Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 1226


Chapter 1226 True Spirit in the World


Water Ape of the Three Stars eyes widened, Anger erupted, and his claws suddenly accelerated, wanting to slap the white elephant to death.

"Elder Su, you are guilty of anger!"

The white elephant let out a scream, the air all around trembled, and two white lights spewed out of its mouth.

The white light rises when it sees the wind, turning into two slender machetes, swishing into the Water Ape of the Three Stars claws.

Boom, the white elephant stepped back a few steps and was pushed all the way by the Water Ape of the Three Stars, running through the north and south banks of the great river, knocking out a hill of silt.

Looking at Water Ape of the Three Stars again, where the palm is penetrated, there are two ivory sticking out.

"Wisdom Divine Elephant, this hand has the Divine Ability of flying teeth, it is really sharp!"

The white elephant shook its head violently, the ivory broke off at the root, and broke away from the palm of the Water Ape of the Three Stars .

The rest of the companions stepped forward to lead, making Water Ape of the Three Stars lose the opportunity to pursue the victory.

"Elder Su is amazing, Junior is no match!"

Bai Xiang escaped from the trap and was very afraid, and solemnly admitted to Water Ape of the Three Stars.

Water Ape of the Three Stars suddenly exerted force and broke two ivory, still on the ground, stared at the white elephant and asked, "You also leaked this secret?"

" Your actions will ruin me!"

Bai Xiang saw his killing intent and waved his hands hastily, "That's not the case!"

"Su Lao, the secrets you have painstakingly hidden, Every delicate hair was completely shown in the eyes of others!"

"Buddha and Taoism are powerful, and the world is their home field, you are not opponents!"

Water Ape of the Three Stars coldly snorted, "How have all Heavenly God Buddhas ever visited the world?"

"As a star Divine Beast, even in the world, I can control the situation!"

"How about Shimen? What about Buddhism?"

This remark shows the arrogance and domineering of the Tianhe water demon, and even a group of traitors are moved.

The White Elephant shook his head, "Let's go!"

Obviously he could see that Water Ape of the Three Stars was determined and could never persuade him.

In this case, the forces of the Tianhe Water Demons are destined to be a sinking ship, and there is no need to die for them.

"Where do you want to go?"

Water Ape of the Three Stars eye shows the ominous light, double beckoned, and the rest of the Tianhe water monsters are surrounded.

Obviously, he's going to clear the portal.

"Su Lao, it's boring for you to do this, a gentleman will cut off ties and say no evil!"

Bai Xiang shook his head, "I didn't want to cast aside all considerations for face, but now, You forced me to do this!"

"Everyone, it's your turn to take action!"

Puzhao led a group of new troops and happily came forward.

"Yuantong, go!"

At the same time, in Yuantong's ear, he heard the call of the military minister, the saint and the monk, and immediately flew to the sound.

After the blink of an eye, the three families of Shimen, Jingdao and Sanskrit gathered together and surrounded the Tianhe water demon headed by Water Ape of the Three Stars in the center.

Apart from this, the traitor led by the white elephant, not only weakened the power of the Tianhe water demon, but now joined the camp of the Three Sects of Buddhism and Taoism, which made the situation even worse.

"It's you!"

Being in the same camp, Yuantong felt quite awkward, especially after seeing Wuming and Hehuan.

The matter has come to this point, with the wisdom of the three, they have already guessed that this alliance is the decision of the top three, and even they do not know.

A decision of this magnitude, once implemented, can never be questioned or opposed.

The three hundred sons knew that, even if they were reluctant, they could only obey orders.

But over the years, the three families have fought endlessly and suffered heavy casualties. It is rather ironic that they should join forces now.

Yuantong knows more, this battle is one of Heaven and Earth's candidate links, and the Tianhe Water Demon is a good target to brush the merit value.

Now that there is another white elephant leading the crowd to defect, the Tianhe water demon has no room for a comeback.

Perhaps, the rest of the hope is still on the Nine-Headed Bird.

As expected, Pu Zhao and the military minister looked at each other and asked about Water Ape of the Three Stars.

"Water Ape of the Three Stars, as far as I know, you are replacing the Nine-Headed Bird, in charge of the Tianhe Water Demon!"

"Right now, you are facing destruction, no The reason is that you are alone!"

"Please bring out the Nine-Headed Bird soon, we can discuss one or two, maybe it is a misunderstanding, it is easy to explain!"

Water Ape of the Three Stars didn't believe him either, just stared at each other, "How did you know?"

"Know what?" That is to say, how do we know that Nine-Headed Bird's retreat is to make a breakthrough, in an attempt to reunite True Spirit in the world?"

Hearing the word True Spirit, Water Ape of the Three Stars His body shook slightly, but the many Tianhe water demons behind him were shocked.

"Elder Su, Big Brother Jiutou gathered True Spirit. Why don't we know about such a big thing?" -Headed Bird retreat, is to break through some kind of bottleneck.

The water demons of the Tianhe River have the same origin. They all pierced through the bottom of the Tianhe River and entered the human world along the flood.

Because of this change, they themselves are prisoners of crime, and now they are smuggling into the lower realm, and their strength is subject to the most severe suppression.

Let's not talk about anything else, just look at Water Ape of the Three Stars, which is also in the lower realm by similar means, and the dignified star Divine Beast has been suppressed to this point.

In the final analysis, it is still the law of one realm and one realm.

In Immortal World, as Divine Beast, they are in the peak state of strength and can play unscrupulously.

When he arrived in the human world, he was suppressed by the laws of the human world.

Although, relying on the Innate Divine Ability in bloodline, many secret magic cultivators have been able to gradually improve their strength. Over the years, the Tianhe water demons have grown from weak to strong, using similar methods.

But no one didn't expect the Nine-Headed Bird retreat to reunite with True Spirit.

The so-called True Spirit is the fundamental core of Divine Beast. If there is no order from the Immortal World Celestial Court, smuggling into the lower realm will inevitably be disappeared.

A group of smuggled Tianhe water demons, without True Spirit, is no wonder they are in a hard fight in the world.

However, once the True Spirit can be reunited, the weakest can compete with the pure Yang daoist, which is a considerable battle strength.

Although this method is good, it has huge flaws.

True Spirit is born on the basis of the law of one world. The True Spirit of Immortal World is useless in the world. On the contrary, the True Spirit reunited in the world is also useless to return to Immortal World.

If you want to gain strength and reunite with True Spirit rashly, of course you can slaughter all sides, but when you return to Immortal World, True Spirit disappeared, not only can't return to Peak, but becomes the weakest existence .

The price is too heavy for anyone to sacrifice.

So many Tianhe water demons, even at the risk of being killed, would never reunite with True Spirit rashly.

Firstly, the cost of reuniting True Spirit is too high, and secondly, this method is too dangerous and difficult, if not for the existence of great perseverance and great perception, it will never be successful.

But once it succeeds, the Tianhe water demon will appear at the level of pure yang, which is quite impressive.

In this matter, apart from a few cores such as Water Ape of the Three Stars, no one else knows about it, even the traitors such as White Elephant are no exception.

Nowadays, many Tianhe water demons were shocked and then panicked.

Nine-Headed Bird's move is quite determined to stake all on one throw. If it succeeds, it's easy to say, but if it fails, everything is over.

Not to mention, it is now known by the enemy and takes the opportunity to attack.

Water Ape of the Three Stars just wants to know, how did the other party know the news, and who else is inside the ghost?

(end of this chapter)

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