Peach Blossom Collection

Chapter 501: go to Qingfeng Mountain

b(); Bai Xuewu, dressed in black, sneaked quietly towards the bottom of Qingfeng Mountain. (Baidu search \"\", the latest chapter is free to watch) She is already at the peak of the early stage of transformation, and the next step is the middle stage of transformation. She is only in her twenties, and she is uniquely blessed to have such strength.

Before she came to the Bai family in Qingfeng Mountain, Bai Xuewu didn't dare to think that she would enter the transformation realm one day, but now, she deeply felt her weakness.

On Qingfeng Mountain, there are dozens or hundreds of masters in the middle stage of transformation, more in the early stage, and even two masters in the later stage of transformation.

Bai Xuewu heard the wind very early, Bai Fengnian would marry her after her injuries had healed. She had been thinking about retreating a long time ago, and she also thought that if she had no choice, she would escape from Qingfeng Mountain. Therefore, a long time ago, Bai Xuewu began to prepare for today, and the route she escaped today was carefully selected by her.

It was the fifteenth Lantern Festival soon, and it was the day of Bai Fengnian's wedding. Qingfeng Mountain was peaceful and peaceful, and the disciples who patrolled the mountain also had a relaxed smile on their faces.

Whenever he met the disciples of the mountain patrol, Bai Xuewu would hide, and after the disciples left, he would go down the mountain quietly.

On weekdays, from the top of the mountain to the mountainside, there are not many bright posts and dark posts, but from the mountainside to the foot of the mountain, the guards are much tighter. But today, the situation was a little bit beyond Bai Xuewu's expectations.

From the top of the mountain to the mountainside, there are also many disciples standing guard on duty, including even the mid-transition masters.

It was also fortunate that Bai Xuewu had studied the route down the mountain very early, and she was careful all the way, and finally did not disturb others. However, after arriving at the mountainside, the number of sentries in front of her made Bai Xuewu's scalp a little numb.

From the mountainside of Qingfeng Mountain to the foot of the mountain, it is almost five steps at a post, and ten steps at a post. Fortunately, these disciples who were standing guard were just here to show off the demeanor of the famous sect. Of course, the Bai family also had the taste of showing off their strength. They were not very careful when they were standing guard, either chatting or falling asleep.

Below the mountainside, there are no middle stage disciples standing guard, and the most powerful ones are only the early stage.

With Bai Xuewu's body technique, Rao took six hours from the mountainside to the foot of the mountain.

Finally left Qingfeng Mountain!

Standing at the foot of Qingfeng Mountain, Bai Xuewu turned her head and looked at Qingfeng Mountain, with a lot of nostalgia in her eyes. She was not nostalgic for the Bai family in Qingfeng Mountain, she just nostalgic for Bai Yichen.

Bai Xuewu knew that once the people of the Bai family found out that she was not there, they would definitely catch up. She didn't dare to delay, she took a deep breath, used her body technique, and hurried away.

Before she swept far, Bai Xuewu was startled when she saw a white shadow in front of her, she quickly stopped her figure, and with a choking sound, her long sword was already unsheathed.

Intuition told Bai Xuewu that the white shadow in front was waiting for her.

"Do you think you will be my opponent?" Bai Fengnian turned his head and looked at Bai Xuewu with mocking eyes.

Hearing the voice, Bai Xuewu recognized that the other party was Bai Fengnian, her heart sank, Bai Fengnian was in the middle stage of Transformation Realm, his injuries had already healed, and Bai Xuewu was indeed not an opponent.

"I have a deep love for you, but you're going to run away from marriage?" Bai Fengran shook his head, "You still can't forget Lin Feng, right? You're disappointing me."

Bai Fengran knew that Bai Xuewu would not marry him. In the past two days, he found that Bai Xuewu was surprisingly calm, and he was worried that Bai Xuewu would escape. Therefore, he had been paying attention to Bai Xuewu for the past two days, but he did not expect that he would be right.

