Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 1298


Chapter 1298 Unwilling

Sure enough, after a while, someone came to report.

After nightfall, the palace door was locked, but someone from Shuzhong entered the palace, and the person to meet was naturally the lady.

"Got it, let him go!"

The young emperor listened, casually waved off the palace servant, and looked towards the son of the famous sect, "I expected it to be good, right? "

"I admire!"

What else can the son of a famous sect say? A genius, but in front of the young emperor, he often feels that his brain is not enough.

"By the way, recently, how's the Yingke Hall going?"

Hearing the emperor ask about the Yingke Hall, the son of the famous sect immediately understood that he was asking. Red Luan!

"Sword Immortal of Zhenguo, I can't live all the time, and rarely show up!"

"Everyday shopping, it's his female disciple going out, every day is regular, there is no Abnormal!"

Hearing this, the young emperor not only complained, "Zhenguo Sword Immortal is also true, the Imperial Court sent him a servant, but he didn't want it, and let Hongluan work hard!"


The son of the famous sect thought to himself, once the matter involved Hongluan, the emperor would not use his mind.

Imperial Court is not trusted by people for fear of your eyeliner, so they refused.

"Your Majesty, Hong Luan, as Sword Immortal Disciple, serves her mentor, this is what she should do!"

"If you force someone to enter and rob her It's not self-defeating, but it makes her unhappy!"

The young emperor patted his forehead, "so that's how it is, Confucianism is right!"

Then, the famous teacher The son continued.

"It's just..."

The young emperor was a little nervous and asked, "What?" A female disciple, I recently wanted to make bead chains, but unfortunately all the gold thread gems on the market have been bought out!"

"It's still worth it!"

The young emperor was angry, for the sake of That tyrannical noble girl in Shu actually made Hongluan unable to buy silk thread gems, which is simply impossible.

"You go..."

The young emperor called a palace servant, whispered a few times in his ear, and urged, "Go quickly!"

Seeing this, the son of the famous teacher knew that he had to persuade him, but he should pay attention to the method and try to be as euphemistic as possible.

"Your Majesty, have you ever thought that a lady with such a temperament, if you intend to let Hongluan enter the palace in the future, how will the two get along?"

This question is not a question. Ask the right person, if he is asking about Fang Dou, the kind Master smiled and took out a copy of "The Legend of Zhen Huan".

The young emperor's expression became serious, "Confucianism, I understand what you mean, the noble girl in Shu will hurt Hongluan, right?"

The son of the famous sect opened his mouth, That's not what I meant. According to the comparison between the two families, it is most likely to hurt each other, and there is no one-sided bullying.

However, in the young emperor's mind, Hongluan is a lively, cute, and harmless little bunny, how can she be able to compete with a vicious and vicious lady?


The young emperor let out a long breath, his eyes firm, "Confucian, don't worry, I won't let this happen!"

"If Hongluan does not enter the palace, once she enters the palace, I will surely pave the way for her. As for the lady..."

"I will not let her live until that time!"

The last sentence made the son of the famous sect get chills.


“Old Ancestor, how are you……”

In the courtyard of the harem, the lady is still angry, and the effect of killing people is far less Imagination always works.

The people in the palace are all boneheads. After seeing her murder, they were so frightened that they knelt down and begged for mercy.

However, no one dared to let go of the Queen's regulations she asked for, and they shook their heads with tears in their eyes, like beef cattle queuing up to be slaughtered.

Even though she was holding a makeup knife, she had no interest in killing people, because it was too boring.

The people in this palace have all been domesticated into livestock, and they are willing to despise themselves.

Later, the noble girl came to her senses. It was the young emperor who was unwilling to agree, and it was useless for her to embarrass these palace servants.

Good, you ruthless person, I am a descendant of the ancient emperor of Shuzhong, and marrying you is already the favor of heaven.

You a trifling emperor of the world, with only one hundred years of life, yet dare to despise me.

The more the lady thought about it, the more wronged and angry she became.

At the time when Heaven and Earth were dark and the fire was burning inside and out, a relative suddenly came to visit from outside the palace, and it turned out to be the White Emperor Sword Immortal.

"Get out of here!"

After repelling everyone, the lady was very aggrieved and confided to the White Emperor Sword Immortal, "Old Ancestor, how dare he?"

Bai Di Sword Immortal did not get angry, but regretted, "You have an amazing sword dao innate talent, but for this big event, you gave up your cultivation and joined the Imperial Palace!"

"It's Old Ancestor. Ruining your future, sending you into the dark palace of never seen the daylight, and being left out in the cold!"

"child, you've worked hard!"

Originally, there were thousands of words to talk about, and even imagined how to deal with the anger of the White Emperor Sword Immortal.

But in these few consolations, the defense was completely broken.

For a moment, she seemed to be overwhelmed by the large and gorgeous clothes on her body, and she knelt on the ground and cried bitterly.

"Old Ancestor, I know I was wrong!"

That's right, her path, from the very beginning, is sacrifice. Since she knew it was sacrifice, why should she feel wronged?

Murder is the weakest act.

From now on, her heart will become stronger, and only in this way can she be worthy of the most glorious sacrifice.

On this day, the noble girl in Shu found the direction of her life.



Hong Luan was about to go out one day to buy some fresh fruits and vegetables, but the moment he pushed the door, the law was wrong, and the hand felt better Usually many times heavier.

"Which bastard did it?"

Hongluan subconsciously scolded his hips, it must be some urchin who brought stones to block the door.

Unfortunately, after scolding for a long time, I didn't hear the urchin's proud laughter.

"Could it be..."

She pushed gently, the door opened, and the things scattered on the ground.

Hongluan walked out of the door and saw falling gems everywhere on the steps, as well as bundles of gold and silver threads.

When I stepped on it, the instep was submerged.

Looking at the door just now, it's not a stone, but a bamboo basket used to hold these treasures. There are seven or eight in total.

"This is..."

Hong Luan spent a long time to pack up and send it to Fang Dou for instructions.

"Master, someone gave you a gift!"

Fang Dou shook his head, "foolish child, someone gave a gift, but not for me, but for you!"


Hong Luan wondered in his heart that he had no acquaintance in the capital!

"Hong Luan, I will teach you some common sense for the teacher. Look at these things. The marks on the corners are all made by the imperial government!"

Red Luan reacted immediately and raised his eyebrows, "Okay, it's him again!"

I immediately raised a few bamboo baskets, "I'll throw it away!"

"Don't waste it Ya!"

Hongluan is long gone, "Master, don't worry about it!"

She is so angry, you dignified an emperor, you are getting married, and you have to come to tease Me, what do you mean by sending these things.

Bah, among the vocabulary taught by the Master, the most suitable word to describe this young emperor is 'scumbag'.

(end of this chapter)

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