Peach Blossom Collection

Chapter 493: Come out and hang out, you always have to pay it back

[.hujuge.] Entrance to Jade Maiden Palace. [.hujuge.]Wang Yi was wearing a festive red robe, her blue silk was disheveled, and her face was a little pale. She stood under a bluestone, one hand covering her chest.

I can only help here. If Lin Feng still can't get Xia Jingtian's heart, go to death!

Turning her head and looking behind her, seeing that Lin Feng and Qin Susu were not chasing after him, Wang Yi breathed a sigh of relief, but soon, she felt a sweetness in her throat and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth, she gritted her teeth and said, "I was attacked by the hateful little thief again. Really cruel. If I had known this, those three legs should have kicked his crotch."

No, can't be cheap, that kid!

Wang Yi swept into the darkness, changed into a big red robe, and turned back to the Jade Maiden Palace.

Lin Feng was brought back to the Jade Maiden Palace complex by Qin Susu.

When everyone saw Qin Susu and the two returning, they all gathered around. Lin Feng's face was pale, his eyes were closed, and he seemed to be in a coma.

Qin Susu didn't stay outside, and took Lin Feng to Houshan Cave Mansion.

Xia Jingtian hesitated a little and went to the back mountain. Lin Feng did this to save her. This time, it is really thanks to the mercy of the old demon, otherwise, Lin Feng would have died.

"Uncle, how is Lin Feng?" Xia Jingtian asked with concern after entering the cave.

Lin Feng was seriously injured because of Xia Jingtian. In fact, although Qin Susu didn't blame Xia Jingtian, she still had some complaints in her heart. She shook her head and fed Lin Feng water.

Lin Feng was not injured at all, and the blood on his body was made by himself biting his lip. This time, Liu Yingquan suddenly came to the Jade Maiden Palace. He actually knew that he had kept his promise, and he made a mistake, so that Lin Feng showed a good performance in front of Xia Jingtian, and Lin Feng was a little reluctant to kill the old demon.

"Lin Feng." Xia Jingtian came to Lin Feng's side and squatted on the ground, "How are you?"

Lin Feng opened his eyes, glanced at Xia Jingtian, and closed them again, as if he was too weak to speak.

"Xiao Feng." Qin Susu quickly took Lin Feng's hand, her tone full of fear.

Lin Feng opened her eyes again. She first glanced at Xia Jingtian, then turned to look at Qin Susu, and said weakly: "Susu. I'm fine. You go out first, I have something to say to Jing Tian."

Qin Susu nodded and walked out of the cave with three steps.

Facing Lin Feng alone, Xia Jingtian was worried about Lin Feng's injury, and vaguely felt a little flustered, she didn't dare to look directly at Lin Feng's eyes, she lowered her head and said softly, "Thank you for your life-saving grace. "

"Thank me for what? I also want to thank Liu Yingquan. If Liu Yingquan didn't give me this opportunity, what would I use to prove that I love you? Cough, cough..." Lin Feng coughed violently twice, A lot of blood spilled out.

"Lin Feng. Are you alright?" Xia Jingtian hurriedly hugged Lin Feng's head and put Lin Feng in his arms, "Your medical skills are so good, you must know that you are alright, right?"

Lin Feng showed a bitter smile on his face, but he seemed to be somewhat satisfied. He did not answer Xia Jingtian's question. If he said nothing, there would be no such atmosphere. But what if he said something was wrong and he was alive again tomorrow?

Lin Feng stared at Xia Jingtian and said, "Jingtian, as long as you are fine, what does it matter if I am fine?"

At this time, Xia Jingtian would no longer doubt Lin Feng's feelings for her, and she also believed that Lin Feng attached great importance to love and righteousness, and also believed that Lin Feng came to the Jade Maiden Palace first to confess to her that he had his own difficulties. She hugged Lin Feng a little harder, wanting to give Lin Feng some warmth, and said, "Lin Feng, you will be fine, you will be fine. Master will be back soon."

"Jing Tian, ​​I really like you."

Xia Jingtian nodded vigorously, "Yes."

Next, Lin Feng didn't know what to say, and it might be over if he continued. He just stared at Xia Jingtian quietly, his eyes full of affection.

Xia Jingtian's cheeks were a little hot, and her heart was beating fiercely.

How Lin Feng hoped that he could feel the movement from the collection at this time, but he didn't. Lin Feng was not so disappointed in his heart. The old demon intervened, which greatly improved the relationship between him and Xia Jingtian. When Wang Yi came back and helped out, it was very likely that it would be a matter of course.


In the cave, Lin Feng was a little upset when he heard Qin Susu talking, he knew that Wang Yi was back. Wang Yi is the peak strength of Huajing, I am afraid that he is not injured at a glance.

Sure enough, Wang Yi and Qin Susu soon entered the cave together.

Lin Feng glanced at Wang Yi and saw a bit of contempt on Wang Yi's face. He felt a little guilty, and he always felt that his tricks had been seen through by Wang Yi.

"Senior sister. The old demon Liu Yingquan suddenly came to my Jade Maiden Palace to attack and wanted to kidnap Jing Tian. It was Lin Feng who gave his life to save him. This was the only way to save him from danger. Let's see how Lin Feng's injury is." Qin Susu said urgently.

"Yes. Master, help Lin Feng to take a look." Xia Jingtian also said.

Wang Yi glanced at Lin Feng, and said, "Don't worry, he's fine."

Lin Feng only felt a little fever on his face, thinking to yourself, you vicious dead mother-in-law, aren't you going to help me pursue Xia Jingtian? How to dismantle my desk?

