Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 1278


Chapter 1278 Anti-surveillance

Duke Makino lived in seclusion in Danyang County, and he almost had a thorn at the door of his house.

Fang Dou didn't have any opinion yet, and the Disciples couldn't bear it. What does this mean?

In today's Danyang County, Gouqu Mountain is a unique and unmatched huge monster, even surpassing the two sects of Taoism, buddhism and daoism.

Once upon a time, some people sighed that Danyang County is so outstanding, with Sword Immortal Fang Dou, Daozi Danrong and Fozi Yuantong.

These three people belong to different forces, but in recent years, they are the famous influential figures.

Some far-sighted people concluded that Danyang County was too small for three people to coexist.

As expected, Daozi Danrong and Foziyuan are usually outside all year, and the Mount Huang Dao vein and Jiuhua Temple where they are located are more symbolic, Wuxin and Gouqu Mountain compete for the hegemony.

Looking at Gouqu Mountain, Sword Immortal Fang Dou lives in seclusion here. In recent years, two Disciples have been promoted to Sword Immortal.

Comparing the two, Gouqu Mountain has become a well-deserved first-class Sect in Danyang County.

Although Direct Disciple has a small number of people, all of them are elites. Looking at other Sects, they all look down on them.

Who would have thought that Imperial Court would use a bad move to find an old fogey who was about to enter the ground to monitor.

Kong Makino is very old, like a dog skin plaster, sticking firmly to the side, as if having a fish bone stuck in one's throat.

"Master, we can't do nothing, let this old man provocateur!"

On the second day, except for hunted zhang, the other four Disciples all know Muye public news.

After they learned about it, they were all filled with righteous indignation. This move was not only disrespectful to Fang Dou, but also a provocation to the entire Gouqu Mountain.

As Direct Disciple, a lot of Disciples have invited one after another.

"What's the hurry?"

Fang Dou casually said, "The more anxious you are, the more you will fall into the opponent's trap. Today, I will give you some advice from the teacher, and fight against the enemy. Don't be impetuous!"

"The more powerful the enemy's attack, the more you must know how to deal with it!"

After listening to this, the Disciples gradually calmed down and carefully ponder.

Yes, Mr. Makino is currently living in seclusion in the vicinity and has not done much work.

If they are in a hurry, they rush to the door to ask for an explanation. The ideal situation is to touch the nose and return without success. If they think more sinister, the other party will give up this old life Porcelain, even Gouqushan can't shake it off.

"Good risk!"

Several Disciples, all talented and intelligent, fast or slow, figured out the joints.

At his age, Mr. Makino, on this mission, might really use his life to kidnap Fang Dou.

Fang Dou smiled without saying a word, Pediatrics, I have seen more Pengci in my previous life than you can imagine.

Based on the principle that the enemy does not move and I do not move, I still wait and see what happens.

However, just waiting for the change does not mean doing nothing.

"cough cough!"

"Tianci, Yujing, hundred zhang, Hongluan, Yuan Ming, you guys, from tomorrow, take turns to be on duty at the gate of Muye Gong's house!"

A smile appeared on Fang Dou's mouth, "The old man came to the door. As the owner of this place, how can I not give up the friendship of the landlord?"

"Master is right!"

Fang Yujing immediately figured it out, "As a Junior, it's also polite for me to go to take care of one or two!"

"Yes, yes!"

Others Disciple understood in turn, and smiled at each other, seeing that the old fogey was not pleasing to the eye.

Seeing Disciples being so optimistic, Fang Dou couldn't help pouring cold water, "Wait, don't underestimate each other!"

Don't look at Duke Muye's death at any time, I really want to treat him as an old man fogey , that is the performance of having no eyes.

This old man, who was once a powerful person, was a leading figure in the first class of famous teachers.

even more how, a scholar from a famous teacher, as long as he gets along well, there are two essential things, a pen and a mouth.

Fang Dou saw a few Disciples. Compared with this old Confucian scholar, his experience is still too shallow. If he takes it lightly, he will suffer a big loss.

"Master, don't worry, we are all prepared!"

Disciples expressed their positions one after another, Fang Dou heard the tone and knew that he didn't take seriously, smiled slightly, that's all, when the time comes .


second day.

Mr. Muye woke up in the twilight of the sky. At his age, he slept one day less, and sometimes he couldn't sleep even when he wanted to.

Opening the thin quilt, he got up and got out of bed, and after finishing a whole set of washing procedures, he opened the door.

According to Mr. Muye's habit, every morning after getting up, he has to do a set of health boxing at the door to keep his body strong.

But, pushing the door open, he saw a silhouette standing still at the door.

"Munior, Junior is a gift from heaven. On the order of the tutor, I specially take care of your old man, in case there is a wild beast that does not have long eyes and Xiao Xiao accidentally hurt you!"

Sure enough...

Duke Makino laughed inwardly, this is Fang Dou's move, it's better to make a move.

"Looking at the heavy dew on your body, you came very early, right?"

Xiu Tianchi said with a slight smile, "It's not too early, I came here in the middle of the night yesterday, and I'm preparing for tonight. Let's go in the second half of the night!"

"It's hard work, I have a wooden bench here, you can sit down and rest!"

Xiu Tianci was polite, raised his hand and said, "No Dare, you can't do anything until you have been ordered by your teacher!"

The implication is that the Master asked me to come over, there is no other order, I will just focus on watching you.

Duke Muye sighed, "I heard that the elder disciple from Gouqu Mountain has a calm and honest temperament, and has the style of an elder. When I saw it today, it sure is that name is not in vain!"

"Agreed! "

Xiu Tianci still smiled and answered politely.

The more he is like this, the more incomprehensible he is.

"I have nothing to do, let the old man tell you, how about a few stories from my famous teacher?"

Mr. Muye began to show his eloquence, and wanted to talk to him, unnoticeable Influence influence Xiu Tiansend, let the other party accept the ideas of famous masters.

I thought Xiu Tianci would refuse, didn't expect, but the other party actually agreed.

"Alright, old man, please tell me!"

Xiu Tianci seemed to say unintentionally, "I was in the mountains, and I often listened to the Master, telling little stories about Taoism and Buddhism. I have a lot of experience!"

"Oh, let's hear it!"

Duke Makino was interested and asked.

"The stories told by the Master, protagonists include monks, Taoists, scholars, boudoir ladies, beggar eccentrics, etc.!"

"But when you read stories, you can't just look at the content of the stories. It also depends on who wrote the story!"

"Scholar's story has always been a book life to the end, beauty and money!"

"The story of a monk and a Taoist priest is nothing more than It's about propagating gods and Buddhas, and making the world believe in Karmic Retribution."

Here, Xiu Tianci looked at Muye Gong and said seriously, "Master once taught me that listening to stories is like reading books, and I can't be fascinated by books. You must know how to use the truth in it to verify the truth in your heart!"

"You must not blindly follow, you must develop independent thoughts!"

"Kong Muye, you are sorry. ?"

Duke Makino coughed a few times, and then said weakly, "It's also insightful."

"Is that the story to tell?"

Since I've been drunk, I can't listen to the so-called story.

Kong Makino felt deeply frustrated. He thought that Fang Dou would be difficult to conquer, so he turned to his Disciple, but he was also frustrated.

(end of this chapter)

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