Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 1195


Chapter 1195 Shocking News

“Yuantong, as a Shizi, do you have any complaints?”

Yuantong One Startled, he raised his head to look at the military minister and the holy monk, and the other party's face was serious.

For a time, his whole body was tense, what happened?

Understanding this sentence is a test, to test the loyalty of Yuantong. If one answer is not good, they will be presented with a death package on the spot.

"Why did the holy monk say this?"

Yantong replied sincerely, "I have no complaints at all!"

"It's fine if you don't, you have to I know, many things are kept from you, it is to protect you!"

"Although you have become a Great Ascension, your accumulation is still shallow, and you can't go through too much trouble!"

Speaking of this, the military minister and holy monk sighed, "But this incident, the old monk can't protect you anymore, it's time to let you know some inside stories!"

"You know, that dharma name is emperor heart. Who is the Little Monk?"

"Isn't that what the holy monk just said, the immortal who was exiled from the sky?" In front of everyone, the military ministers and saints did not tell the truth.

"Of course not, he is not an immortal, but one of the candidates for the reincarnation of Heavenly Emperor!"

Yuantong only felt the roaring in both ears, like a thousand hectares of thunder exploding at the same time, and his mind rang out. Blank.

So soon, he came across the word Heavenly Emperor, which he didn't expect.

Immediately, Yuantong hurriedly calmed his mind and must not show any strangeness. After all, with his experience, it is impossible to know anything about Heavenly Emperor.

Once the military ministers, saints and monks find something different, Yuantong will be revealed.

"Heavenly Emperor? Holy monk, this is that god and Buddha?"

"Neither god nor Buddha nor immortal!"

Military minister, holy monk indifferently said, "However, the ownership of this Heavenly Emperor is the source of the rise and fall of my Shimen in the future!"

"Although this emperor's heart is only one of the candidates, if it falls on my Shimen, it is God. Give me a chance!"

"Those Tianhe water demons, who got the news from nowhere, robbed the emperor's heart, and even wanted to get involved in this!"

"hmph, wishful thinking. , a bunch of evil creatures, what qualifications do they have to intervene in the battle for the emperor?"

When the military minister and saint monk said this, he seemed to find that he revealed too much and hurriedly stopped.

"Anyway, listen carefully to Yuantong, the center of the earth is of great importance and must be taken back!"

Yuantong looked thoughtful, "so that's how it is, Tianhe Water Demon this Come, the fundamental purpose is to seize me the chance to release the door!"

"But this chance is alive, that is the emperor's heart Little Monk!"

The military minister and the holy monk After listening to nodded, "That's right, your perception is very good!"

"Yuantong, you are Shizi, this time to attack the Tianhe water demon nest and save the emperor's heart, you need your help!"

Yuantong answered righteously, "Do your part!"

Immediately, he said, "Holy monk, I accidentally got a piece of news when I went out this time, and it should be useful!"

"Well, you said it!"

The military ministers and saints didn't pay attention to it, and now he is full of thoughts, how to find the foothold of the Tianhe water demon, and then launch the Shimen army to attack and recapture the rare goods. Little Monk.

"I heard that there are two Sword Immortals in Gouqu Mountain, and they had a fight with Lord of Monster Realm!"

"This battle was actually won by Gouqu Mountain, and it was also implicated. A secret, it turns out that the old lair of the Tianhe water demon should be in the big river, and many people have already gone to check it!"

After listening to this, the military minister and saint monk suddenly changed his face, without saying a word. Turn around and leave.

"Yuantong, come with you!"

After a while, Yuantong followed the military minister and the holy monk to find a blind monk. The thin monk couldn't cover his thin chest and was thin. On his neck, he wears a string of thick and large rosary beads, each as big as a fist.

“Monk Divine Eyes, it’s time to use you!”

The blind monk sighed, “King and minister, I know you are in a hurry, I have raised thousands of mirrors in the lake of my heart. Let's start, spread out to all directions in the sky, and look for the whereabouts of that Little Monk!"

"But you also know that the world is huge, let alone millions of bright mirrors, even if there are hundreds of millions, it is not a short time. I can detect it!"

"even more how, do you really think that the Tianhe water demon is a fool, and leave with Little Monk without any cover up, leaving the tail for you to follow to find trouble?"

"even more how?"


"I also heard that although most of the water demons in the Tianhe River are mobs, they also hide a lot of powerful characters. Be careful if they set a trap to plot against!"

Junchen The holy monk waited for the blind monk to finish speaking, and pointed to Yuantong behind him, "I, Junior Yuantong, came to see you for the first time today!"

"Yuantong, come and meet the Divine Eyes monk!"

The blind monk waved his hand, "It's nothing compared to salute, Shizi, I've heard of your name."

"Yuantong found a piece of news outside, the water demon of the Tianhe River seems to be lurking in the river !"

After hearing this, the blind monk angrily rebuked on the spot, "It's nonsense, the big river is the key point where the water veins connect the world, and it is the natural danger that separates the north and the south!"

"It's so important. If there is any movement, the eyes of the whole world will be attracted!"

"Tianhe Water Demon, why did you choose this place?"

Yuantong explained patiently, " I heard that there is an inside story, that the Tianhe Water Demon chose the big river for the convenience of the terrain, in preparation for opening the bottom of the Tianhe River in the future to lead the Heavenly River Water to pour back into the world!"




Military officials, holy monks, and blind monks can almost imagine the tragic scene where once the opponent's goal succeeds, all the people of the world will be caught in the turbid waves and reduced to food in the belly of fish and turtles.

The blind monk finally changed his mind, "As you said, is it really possible?"

The military minister and holy monk stepped forward at the right time, "I know that you are in trouble, the world is big, and there are so many people. Hai, it's not easy to find someone, but now I'll show you the direction, your ten thousand bright mirrors, you can go to war!"

The blind monk nodded, "Good!"

next moment, both of his hands raised, poked against the sky clouds.

Rumbling, a lightning glow flashed in the depths of the clouds, and it seemed that a dragon was rolling on it.

Yuantong looked all around, although he didn't see anything, he could sense that there seemed to be some subtle changes happening in the distance.



A dead tree, clean without half a leaf, only a broken black nest, located in the on the thickest branches.

In the crow's nest, the crow, the mother, looked at each other vigilantly, and kept making harsh and unpleasant calls.

Under its soft belly hair, a few balls of pom-poms keep squirming, trying to open their eyes to look forward. By nature, the newborn crow also wants to see the sparkling things.

The uninvited guests occupying most of the Wuchao are like a bright mirror.

Only the crow mother knows that one night before, this thing fell from the sky and broke into their family life, completely breaking the peace.

The crow mother felt that this thing was ominous.

Fortunately today, something has finally changed.

The crow mother still tweeted a few times, feeling dry, and was about to fly out of the crow's nest.

didn't expect, mutation happened suddenly.

The bright mirror of motionless suddenly turned into white light and disappeared from Wuchao.

The crow mother blinked, how the originally crowded nest suddenly vacated so much, and it was very uncomfortable for a while.

Immediately after, it reacted, why is the mirror gone?

(end of this chapter)

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