Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 1230


Chapter 1230 Takes a turn for the worse

The tact is good, no opponent is found, but other same sects have encountered unprecedented Violent attack.

“ao wu!”

A water monster shaped like an octopus, originally surrounded by several holy monks, the light group fell like raindrops, exploded all over the body, and the water mist splashed around, Mixed with pink blood.

Although the water demon is furious, it is too large to be surrounded by opponents to attack, and it is difficult to defend itself completely.

Originally according to this rhythm, the water demon must have exhausted its energy and was finally beheaded by the holy monk.

However, since the grand formation unfolded, countless torrents poured out from the sky, and the endless azure light sprinkled by the sky and water fell into the Formation and landed on countless water monsters, which immediately reacted.

The water demon snorted, blood congested all over his body, turned purple, and his body swelled more than ten times.

The direct consequence is that the original there is no stronghold one cannot overcome the light group, can no longer blow up the water monster, but is driven away by the swell, and explodes in the distance.

On the contrary, the holy monk who participated in the siege did not expect it to break out suddenly, and kept the original safe distance, and the situation was not good.

The water demon suddenly raised its tentacles, bounced like a sharp arrow, and stabbed several holy monks in the face, coming quickly and quickly.

"Not good!"

As soon as several holy monks reacted, their tentacles were already enlarged in their sight, and they fell like a battering ram.

“dong dong dong!”

In the continuous muffled sound, sou sou flew out backwards, or rolled on the ground, or rolled in the sky, and finally stabilized his figure.

"many thanks, Shizi!"

Several saint monks who were saved found that they belonged to Yuantong who shot a few Rakshasa.

"Be careful, these water monsters are no longer comparable to before!"

Yuantong rescued a few companions and began to meet the other Shimen people.

Looking all over the battlefield, the water demons broke out in an all-round way, as if they had eaten the medicine of tigers and wolves, and in turn pressed the three Shimen families to beat them.

Looking at Wuming and Hehuan, they are also in a precarious situation.

Yantong doesn't have Holy Mother, so he rescues Shimen's same sect first, and doesn't have time to pay attention to the rest for the time being.

He walked around hard, and he was a little curious. Those people above, faced with such a situation, are there any hidden back-hands for the comeback?

Thinking of this, Yuantong subconsciously looked towards not far away, which belongs to the battlefield of both Peaks.

Water Ape of the Three Stars and the four Divine Beasts of Kei Shui Leopard join forces, which can be described as crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. The current situation is one-sided.

The difference is that before, Puzhao fought four people in Water Ape of the Three Stars, now they are four in Water Ape of the Three Stars, and they chased four people in Puzhao and Junchen.

The four constellations Divine Beast, receiving the power of the constellations, with the help of Formation, show an overwhelming advantage.

Whether it is a pair of pedigrees, or military officials and Puzhao, they are all hard to match, and they can only keep walking and confrontation.

Water Ape of the Three Stars looked around all around, saw the advantage gradually moved towards his side, and immediately ordered.

"do it quickly, kill all these bald heads!"

In the water demon group, a tortoise as huge as a hill stood up after hearing the words, grabbed a person with both hands, and slammed it. The ground was torn to both sides, and after screaming, it was an unspeakable scene.

The other water monsters also responded and began to chase after the monks around.

Under the sudden turn of the battle, the Three Sects of Buddhism and Taoism, who had the upper hand just now, have now been chased and killed by water monsters.

As for the numerous associations on both sides of the strait, I can't get out of it at the moment.

The four-phase sky floods, continuously falling from the sky, attacking the Formation above the head, without stopping for a moment.

The river that had stopped at first was also driven and began to flood on both sides of the strait. Every time the tide rolled, it hit the camps of many associations. Go, become food in the belly of fish and shrimp.

"It's not good!"

The people watching the battle are also a little worried. If Shimen and the others are defeated this time, the Tianhe water is powerful and has mastered the Heavenly Emperor candidate. The conspiracy will succeed and the world will be submerged.

Although it had been expected, seeing Shimen's fiasco, all influence was still a little uneasy.

In the past, I had the mentality of watching a play and let the two sides fight, that is the confidence. Even if Shimen was defeated and the strength of the Tianhe water demon was greatly damaged, it would still be no match for the power of the cultivation world in the world.

Even, Taoists are still determined to pay attention to being a fisherman, taking advantage of both sides suffer to get a bargain.

But now it seems that the development of things has exceeded everyone's imagination.

The Tianhe water demon actually has the help of the constellation Divine Beast, which is a terrifying force, but looking at the battlefield in front of him, Shimen, Jingdao and Sanskrit have all been beaten and defeated.

Looking at the world, what other forces can compare to the Three Sects of Buddhism and Taoism? Taoism counts as one, famous sects count as one, and a hundred sons together can barely count as one, and nothing else.

Things have been naked eye and it can be seen that it is bad. Once the release door is not low, the Tianhe water demon will win, and if you want to destroy the opponent, you will have to pay a painful price.

If Taoists are willing to sacrifice, it is another matter.

Thinking of this, many eyes gathered on the people from Taoism, all looked towards Daozi Danrong.

Dan Rong slightly nodded with a smile, thinking to see what I do, I can't be the master.

"Daozi, if Shimen fails miserably, we should have prepared earlier!"

Dan Rong smiled and waved his hand, "It's still early!"

The fundamental purpose of this battle is to brush the merit value from the Tianhe water demon, which is related to the Heavenly Emperor candidate, so Buddhism cannot lose.

Since you can't lose, you must prepare more. Shimen has a profound background, and it must be more than that.

Even Dan Rong had a hunch that, if necessary, the Bodhisattva of the Supreme might come forward.


When several daoists heard what Dan Rong said, they were immediately shocked, looked at each other in blank dismay, was there any inside story.

They don't dare to do trivial things, this is one of the Taoist twins, there are many strange things, maybe they really know some secrets.

"Daozi, do Shimen and the others have backers?"

"That's inevitable!"

Dan Rong said with a smile, " Don't be arrogant, you must know that when the three schools were side by side, even if Shimen and Mingjiao were inferior to my Taoist school, they were still weak!"

"Look at the Shimen side, is it really exhausted? ”

The daoists from the north and the south all looked towards the field at the same time, but they saw the Tianhe water demons approaching step by step, and the three parties of Shimen Jingdao and Sanskrit were retreating.

We are already at a disadvantage, but the three families are on guard against each other and cannot work together, and the situation is getting worse.

"Uh, Daozi, according to this, the Three Sects of Buddhism and Dao are explained here today!"

Dan Rong squinted his eyes, looked the head, pointed to Puzhao, Jun The position of the minister, "Look carefully, there are your old friends there, what are they doing now?" The minister was more or less familiar, and immediately looked at it.

On a closer look, it's really a little strange. Right now, it's clear that Shimen is in danger.

Others don't look at it first, but look at the military officials, saints and monks, the famous old killers, who are still not impatient and defensive, as stable as Old Dog.

It's not right, there's definitely a ghost.

(end of this chapter)

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