"Twisted melons are not sweet." Bai Xuewu said.

Bai Fengran said lightly, "You are from the Bai family, have you forgotten the rules of the Bai family?"

After waiting for a while, seeing that Bai Xuewu didn't speak, Bai Fengran said again: "I think you are going to marry me soon. I can ignore the Queen's rebirth today. Come up the mountain with me."

After speaking, Bai Fengran walked towards Bai Xuewu step by step. After walking to Bai Xuewu's side, he didn't say anything else and walked ahead.

Bai Xuewu followed behind Bai Fengran, holding a long sword, her heart was beating fiercely. She didn't want to go to Qingfeng Mountain.

After a while, Bai Xuewu made up his mind and shot like lightning, the long sword in his hand quickly stabbed towards Bai Fengchan's thigh.

"You don't eat and drink for a toast. You're a j person." Bai Fengran was on guard. He avoided it easily, scolded him angrily, and turned around and slapped Bai Xuewu in the face.

'Snapped. ’

Now, Bai Fengran doesn't care about Bai Xuewu as much as before. It's not that he doesn't like Bai Xuewu anymore, but he knows that he is going to practice in the world, and he has recognized the master who is at the peak of the Transformation Realm. He has a limitless future in the future. Marrying himself is a tall order. He will definitely have three wives and four concubines in the future. He will still find a lot of beautiful women like Bai Xuewu in the future.

Bai Xuewu escaped from the marriage, and Bai Fengnian was full of anger, but it was because of his love that he did not attack. Now that Bai Xuewu started to attack him, of course he would take the opportunity to turn his face. This slap is not small.

Bai Xuewu only felt gold stars in her eyes and roaring in her ears. She planned to go all out if she missed a sneak attack, but Bai Fengnian's slap made her lose her combat effectiveness.

Having torn his face, Bai Fengran was no longer so polite. He stepped forward, stretched out his hand and grabbed Bai Xuewu's face, and said, "You like Lin Feng so much? You like being **** by Lin Feng so much? Cun, you still can't forget him?"

Bai Xuewu's face was already bruised and blood was overflowing from the corner of her mouth. She gritted her teeth and put her head aside, saying, "He won't die."

"Really? Even if he's not dead, what can he do? If he's dead, that's all, he's gone. If he's not dead, where is he? Isn't he hiding and being a tortoise?"

Bai Xuewu turned her head to look at Bai Fengran, and said, "What do you want to do before you let me go?"

Bai Fengyin bears the dragon blood gene and is the son of Bai Chu. How many women are eager to get his favor, and Bai Fengyin is dismissive. Until Snow White appeared.

Bai Fengran thought that Bai Xuewu would also send B to her door, but they didn't. Later, he took the initiative to pursue Bai Xuewu. As a result, the Internet legend of rebirth was not uncommon.

Just when Bai Fengran was about to take the overlord's bow, Lin Feng's shot caused huge damage to his body and mind, and he could not recover to this day. It was at that time that he knew that Bai Xuewu liked Lin Feng.

Today, Lin Feng's body is gone, and Bai Xuewu is still obsessed with Lin Feng, how could Bai Fengnian not be angry?

He grinned and said, "I let you go? Don't worry, I won't let you go in a short period of time. When I get tired of playing, I'll say it's not certain."

Bai Xuewu gritted her teeth and stabbed Bai Fengchao with another sword.

Bai Fengnian snorted coldly, her figure flashed, avoiding Bai Xuewu's long sword, and then one hand clasped the wrist of Bai Xuewu holding the sword, and the other hand drew a bow from left to right, and slapped it heavily on Bai Xuewu's face.

'Clap clap clap...'

With more than a dozen slaps on her face, Bai Xuewu's face was covered with finger marks and bleeding from her nose and mouth.

