Peach Blossom Collection

Chapter 488: Re-entry to the Jade Maiden Palace

[.hujuge.] Babaoshan Cemetery. [.hujuge.]The cemetery was established at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China. In the early days, people above the county level and the revolutionary army regiment level could be buried in Babaoshan. By the 1990s, it had been adjusted to the bureau level or above. Over the years, many party and state leaders have been buried in Babaoshan after their death.

The goose feather snow fell, and the entire Babaoshan cemetery was covered with a thick layer of snow. The harsh winter in the capital was biting, and the Babaoshan cemetery was deserted.

In front of Tong Baichuan's tomb, three figures stood quietly.

There were two people who looked to be in their fifties, one of them was wearing a military coat, and he was taking care of Cheng Liang's bald head. The other was tall and solemn, wearing a gray Tang suit with a stand-up collar. The bald man is Tong Xiongtao, the eldest son of Tong Baichuan. The man in Tang suit is Tong Weilue, the second son of Tong Baichuan, who is also the number one today.

In addition to the Tong family brothers, there is also a young man standing quietly in front of Tong Baichuan's tomb, his head, shoulders, and eyebrows are covered with a layer of snowflakes.

Around the three of them, there were many men in black clothes with fussy eyes, wearing headsets, and vigilantly observing the movements around them.

Tong Weilue was busy with state affairs. He accompanied Lin Feng to Babaoshan during his busy schedule. He raised his wrist and looked at the watch, then came to Lin Feng's side, patted Lin Feng's shoulder lightly, and said nothing. Surrounded by people in clothes, he walked away quickly.

The snowflakes falling on Tong Xiongtao's bald head will soon be melted by Tong Xiongtao's body temperature. Tong Xiongtao wiped the snow on his bald head and said to Lin Feng: "Let's go. Weilue won the competition with Tang Jinglun, if the old man knew You are not dead at the top of Mount Huashan, and he can walk with peace of mind."

Lin Feng grinned and said, "The old man is in good health, how did he pass away?"

Tong Xiongtao hesitated.

Lin Feng was startled, he already knew that the old man's death might have other secrets, he turned to look at Tong Xiongtao, his eyes were domineering, and he said, "Do you think you can hide from me?"

Tong Xiongtao sighed deeply and said, "Huashan talks about swordsmanship, the old man went to the top of Huashan to protect you. Later, things got out of hand, and the old man thought that you would be doomed. For a while, the blood attacked the heart and myocardial infarction."

There was a 'hum' in Lin Feng's mind, and his face was immediately gloomy and terrifying.

I see!

Tong Baichuan died on the top of Mount Huashan, and Tong Weilie was furious. He didn't know whether it was to express his dissatisfaction, or to comfort the old man in the spirit of heaven. Tong Weilie decisively listed the location of Bliss Valley as a military area. And restored Lin Feng's rank of general, and appointed Lin Feng as a member of the Republican Party.

Lin Feng fell from the Shura Cliff. The people of the four major families thought that Lin Feng might be dead, so they would not interfere with Tong Weilue's restoration of Lin Feng's military rank and the appointment of Lin Feng as a committee member. As for Tong Weilue's listing of Bliss Valley as a military area, because of Tong Baichuan's death, people from the four major families also made compromises.

The corner of Lin Feng's mouth evoked a bit of chill.

Is that enough? Someone must be responsible for the death of the old man!

At the beginning, Lin Feng's plan was that if Li Xiao Yao was safe, he would only kill Bai Chu, the head of the Bai family! If Li Xiao Yao has any shortcomings, he will make the blood of the four major families flow into rivers. But now, Lin Feng has changed his mind - if Li Xiao Yao is safe, he will kill Bai Chu, the head of the Bai family, Qing Shan, the head of the Qing family, Xuan Ming, the head of the Xuan family, and Zhu Liangyu, the head of the Zhu family. If there is something wrong with Li Xiao Yao, he will turn the four major families into purgatory on earth.

Tong Xiongtao felt that the surrounding air was much colder, he shrank his neck and said, "people can't be resurrected from the dead, you are better alive than anything else. Go back and see Xiaoguo."

"Tell Xiaoguo, I will find her." After Lin Feng finished speaking, he turned and strode away.

Tong Xiongtao chased after Lin Feng for a few steps, and then stopped soon. In a short time, Lin Feng's back disappeared into the vast snow.

Tong Xiongtao shook his head helplessly. He was about to leave when he saw his feet inadvertently, and his face suddenly showed a strong shock. In the direction Lin Feng left, there were no footprints left on the snow.

Lin Feng's original plan was to go to Bliss Valley after visiting the old man in Babao Mountain, but because of the cause of the old man's death, he had to change his mind.

He is going to the Jade Maiden Palace.

Lin Feng's attached vein is the late stage of transformation, and the main vein has entered the peak of transformation. According to Lin Feng's current cultivation, if it is only aimed at the Bai family, it is not a big problem. But if you want to deal with the four major families, it is still not enough insurance.

Lin Feng wants to improve his strength, and the biggest reliance is the collection. Complete random tasks triggered by the book, or fixed tasks carried by the book. In particular, if you complete the fixed tasks carried by the tome, you will receive mysterious rewards.

Among the seven ninth-generation beauties that have appeared, Duan Xianxian, Ji Xiaomo, Li Xiaoyao, and Gong Suyan have secretly promised Lin Feng. The rest are Bai Yichen, Linghuyue, and Xia Jingtian. Lin Feng is now on the opposite side of the four major families. He is going to kill the Bai family Bai Chu, and it is difficult to get Bai Yichen's heart now. Linghu Yue didn't know where she was. The rest of Xia Jingtian is in the Jade Maiden Palace.

