Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 1284


Chapter 1284 Great Merit

Of course Fang Dou was joking, but in fact, his heart was already circling.

Persuading farmers, yielding thousands of pounds per mu, tolerance to drought and cold, these keywords are put together to point in one direction - farmhouse.

Fang Dou still remembers that the old man was killed by the Imperial Court as an abandoned child.

Xuanhe's peasant family was wiped out after the battle of the capital.

Afterwards, Fang Dou found the old man's nephew and gave him the rice seeds, which was the old man's unfulfilled last wish.

In the blink of an eye, Fang Dou recalled what he saw in the mountains, and countless streams of light fell into the capital.

It turns out that among these light streams, there is a farmer, after all, they belong to one of the hundred schools of thought.

"It seems that the son of a farmer has taken action if he can develop rice seeds and reach the level of popularization in the world!"

Fang Dou was concerned, and he handed it over to an old farmer man. The nephew's is the rice of the semifinished product, which must be perfected before it can be finalized.

Now, according to Imperial Court's advertisement, this kind of rice is already a Great Accomplishment, and it has reached the stage of field planting.

The entire Gyeonggi region is growing this type of rice, which shows the strength of Imperial Court.

In the event that the rice is unsuccessful, or even worse, resulting in reduced production, there will be a famine around Imperial Court in the coming year, which will certainly shake the regime.

"Such a move is determined and enterprising, as unstoppable as the morning sun rises!"

"The person who took the shot is definitely not the old fogey who seek stability from the famous religion, is it The current emperor?"

Along the way, Fang Dou had already inquired that the current emperor is sixteen years old and is the grandson of the orthodox emperor.

This is a fantastic move that has the potential to take Imperial Court to a whole new level.

People take food as their heaven, and the weight of food is more important than human life and the country.

The reason why the word "Sheji" can represent the country is because there is the word "Ji" in it.

Imperial Court's promotion of a new rice paddy, so that the people of the world will no longer have famine, is a great merit that has never been done before.

A merit?

Fang Dou groaned inwardly, so that's how it is, okay, okay!

On the famous sect's side, in the aspect of choosing the emperor on behalf of the heavens, it finally fell into place.

The merits of promoting rice seeds are the power of the whole country, and it is carried out in a silent way.

The emperor's order is aggressive, but the method is not radical at all. Taking the Gyeonggi region as an example, it is extended to the whole country in three years, and the work is extremely stable.

As a result, even if people with ulterior motives want to make trouble, it is difficult to find an opportunity.

"Hongluan, this little emperor, Interesting!"

Hongluan opened her eyes wide and saw Fang Dou's playful smile, she felt strange in her heart, "A young emperor, just a mortal, What's so beautiful!"

In her heart, she was still thinking about the tricks and sugar paintings in the capital, which were the wonderful things she had seen in the capital before she was reincarnated.

The little emperor doesn't know yet, even though he bears the weight of the society, he is still in the heart of a certain girl, but he is not as good as a candy painting.


"The merit is indeed merit!"

Celestial Grotto held a meeting, Dan Rong and Chen Chongxu were staying in Celestial Grotto Serve outside.

Originally, as Daozi of the two of them, they can participate in any internal meeting, either one or two, in short, the status of listening to people's reports.

But this time was different. Not only did I fail to participate, but I didn't even have the qualifications to attend.

The reason is very simple, this is a meeting of Chunyang daoist, and the two of them are not worthy of serving tea and water.

Therefore, the two Daoists in the north and south, guarding outside Celestial Grotto, staring at small eyes with big eyes.

Dan Rong even guessed that there are not only pure yang daoists in it, but even immortal Star Monarch who descended to the world may also get involved.

The reason for this is simple, the Imperial Court announced that it would promote rice so that there would be no famine in the world.

It was originally a good thing about people's livelihood, but because the content was too shocking, it immediately attracted attention.

That's rice with a yield of thousands of kilograms per mu. How can it be planted without the participation of the spell Divine Ability?

In the eyes of Taoists, the Imperial Court staked all on one throw this time, obviously going to fight them.

That's right, the matter of choosing the emperor from heaven is not a secret at all in front of the participants, and it is widely circulated internally.

They also guessed that the Imperial Court side, apparently also withdrew from the Heavenly Emperor candidate, and was about to compete.

As everyone knows, the Imperial Court is the famous teaching, the famous teaching is the Imperial Court, and the two are part of each other.

The Imperial Court's move this time is equivalent to the famous teacher's move.

The Daoists felt that the situation was unprecedentedly serious. First, the three schools of Shimen merged into one, renamed Buddhism and Taoism, and announced the Heavenly Emperor candidate.

Now, famous teachers have also appeared. Needless to say, they also want to share a piece of the pie.

And right now, where is the Taoist Heavenly Emperor candidate?

Dan Rong guessed not, really?

The Heavenly Emperor candidate is not the Chinese cabbage in the back of the house, and it can grow out casually.

Buddhism and Taoism and famous religions are one step ahead. The Taoists want to come first, but they find it difficult.

If you can't find it, you can't find it!

Fate dictates that there are more than 100 million people in the world. If you want to find a target among all the gods, the probability is comparable to finding a needle in a haystack.

even more how, Heavenly Emperor candidates, most likely not yet born, how can Taoists wait?

The comprehension in Celestial Grotto started several days after another, and it never stopped.

Dan Rong and Chen rushed to the virtual, facing and waiting, and couldn't walk away for a while.

At this time, if there is anything wrong with his performance, anyone who angers one of them will be knocked out of the clouds.

Therefore, the two were extremely respectful, standing motionless, without even talking.

The meeting was very heated, and sometimes, a few words passed beyond Celestial Grotto, and Dan Rong and the others listened.

Among them, there is a high-level speculation that the promotion of rice this time is very likely to be a famous sect who is a candidate for the Heavenly Emperor, and has achieved great merit.

There are hundreds of surnamed He in the world, once the famine is permanently eliminated, this great merit will be unimaginable.

The Taoists have also heard that the last time they exterminated the water demon in the Tianhe River and saved the world from water disasters, Buddhism and Taoism finally got 8,000 smallpox of merit.

It can be speculated that the success of the famous teaching plan will benefit more people, and the ultimate merits will be far more than this number.

When the time comes, famous sects will come to the fore, surpassing Buddhism in one fell swoop.

It stands to reason that Buddhism and Taoism are unfortunate, and Taoism is somewhat taking pleasure in other people's misfortune, and they have to haha a few times when they have time.

But now is not the time, because the Taoist side has no merit and virtue, and what's worse, there is no Heavenly Emperor candidate!

"...It's really not good, I'll give up my face, go down and ask!"

Dan Rong vaguely heard this sentence, and suddenly raised in his heart, go down?

Could it be that...

The following words can't be heard.

However, Dan Rong has roughly guessed that the high-level Taoist side wants to go to the underworld. Don't think about it, he must seek the help of Earth Sovereign Yan Jun.

Earth Sovereign Yan Jun, who has a samsara reincarnation disk and a newly developed Life and Death Book, finds one person nothing difficult.

The only question is, is this Earth Sovereign willing to cooperate?

Dan Rong shares the memory of the ontology and knows about Yuan Ming. Once this child is exposed, the situation will be dangerous!

(end of this chapter)

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