Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 1295


Chapter 1295 Script

"Master, I'm back!"

Hong Luan pushed open the door and left Take a few steps, walk to the atrium, and breathe evenly.

She called out a mirror, carefully looked at her appearance, and found that her hair was a little messy on the way to the rush just now.

Today was an interesting day and met many interesting people.

It's a pity that the Little Monk I met just now, like a stupid goose, cost her a bead.

Hong Luan thinks of this, and thinks of the young emperor. He is actually similar to Little Monk, who is just as dumb and incoherent.

"I'm back!"

A back flashed and landed in front of Hong Luan, Fang Dou appeared


Hong Luan just raised her head and was about to speak, but saw Fang Dou's very cautious expression.

No, could it be that her encounter with the White Emperor Sword Immortal this time made the Master angry?

Hongluan was in a turmoil, thinking that he would inevitably be punished, but unfortunately the two Senior Brothers were not around, if they were there, he might be able to persuade the Master.

Could it be that I, Hongluan, want to become the first Disciple to lead the family law so far in Gouqu Mountain.

I think optimistically, although it hurts and humiliates, it is also an opportunity to make a name for the history.

"Hongluan, hand it over!"

Fang Dou's words, like a big rock, fell heavily on Hongluan's heart.

Hand in, what?

"The script!"

Fang Dou hate iron for not becoming steel , if you didn't get the heroine's script, how could you be so aggressive?


First the young emperor, then the Buddhist and Taoist emperors, all of them were fascinated by you, Divine Soul upside down.

The more Fang Dou thought about it, the more worried he became. His little cabbage is now hurt by a pig. Even if it is a golden pig, it is a pig!

"What script?"

Hong Luan became more and more frightened.

It's really like that, the two Senior Brothers, and Hundred zhang, the first one will not let her go.

"It shouldn't be!"

Fang Dou looked up and down at the red luan, and he didn't look too devastatingly beautiful. How could several Heavenly Emperor candidates fall in love with her at first sight.

Then, he groaned inside, and it got worse.

This kind of fate-driven, incomprehensible opportunity is the most unpredictable and terrifying.

"Master, don't scare me!"

Hong Luan was about to cry. Right now in the capital, there are only two of them, master and disciple. If something happens to Fang Dou, she will immediately respond. Lonely and helpless.

"It's okay, it's okay!"

Fang Dou breathes deeply, "Hongluan, this time I brought you to the capital is also a chance for you to experience!"

"In the past decades, you have been alone and have seen a lot of scenery!"

"But today's capital is a place of rising winds, scudding clouds, and Peak characters from all walks of life gather here. !"

"You have to watch carefully, learn and think more!"

"Also, if there is a smiley brat, I dare to make up your mind and talk more if it is pleasing to the eye. If you don't like it, just kick it away."

"In case there is a cunning boy with glib tongue who wants to deceive you with rhetoric, he will cut his tongue."

Hongluan Hearing the end, I felt relieved, and sure enough, the Master still hurt her.

Just now everything was an illusion, it was just that the Master cared about him, so he was anxious.

"Thank you, Master!"

Fang Dou nods, then falls into thought.

Hongluan went out this time, and exploded many characters, such as sword cultivator in Shu, candidates for Heavenly Emperor of Buddhism and so on.

There is Yuantong on Emperor Xin's side, and nothing can be hidden from him. Fang Dou is not worried about this.

But the meaning behind the White Emperor Sword Immortal's personal visit to the capital is worth investigating.

Once upon a time, the three Sword Immortals in Shu were as cold as living in the clouds, not interested in mundane affairs.

How the Imperial Court and the world are, they ignore it and concentrate on the development of cultivation in Shuzhong.

To this day, Sword Immortal in Shu has also reached the point where it must be changed.

However, the changes Fang Dou saw were more drastic than expected.

White Emperor Sword Immortal, the most arrogant and arrogant of the three Sword Immortals, actually left Shuzhong and entered the capital.

If it is known to the world, it will definitely be understood as the bow of the sword cultivator in Shu to the Imperial Court.

Attitude, what the world cares about most, is always attitude.

even more how, Shuzhong Sword Immortal has always looked at his own reputation more than the sky.

For such a great sacrifice, more must be gained.

"Sword cultivator in Shu!"

Fang Dou vaguely guessed that the three Sword Immortals in Shu must all get involved, but it's just the White Emperor Sword Immortal taking the lead.

Even the Sword Immortals, who have always respected their power, are starting to play their tricks now. It is conceivable that the introversion brought by the Emperor of Heaven has been further strengthened.

"So, all the great calamities in the world, in the final analysis, are involutions!"

Fang Dou has a feeling in his heart, and he can't wait to pick up a pen and paper and write down his experience.

After thinking about it, let it go. If it is passed on to later generations, it is mistaken for the secret technique of Sword Immortal, and some people foolishly comprehend and refer to it word by word, trying to restore the peerless sword technique of Sword Immortal in those days. It's really... a sin!

Well, sleep!


“Master, Master!”

After Fang Dou was woken up, he first asked Hongluan, “I slept for a few days!”

"It didn't take long, I just slept for more than ten days!"

Hong Luan seemed to say casually, but she was amazed inside. Could it be that Master has a secret sleep achievement.

For more than ten days, Fang Dou was not intermittent, but slept until he woke up in one breath.

This is not something ordinary people can do.

"What's the matter?"

Fang Dou woke up suddenly, he was woken up, something must have happened.

Hongluan breathes deeply and organizes the language, but still can't suppress the excitement on his face.

"The emperor is getting married!"

Fang Dou blinked, "Uh!"

"It's the young emperor who disguised himself last time! "

Hongluan reminded Fang Dou, "Yesterday the Imperial Court issued a document to announce to the world that the emperor is going to marry a noble girl from a certain county in the southwest!"


Fang Dou understands, no wonder Hongluan is so excited, the young emperor won't miss her when he gets married, that's why!

Young girl, you are still too young to understand that every man has an impulse called 'three wives and four concubines'.

even more how, people are emperors, and it is their power to open a harem.

"I heard, is it the empress or the concubine?"

Hongluan innocently blinked, "Is there a difference?"

Of course there are differences.


Hong Luan shook his head, "I didn't look carefully!"

"Then go out and see clearly, and come back and tell the Master!"

A moment later, Hongluan returned and told the Master, "Master, it's the concubine who is elected, and I heard that she is one of the concubines!"

Fang Dou looked at Hongluan with a little pity, child, if it's the queen, you're safe. Now...

"Master, it's a great event for the young emperor to marry his wife!"

"That noble lady, What's the origin?"

Hongluan is fortunate that she has read the content carefully just now, and she knows the answer.

"I heard that it is the bloodline of the ancient emperor of Shu. His family has a long history, and he is a classical aristocrat!"

Fang Dou subconsciously, thinking of the girl next to the White Emperor Sword Immortal, suddenly had a whim.

Okay, here's where your strength comes from.

The three Sword Immortals in Shu have really changed their temperament. If it is normal, it is impossible to make such a decision anyway.

(end of this chapter)

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