Lin Feng wanted to find a way to get Xia Jingtian's heart in a short time. If there is Wang Yi's full help, Lin Feng feels that there is still great hope.

After two days of travel, Lin Feng arrived at the Jade Maiden Palace.

According to Lin Feng's current cultivation, breaking into the Jade Maiden Palace would not be discovered at all. After entering the Jade Maiden Palace, Lin Feng plundered Wang Yi's residence directly.

"Who dares to trespass my Jade Maiden Palace?" With a coquettish shout, dressed in white, Wang Yi, the master of the Jade Maiden Palace with peerless elegance, flew out of the house.

"Palace Master, stay safe." Lin Feng stood under a pine and cypress tree and looked at Wang Yi with a half-smile.

Seeing Lin Feng, Wang Yi was taken aback and said, "Is it you?"

"It's me. Not welcome?"

"You're so brave, you actually dare to show up. If I were you, I would hide far away." Wang Yi looked at Lin Feng up and down and saw Lin Feng break through again, even though she knew that Lin Feng couldn't handle it with common sense, He also showed a bit of shock, and said, "No wonder you dare to appear, so you have entered the peak of transformation."

From Wang Yi's momentum, Lin Feng could also feel that Wang Yi's strength had achieved a breakthrough. He said, "To each other. Congratulations to the Palace Master too."

Although Wang Yi wanted to be restrained, she still couldn't help showing a bit of smugness on her face. Wang Yi has been at the peak of the late stage of transformation for many years, but she has not been able to break through. It is precisely because she practiced the first level of the "Book of Changes" that Wang Yi achieved a breakthrough.

Wang Yi still remembers that Lin Feng said that there are four levels in the Book of Changes, and after she made a breakthrough in the first level of the Book of Changes, she dreamed of getting the rest of the Book of Changes.

Wang Yi smiled, but she was thinking, how can I get the "Book of Changes"?

Lin Feng said: "Is the palace lord thinking about my "Book of Changes"?"

Wang Yi blushed slightly and said, "At the top of Mount Hua, I was helpless in the face of so many masters in the later stages of the transformation from the four major families."

"You and I are just close friends. I don't mind the top of Huashan Mountain."

Hearing that Lin Feng said that he was a close friend, Wang Yi felt very unhappy. Her body was also seen by Lin Feng, and her chest was slapped by Lin Feng. What's more hateful is that Lin Feng also used her breasts. Cool once. So many things have happened between the two, and they are just low-level friendships?

I will endure!

Wang Yi's unhappiness is only in her heart. Before she got Lin Feng's "Book of Yi Jin", she would not get angry easily. Once she got "The Book of Yi Jin", hehe, if Lin Feng touched her, she would cut off Lin Feng's hand; Lin Feng kissed her, she wanted to smash Lin Feng's mouth; Lin Feng saw her body, she wanted to gouge out Lin Feng's eyes; Lin Feng had a good time on her breast, and she wanted to cut off Lin Feng's little cock.

Wang Yi showed guilt and said, "Sect Leader Lin is really arrogant, and the little girl admires it. I don't know if Sect Leader Lin came to my Jade Maiden Palace this time, what can the little girl do for you?"

"I'm here for Xia Jingtian." Lin Feng said.

"For Jingtian?" Wang Yi looked suspicious. For Lin Feng's martial arts resources, she asked Xia Jingtian to seduce Lin Feng, but Xia Jingtian didn't succeed.

"Do you want the remaining three layers of the Book of Changes?"

Wang Yi was very excited and said, "Isn't there such a cheap good thing? What do you want me to do?"

"Let me open the skylight and say something bright. I like Jing Tian, ​​no matter what, I want to get Jing Tian's heart. If you can help me, I will give you all the remaining three layers of the Book of Changes."

At first, Wang Yi asked Xia Jingtian to seduce Lin Feng, and explained that Xia Jingtian could not do the fake show, but later, Wang Yi slowly changed his attention.

Lin Feng is talented, loves justice, and has abnormal martial arts resources. If Jing Tian can really be with Lin Feng, it will be a good thing for Jing Tian.

It's just that Lin Feng seems to be a little distracted. Susu has been fascinated by Lin Feng's fans. Since Lin Feng fell on Shura Cliff, Susu began to clean up behind closed doors and did not go out for half a step. There is also the demon of the demon obviously has an affair with Lin Feng, and at the top of Huashan, it is for Lin Feng to demonize.

To elaborate, I think I have an affair with Lin Feng.

Wang Yi is a member of the martial arts class, and the worldly concepts are not so strong. In the martial arts world, it is normal for a master with status and status to take a concubine. Lin Feng's fascination made Wang Yi unhappy, but it was not unacceptable.

It's just that Wang Yi has other concerns.

She will never forget Lin Feng's blasphemy against her! She will definitely take revenge on Lin Feng. However, if Jing Tian was really with Lin Feng, wouldn't it be inappropriate for her to cut Lin Feng's little ** after she got all the "Book of Yi Jin".

Is it possible to let Jing Tian play on the scene?

She had already made up her mind, but Wang Yi did not agree easily. She had experienced Lin Feng's cunning, and she was afraid that if she agreed too quickly, it would make Lin Feng suspicious.

Wang Yi snorted coldly and said, "Who do you think of me, Wang Yi? If you have to sacrifice Jing Tian, ​​I'd rather not have "Book of Changes".


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