Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 1222


Chapter 1222 is getting better

“en? ”

Outside the battlefield, the son of the famous seems to notice something , looked up at the sky, but found nothing.

"Brother, what's wrong?"

The son of the Jin Family, seeing his reaction, asked thoughtfully.

"No, it's nothing?"

The son of a famous family, he said it orally, and his heart is really restless.

Since he learned about the strangeness of the fame list, he has positioned himself beyond a hundred schools.

The purpose of returning to the Hundred Schools is to fight against Taoism and gain a place.

In the battle of Ba Shui Mountain, after the madman came forward to mediate, Taoism also chose to give in. Over the years, hundreds of schools have developed in full swing, and the embarrassing scene of the past has not been seen.

However, the son of the famous family always remembers that there is no room for coexistence between the Baijia and Taoism, and eventually one of them will perish.

The current appearance of Taoism is a centipede dies, but never falls.

However, what worries the sons of famous scholars is that many Baijia schools are gradually satisfied with the status quo and have lost their original aspirations.

Such a situation is undoubtedly very dangerous. In his perception, Taoism is by no means a good man and a woman.

Therefore, the sons of famous families are always vigilant.

The fame list, the magic of this magic weapon, gave him a more proven prospect.

The son of a famous master can stand outside the chess game and watch the various disputes in the cultivation world.

It's like the battle situation in front of the big river. The Shimen and Tianhe water demons involved in it seem to be just for the battle of spirit, but in fact, the purpose is to be a candidate for Heavenly Emperor.

Such a secret, at least 99% of the bystanders will not know it, that is to say, they really watched a lot of fun.

"No, it's not right!"

The more the son of the famous family thought about it, the more uneasy he felt in his heart. He always felt that there was something hidden deep in his eyes. pass.

"Where's the Emperor's Heart?"

Divine light flashed in my mind, the son of the famous family found the problem, the fuse of this war, Little Monk Emperor's Heart, why has it disappeared ?

Shimen attacked the Tianhe Water Demon's nest, nominally because of the burning of the ancestral home. In fact, everyone knows that there is nothing else in this battle, except that the Emperor Heart Little Monk must be recaptured.

The Tianhe Water Demon attacked the Zuting Mountain, killed and eaten people along the way, and destroyed countless Buddha treasures, all of which were incidental, and the fundamental purpose was this Little Monk.

The unprecedented tragic battle broke out between the two sides. In the final analysis, it all lies in the emperor's heart, Little Monk.

How come now, there is no trace of him?

The sons of famous families looked all around, seeing the attention of all parties, they all fell into battle in the field, and no one was looking for the emperor's heart.

“so that's how it is!”

The son of the famous family pondered, it seems that this emperor’s heart, Little Monk, is only the middle part of the nesting doll, used to cover up the deeper level purpose.

"A good Shimen, worthy of being one of the three families in the past, it is so rigorous schemes and deep foresight!"

The sons of the famous families shook their heads one after another, fearing that it would be a disaster for the ancestors. It was also deliberately done by Shimen, to 'make a teacher famous'.

In the past, none of the three houses was clean and simple.

"I'll take a look again!"

The son of a famous family, lightly placed a point on the fame list, his fingertips fell on the entry of 'Emperor's Heart'.

"If you are really mysterious, you will definitely be able to find the emperor's heart for me!"

He did this, and when the son of the Jin Family next to him saw him, he couldn't help but be very curious.

"Brother, have you actually used this magic weapon?"

"Ah?" , you don't know what magical effect this magic weapon has?"

"It's natural!"

The son of Jin Family, said slowly, "Brother doesn't know everything, I'm Jin Family There is a rule that the maker doesn't need it, and the user doesn't make it!"

"You must never use your own magic weapon; p>

"This is the greatest respect for the magic weapon!"

He pointed to the fame list, "even more how, the origin of this treasure is extraordinary, and I can't figure it out!"

It turned out that the raw material for the fame list was a piece of blood-stained yellow cloth, which was taken out of the treasure house handed down from generation to generation by the Jin Family.

The blood stains on this yellow cloth, even after thousands of years of changes, still remain bright red, which is quite strange.

When it comes to this generation, the son of the Jin Family, take it out and refine it to get this magic weapon.

"Do you know its origin?"

The son of the famous family moved, if he knew the origin of the yellow cloth, he could probably guess the strangeness of the fame list.

"I can't find it!"

The son of the military family shook his head. Many of the materials in the treasure house were collected and left by predecessors. No way to know.

Therefore, including the previous Fire Dragon urn and Return to Origin stamp, they were all made by mistake, and even the military strategist himself did not know that it would be successful.

"so that's how it is!"

Sighed, the son of a famous family, suddenly saw the entry about 'Emperor's Heart' on the fame list, and unusual rays of light began to appear.

"This is..."

The strong light came too suddenly, the son of the famous family narrowed his eyes, and just saw the text on it in front of him.

"Faction: Shimen (Buddhism)!"

This line of characters is where the rays of light are the strongest.

“so that's how it is!”

The son of the famous family suppressed his excitement and finally knew the truth.

Sure enough, this was Shimen's conspiracy. The Emperor Heart Little Monk was not stolen, but sent to the door on purpose.

In the brackets after the release door, there are two words Buddhism and Taoism, which contains a lot of information.

Buddhism in a broad sense includes the three schools of Shimen, Jingdao, and Sanskrit. Does it mean that this time, it is not only Shimen, but also the other two forces that deal with the water demons of the Tianhe River.

"Hidden deep enough!"

Subconsciously, the son of the famous family, looked towards all around, and soon found the traces of Wuming and Hehuan.

The two still looked like they were watching the fires burning across the river, and they couldn't see the weak spot.

"Okay, it turns out that Shimen's biggest foreign aid is not those associations, but Sanskrit and Pure Dao!"

Thinking of how the three families have fought with each other over the years, and countless casualties, it has long been a long time ago. Forged a bloody feud, it turned out that simply was made for outsiders to see.

"It's no wonder that some people say that these monks have hearts like stone!"

To this day, the son of a famous person has only spied on the tip of the iceberg of this conspiracy, which is already a big deal. Eye-opening.

"Heavenly Emperor candidate, so much trouble, must be a candidate for Heavenly Emperor!"

The mind of the son of the famous family is running fast, there must be something that he doesn't know.

In such a big scene, Shimen impossible just wants to kill the Tianhe water demon, there must be some other purpose.

"What is it, what is it?"

Sweat beads appeared on the forehead of the son of the famous family, and his mind was in chaos.

The son of the Jin Family, seeing him like this, persuaded him out loud, "Brother, don't force yourself, if there is something you can't figure out, don't get to the point!"

"Just Like me, in pursuit of merit and virtue, I have failed countless times for so many years!"

"No, I'm still optimistic!"

The son of the famous master listened and his breathing returned to calm. , "many thanks for your enlightenment, it's my fault!"

Continue reading, as the current situation advances, Shimen's intentions must not be hidden.

(end of this chapter)

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