Peach Blossom Collection

Chapter 481: shield

[.hujuge.] Qiao Yong on the side listened to Ji Xiaomo's words, and then looked at Lin Feng's appearance, and gradually thought about it. [.hujuge.]

He was a veteran of Hua Cong, and he could of course see that Ji Xiaomo cared about Lin Feng. It turned out that Ji Xiaomo asked him to come here today, just as a shield.

Qiao Yong's face was slightly gloomy.

It's just that Qiao Yong figured it out very quickly. Let's shield the shield. Isn't this an opportunity? At the very least, Ji Xiaomo will use himself as a shield instead of others, which is enough to explain a lot of problems. As long as he kills the boy in front of him, can Ji Xiaomo still run out of his hand?

Thinking of this, Qiao Yong immediately stood between Lin Feng and Ji Xiaomo, looked at Lin Feng with rather intimidating eyes, and said, "Who are you?"

In Qiao Yong's heart, he is definitely a character who walks sideways in the entire Nancheng. Looking at the entire Nancheng, there may be people he can't afford to offend, but he knows them all. But he doesn't pay attention to anything he doesn't know.

But Lin Feng really didn't take Qiao Yong seriously, he didn't even have any interest in knowing Qiao Yong's identity.

Lin Feng just looked at Ji Xiaomo and said, "Xiaomo, I have my troubles, and I never thought about dumping you. I like you."

"Hmph. It sounds better than singing. You haven't had time to make a phone call in a few years? Why should I wait for you so long?" After speaking, Ji Xiaomo took Qiao Yong's arm again. "Qiao Yong, let's go, ignore this kind of person."

Seeing Lin Feng ignore him, Qiao Yong felt unhappy. He secretly wrote down Lin Feng's appearance. If Lin Feng never appeared again, it would be fine. If Lin Feng didn't know what to do, don't blame him for being rude.

Seeing Ji Xiaomo holding Qiao Yong's hand and leaving quickly, Lin Feng sighed deeply.

There are really too many unsatisfactory things in the world. Ji Xiaomo is his confidante, and he also has Ji Xiaomo's heart, but loving each other does not mean getting along well. According to Ji Xiaomo's character, she will Do you allow yourself to have other women?

Just as Lin Feng sighed, Ji Xiaomo got into Qiao Yong's car.

Ji Xiaomo was furious. She originally wanted to stimulate Lin Feng severely. She hoped that Lin Feng's performance would be as rude as possible, but Lin Feng's performance disappointed her a little.

Lin Feng didn't feel overwhelmed with excuses, nor did he repent heartily, nor did he plead heartbroken. Even after she got into Qiao Yong's car, Lin Feng didn't catch up at all.

"Xiao Mo, don't be angry. It's not worth it for that kind of person. If you're happy, I can help you out." Qiao Yong said as he started the car.

Soon, the car started to move.

"Stop." Ji Xiaomo said.

"What do you say to such a person? Xiaomo, don't take yourself too seriously. You are so good, what is he?" As an old lover, Qiao Yong knew that Ji Xiaomo couldn't let Lin Feng go, and he couldn't let go like this. Of course he didn't want Ji Xiaomo to stay and reunite with Lin Feng, he said while stepping on the accelerator.

Qiao Yong also thought about it, taking advantage of Ji Xiaomo's bad mood today, stimulated Ji Xiaomo a few times, it is estimated that Ji Xiaomo can be drunk, and then Ji Xiaomo will be dealt with first.

"Stop, I'll let you stop!" Ji Xiaomo stomped heavily and said loudly.

"Little Mo..."

"If you don't stop, I'll jump down." Ji Xiaomo slammed the car door open.

Qiao Yong was startled and could only stop the car helplessly.

Without waiting for the car to stop, Ji Xiaomo pushed open the door and got out of the car, raised his head, with tears on his face, and walked quickly towards Lin Feng. When she came to Lin Feng, she stopped and said, "Why don't you chase? What do you mean? Are you being rude?"

Lin Feng took a deep breath and said, "Xiao Mo, I..."

"Lin Feng, do you think I can't live without you? Do you think you are amazing? Well, I can tell you clearly now that we are finished. From now on, you will walk on your Yangguan Road, and I will walk on my single-plank bridge. ." After speaking, Ji Xiaomo turned around and left.

Qiao Yong also got out of the car. At first, he was worried that Ji Xiaomo would fall into Lin Feng's arms, but he was relieved to see that Ji Xiaomo just announced the breakup with Lin Feng.

"Xiao Mo." Qiao Yong quickly greeted him.

Ji Xiaomo hurried into Qiao Yong's car while crying.

Seeing Ji Xiaomo crying so sadly, Qiao Yong knew that Ji Xiaomo liked Lin Feng. Although Ji Xiaomo made a declaration of breaking up, women are fickle, who knows what will happen next second.

Not daring to be neglected, Qiao Yong hurriedly started the car, while he secretly observed Ji Xiaomo's face, he stepped on the accelerator.

The car began to move forward rapidly, and the scenery on both sides quickly reversed.

Ji Xiaomo clenched her teeth, but she still couldn't help looking for Lin Feng's shadow in the rearview mirror. When she saw Lin Feng still standing at the school gate, her handsome face was full of loneliness, she felt like a knife.

"Stop." Ji Xiaomo said.

