Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 1244


Chapter 1244 The Heart Demon of the Buddha-Intention

The attack of the twins is indeed worthy of the title of 'trick', it seems Beneath the splendid surface, there is actually a deadly killer move.

The vines are vigorous, and as time goes by, they grow more and more dazzlingly, greedily swallowing the vitality of the nine-headed phoenix, blooming countless flowers one after another.

In just a short moment, the nine-headed phoenix turned into a landscape, as if deliberately trimmed into the shape of a bird, covered with vines and flowers.

The Buddhists and Daoists across from them were relaxed when they saw this, and they thought that they were both honored.

It is a rare twin, and the two brothers both achieved the Great Ascension, which was a good story in the Buddhist and Taoist traditions of that year.

Because of their mutual understanding, the two of them joined forces, far surpassing the same two Great Ascension.

This time, it was a surprise to trap Jiutoufeng.

Amid the exclamations of the crowd, Bingdi Shuangzun continued to drive the vines to grow wildly and absorb the power of Jiutoufeng.

Unconsciously, a flower bloomed to the extreme, began to wither its petals and bear fruit.

This fruit looks unusual, it looks like a Phoenix flying high, with rays of light like flames all over its body.


Nine-headed phoenix eyes flashed cold glow, didn't expect, the ants in his eyes could actually draw out a trace of Phoenix True Blood.

The fruit in front of him, growing like this, should have accidentally absorbed Phoenix True Blood when he was extracting his vitality.

It can't go on like this.

The nine-headed phoenix whistled, and the nine heads were raised suddenly, releasing a shocking cry.


Immediately afterwards, the nine heads swayed in unison, turned into afterimages, and began to peck at the flowers and fruits on the vines.

After a short chase, the speed of pecking has exceeded the speed of blooming flowers.

Wait until the flowers have been pecked away, and the long, sharp beak of the nine-headed phoenix begins to focus heavily on the vine.

The sound of the steel rope breaking is continuous, and a large number of vines are continuously broken, withering and dissipating rapidly, turning into pieces of fly ash.

The hard-won, short-lived joy of Buddhism and Taoism disappeared without a trace.

Failed again!

The military ministers, saints and monks, Bingdi Shuangzun, etc., are well aware that the situation is over.

The strength of Jiutoufeng is beyond their imagination. They have the power of ten thousand Buddhas to come into the world, but they are no match for the opponent's three moves and two styles.

All attempts to attack have been in vain.

In front of Jiutoufeng, the Buddhist and Taoist people were as weak as babies, and even if they attacked with all their strength, they could not hurt the opponent.

"Everyone, the time of death is coming!"

At this moment, the saintly monk Puzhao had an open-minded expression, and he had no fear at all.

Other Buddhists and Daoists were also extremely desperate. They worked together and united, and in the end they were unable to cause any damage to the enemy, and their powerlessness filled their bodies.

Yuantong was also amazed. Today, when I faced it personally, I just realized what terrifying existence should be at this level of Pure Yang and Supreme?

I thought that I was the Great Ascension, and the distance Supreme is only a step away, and now I know that only this step away is the gap between Immortal and Mortal.

The True Spirit level Jiutoufeng, from start to finish, was teasing them and not doing their best.

Such a desperate disparity, no one will be disheartened.

“I once listened to a class under the knee of a Bodhisattva, and I benefited a lot!”

“I think back then, that Bodhisattva once left me a message of Buddha, asking me to Listen to it again before you die!"

Pu Zhao looked towards Nine-Headed Bird and asked him, "You can kill me with the palm of your hand, and you must ask for your consent!"

"Jiutoufeng, do you agree?"

The military ministers, saints and monks and other companions looked towards Puzhao, thinking about this time, listening to more and less of the Buddha's voice, is there any difference? ?


Jiutoufeng looked at Puzhao, the more strange he was, the more interested he became. He had to see, what tricks could these mortals, Final Struggle, have?

"Don't be careless, be careful of extravagance!"

Emperor Heart Little Monk reminded him, the voice came from behind.

"It doesn't matter, don't say that Bodhisattva left a word, even if that Bodhisattva came in person, it may not be my opponent!"

The nine-headed phoenix shone the holy monk nodded, "Since the It's a request before death, I promise you!"

The holy monk of Pizhao sat cross-legged, his hands folded on his chest, his eyes closed, and his expression was extremely pious.

From the Muni halo behind him, a voice slowly came out, solemn appearance, mighty virtue.

"What kind of climate can a little monster become?"

A sentence, whether it is long or short, is settled in the blink of an eye.

But the person who heard this sentence didn't react for a while.

Before, I was careful to listen to the Buddha's voice to create a sense of solemn ceremony. I thought it was a classic golden sentence, but why did it come out like this?

Vulgar, too vulgar .

Moreover, no matter how you hear it, it sounds like this sentence, it has already been expected today's scene, and it is specifically aimed at Jiutoufeng.

In the silence, I suddenly remembered the laughter of Jiutoufeng.

"Haha, this is Supreme's method of riding Bodhisattva, I see merely this!"

Jiutoufeng smiled contemptuously, but could only lie down on his back The emperor's heart felt the ups and downs under him, and knowing that the situation was not good, this descendant of Divine Beast was really angry.

"You bald donkeys are really act recklessly!"

The nine-headed phoenix eyes swept away. However, he saw that he was cut in half out of thin air, and his lower limbs had already fallen ten thousand zhang below.

True Spirit's eyes can kill when angry.


Ignorance shouted in grief and anger, and was about to step forward, but was stopped by his companions, and the light of the light was already helpless. Can't be impulsive.

"He wants to die, and he wants to hear the Buddha's voice before he dies. I will fulfill his request!"

The nine-headed phoenix eyes swept over the military ministers, saints and monks, and the twin statues. said solemnly, "Next, it's your turn!"

The atmosphere was extremely tense, but no one noticed that the eyes of the holy monk slowly closed, with a certain relief, just like a summer evening , The children who go out to play after finishing their homework are normal.

"Are you strong with both hands?"

Jiutoufeng waving its wings, cut off the hands of the soldiers, ministers, saints and monks. go down.

Then, his head flew out, pierced through the brows of the military minister, holy monk, and blood light splashed.

The crowd stirred up again, but no one came forward.

Today is the day of the martyrdom of Buddhism and Taoism. No one is spared. The difference is only in the morning and evening, so there is no need to fight for priority.

Yuantong stood in the crowd, a sympathy rose in his heart, plot against came to plot against, he was also a part of others' plot against, so hard work, put his life into it, what is it for?

"And you, two old fogeys, who also like to grow flowers and grass, disgusting!" The clumps of feathers are like steel brushes, grinding the flesh and blood of the two statues into crumbs, and shivering from the gap.

A moment later, the wings parted and two clean bones fell.

The Peak Great Ascension of the three families has all died so far.

"Who's next?"

Jiutoufeng's fierce gaze swept across the Buddhist and Taoist people, making people shudder.

A long sigh sounded, and then someone stood up.

"Yuantong, the son of Shimen, should be worth killing!"

(end of this chapter)

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