Even though Wang Yi said that Lin Feng was fine, Lin Feng didn't dare to show that he was fine. He had no choice but to bite his lip hard and pretend to spit out blood.

Wang Yi's face was somewhat playful. Seeing Lin Feng lying in Xia Jingtian's arms and pretending to be dead, she felt very upset. When she changed clothes, she looked at her breasts, and they were all bruised by Lin Feng's slap. .

Wang Yi pretended to check Lin Feng's injury, and then said: "The injury is not serious, but there is some bleeding in the body, I will help you to adjust it."

Lin Feng was startled, he had nothing to do with himself, what did Wang Yi want to do? He hurriedly said, "Thanks to the kindness of Palace Master, my injury is not serious."

"Lin Feng. You can't avoid illness and avoid doctors. You said this to me." Wang Yi said.

"Yes. Lin Feng, you are also a doctor, why don't you avoid diseases?" Xia Jingtian also remembered. At that time, Master had gynecological diseases, and she refused to admit it or see a doctor. Later, she gave Master Hua Gong San. , Only then did Lin Feng successfully heal the master's illness.

Lin Feng said: "I am not a taboo to avoid doctors, I can do it myself to heal my wounds."

Wang Yi's face was a little concerned, but her eyes were full of coldness. At first, Lin Feng said that she had a gynecological disease and coaxed Xia Jingtian to give her a transformation powder. After that, Lin Feng made a series of actions to her. The rude behavior not only made her **** 'click', but also hit her snowy buttocks hard.

Tonight, Lin Feng bruised her chest again, it's time to settle the accounts!

Wang Yi said, "You're so badly injured that you've been vomiting blood, can you still heal your wounds yourself? Could it be fake that you're vomiting blood? You bit your lip to scare Jing Tian and Susu on purpose, right?"

Lin Feng knew that the woman saw that he was not injured and knew where his blood came from. Xia Jingtian and Qin Susu are next to each other, Qin Susu doesn't care, if Xia Jingtian knows that he is pretending to be injured, the relationship that has finally been pushed forward may enter the state of ice valley again.

Looking at the playfulness and coldness in Wang Yi's eyes, Lin Feng knew that he was going to be out of luck! It really is a causal cycle, and the retribution is unhappy. When I completed the task of 'kissing Wang Yi's two ruts', I planted the fruit of today.

Lin Feng still wanted to struggle for a while, he said: "Palace Master is really joking, Palace Master must be tired after a long journey, why don't you take a night's rest and heal me?"

"Your injury can't be delayed. Jing Tian, ​​Susu, go to the entrance of the cave to protect the law for me."

Lin Feng was really scared now. If Xia Jingtian and Qin Susu were watching from the side, he would not have done too much. However, Wang Yi actually took Xia Jingtian and Qin Susu away. If Xia Jingtian and Qin Susu went further, it would be fine. Lin Feng had no scruples and could resist, but Xia Jingtian and Qin Susu would not go far, they were at the entrance of the cave.

This woman is going to play for real!

Lin Feng didn't dare to speak out, so he had to communicate with Wang Yi with his eyes. He looked at Wang Yi with kind and peaceful eyes, and his eyes seemed to say, "When is the time for retribution." ’

Wang Yi glared at Lin Feng, as if to say, 'Why should I know today? ’

Lin Feng immediately looked at Wang Yi with a warning look, as if to say, 'Do you still want the rest of "The Book of Changes"? ’

Wang Yi immediately retaliated, staring at Lin Feng without showing weakness, 'If you don't give it, my mother will shake out all your scandals. ’

In desperation, Lin Feng could only show his enemy's weakness. He was afraid that Wang Yi would not be able to understand his eyes. He hinted: "Master Palace Master, my injury is too serious, please be gentle when healing."

"Don't worry. You cured my gynecological disease without any payment. I have always wanted to repay you."

Lin Feng was sweaty and heavy on his clothes. The day had not yet passed, and neither King Kong's indestructible body nor Da Luohan's golden body could perform, so he could only rely on the half-baked "Tongzi Gong".

Lin Feng sat up, his muscles tensed, and he was ready to be beaten.

Wang Yi walked up to Lin Feng and said, "Relax. Close your eyes."

Lin Feng felt hairy in his heart. If he opened his eyes, he could still make a prediction, and maybe even do a slight evasion or resistance. If you close your eyes, you have no idea what Wang Yi will do.

It's just that people are under the eaves and have to bow their heads. Extending their heads is also a knife, and shrinking their heads is also a knife. Lin Feng can only recognize it! But he'll Mom's!

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Lin Feng closed his eyes.

Soon, Lin Feng felt that the wind was blowing in front of him, and this vicious mother-in-law actually hit him in the face. Lin Feng was unequivocal and raised his hand to block.

However, Lin Feng blocked an empty space, and in the next moment, he felt a strong wind coming from between his legs.

Wang Yi and Lin Feng are almost the same in strength. Lin Feng closed his eyes and asked Wang Yi to clean up, but Wang Yi used a strategy of attacking the east and the west, and Lin Feng was naturally unable to guard against it.


Although Lin Feng clamped his legs in time, he was still hit hard below, and Lin Feng really felt that the egg was broken. He couldn't help but howl and arched his body in pain.

Xia Jingtian and Qin Susu hurriedly turned around with concerned expressions on their faces.

The smug look at the corner of Wang Yi's mouth disappeared in a flash, she nodded and said solemnly: "Okay. Take a night's rest, and tomorrow will be almost the same."


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