"Little Mo..."

"I told you to stop." Ji Xiaomo was a little hysterical.

There was a gloomy look on Qiao Yong's face, and he was a little worried that Ji Xiaomo would do something crazy, so he could only hold back his dissatisfaction and stop the car again.

Ji Xiaomo got out of the car again, she just glanced at Lin Feng from a distance, then squatted down and cried out, full of grievances and sadness.

Qiao Yong also got out of the car, but at this time, his face was a little hot. He knew that Ji Xiaomo didn't take him seriously at all, so he was too embarrassed to step forward to comfort him.

Seeing this, Lin Feng naturally greeted him quickly.

"Xiaomo." Lin Feng hugged Ji Xiaomo gently and took Ji Xiaomo into his arms.

This time, Ji Xiaomo did not refuse, hugging Lin Feng and crying.

Lin Feng patted Ji Xiaomo's back lightly and said softly, "Xiaomo, please believe me, I've missed you so much for so long. However, I really have difficulties."

Ji Xiaomo cried for a long time, and finally got tired and began to sob softly.

Lin Feng said again: "Xiao Mo, it's not that I don't want to be with you. I really like you. However, I still have a lot of things to do."

"It's been so long, haven't you finished yet?" Ji Xiaomo asked.

Lin Feng shook his head and said, "How can it be so easy? Xiaomo, being with me has made you feel wronged. If you leave me, I won't blame you. Except for you, I..."

Lin Feng wanted to confess and told Ji Xiaomo that he had other beauties, but before Lin Feng could finish speaking, Ji Xiaomo interrupted, "Is that what you saw me to say? If so, why did you come to see me? "

Lin Feng was speechless, and swallowed the words he said.

"I can understand that you haven't finished your work yet. I have two questions for you. The first one, how long will you stay when you come back this time?"

Lin Feng thought for a while and said, "Let's leave on the first day of the new year?"

"Okay. From now until the first day of the new year, you have to be on call and accompany me every day."

Lin Feng hesitated. He was leaving on the first day of the new year. Before leaving, he wanted to see Lu Yunbing.

"Can't you agree to this?" Ji Xiaomo asked.

"Okay. I can promise you."

"Second question, after you leave this time, how long will it take to get things done? Give me a deadline. I can't wait indefinitely, can I? I'm in my twenties, when the time comes They won't get married."

How long will it take Lin Feng? He really doesn't know. He needs to find the ninth-generation Hongyan. As of now, only seven have appeared, and two have not appeared.

However, Lin Feng felt that it would be impossible to keep Ji Xiaomo waiting. He decided to confess to the girls after the trip to Qingfeng Mountain.

After pondering for a moment, Lin Feng said: "At most one month, I should be able to give you an explanation."

"What do you mean? Explain? What do you want to explain to me?" Ji Xiaomo keenly caught Lin Feng's words, something vaguely wrong.

Lin Feng didn't explain, hugged Ji Xiaomo and didn't speak.

Next to him, Qiao Yong's lungs were about to explode with anger. No wonder Ji Xiaomo was indifferent to her pursuit. It turned out that she already had a crush.

The **** thing is, this guy hasn't contacted Ji Xiaomo for a few years, Ji Xiaomo is still a place now, so the two of them haven't made a breakthrough, and their relationship is not that deep, but Ji Xiaomo is so infatuated.

If he hadn't coveted Ji Xiaomo's beauty too much, Qiao Yong would have gone mad.

Qiao Yong wanted to know Lin Feng's identity very much, he would use thunder to let Lin Feng leave Ji Xiaomo.

Qiao Yong was thinking about how to get to know Lin Feng, but he never expected that Lin Feng actually walked towards him on his own initiative.

Lin Feng has read countless people. He knows that this Qiao Yong is different from Ji Shao who pursued Tian Mengqian. Although that Ji Shao is a big boy, he is a decent person and will not hurt Tian Mengqian. But this Qiao Yong, at first glance, is not a good person, plus Ji Xiaomo used him as a shield today, this person might retaliate against Ji Xiaomo.

Lin Feng nodded to Qiao Yong and said, "My name is Lin You can write down my phone number and have dinner together when you have time."

Lin Feng deliberately gave Qiao Yong his contact information. If Qiao Yong doesn't ask for trouble, forget it. If he dares to ask for trouble, Lin Feng will step on Qiao Yong forever and cannot turn over.

Qiao Yong quickly took out his mobile phone and remembered Lin Feng's phone number. He smiled at Lin Feng and said, "Lin Feng, right? Very good. Very good."

After finishing speaking, Qiao Yong didn't say hello to Ji Xiaomo and turned to leave.

Ji Xiaomo knew Qiao Yong's identity. He had a great background. His father was the executive vice mayor of Nancheng City. However, Ji Xiaomo was not worried about Lin Feng at all.

Although she has entered the society, she does not know what the deputy mayor means. She only knows that she is a high-ranking official. Of course, she didn't forget that a few years ago, she and Lin Feng had dinner together. The secretary of the Nancheng Municipal Party Committee and a deputy governor all ran over to toast Lin Feng.

She felt that Lin Feng was very powerful, and she had confidence in Lin Feng.

Furthermore, she didn't have the heart to think too much at all. What she was thinking about now was how to make good use of these ten days to spend with Lin Feng.

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