After bringing Bai Xuewu to Qingfeng Mountain, Bai Fengran was worried that Bai Xuewu would escape, so he simply locked Bai Xuewu with iron chains and had him guard him all day long.

The next day, there was an endless stream of guests on Qingfeng Mountain.

Tomorrow is Bai Fengran's wedding date. Not everyone can come to Qingfeng Mountain today. The people who come to Qingfeng Mountain today are all powerful people, and they are qualified to stay in Qingfeng Mountain for one night.

Many Bai Family's transformation masters who often walk in the rivers and lakes greet visitors at the foot of Qingfeng Mountain.

Bai Yichen stood at the door, looking at the bustling Qingfeng Mountain, her face sinking like water. Looking at the situation in front of her, she knew that Bai Xuewu had not left Qingfeng Mountain.

"Yichen. What are you thinking?" Bai Yunfeng came to Bai Yichen and asked with a smile.

Bai Yichen turned to look at Bai Yunfeng and said, "You really don't know?"

Bai Yunfeng was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "You should do the ideological work of Xue Wu, Bai Fengran has the dragon blood gene, and was accepted as a disciple by the envoy, she and Bai Fengran will benefit in the future. it goes without saying."

"Sacrificing everything for the sake of cultivation? Then for the sake of cultivation, can I be a concubine to the envoy?"

Bai Yunfeng's face froze, and he quickly explained: "Why is this the same? Bai Fengnian likes Bai Xuewu, and besides, Bai Fengnian's appearance, talent, strength, background are not worthy of it. Snow White?"

Bai Yichen didn't answer Bai Yunfeng directly, but just said, "Do you like me?"

Bai Yunfeng nodded and read the full text of Shameless Player.

"You take Bai Xuewu out of Qingfeng Mountain."

Bai Yunfeng's expression changed greatly, and he said, "Yichen, if we do this, isn't it a betrayal..."

Bai Yichen turned her head and stopped looking at Bai Yunfeng, she just said: "As you know, I have a deep relationship with Sister Xue Wu. If it is Lin Feng, even if he has nothing to do with Sister Xue Wu, as long as he knows my relationship with Sister Xue Wu I don't need to tell him, he will do it. And you, I said, but you don't do it, how can you compare to Lin Feng?"

Bai Yunfeng blushed a little and said, "You're not Lin Feng, how do you know him? Even if he doesn't die, does he dare to go to Qingfeng Mountain?" Perhaps because he felt that his argument was a little weak, Bai Yunfeng said again, "Yichen, Xue Wu is Xue Wu, you are you, if anything happens to you, even if I die, I will keep you safe."

Bai Yichen just smiled and didn't make a sound.

She knew that Bai Xuewu didn't escape from Qingfeng Mountain this time, so her marriage with Bai Fengran was a foregone conclusion. However, according to Bai Xuewu's temperament, Bai Xuewu would not be willing to marry Bai Fengran.

Bai Yichen didn't dare to think about what happened next. What she had to do was to try her best to control her emotions so that she wouldn't be impulsive. It is better for Bai Xuewu to be safe and sound. If there is something wrong with Bai Xuewu, she should take good care of herself and live a good life, waiting for the **** white phoenix in the future.

Tomorrow will be the wedding of Bai Fengnian and Bai Xuewu. The Fenglin Sect, one of the seven major sects, also received an invitation.

Of course, Qingfeng Mountain and Lin Feng are going.

Bliss Valley is actually not very far from Qingfeng Mountain, but one day in advance, Lin Feng put on the crocodile king armor and brought a golden spear to Qingfeng Mountain. After all, Lin Feng used to find faults. Of course, he had to recharge his batteries, wait for work, and go to Qingfeng Mountain to find a place to rest for the night.

Bai Family Bai Chu, Qing Family Qingshan, Xuan Family Xuan Ming, Zhu Family Zhu Liangyu, and now there is another Bai Family Bai Feng Nian! These five people, Lin Feng's trip, must be the first.

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