqing.


(end of chapter)

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