Peach Blossom Collection

Chapter 469: Surprise reward


The snake roared furiously through the canyon, and the huge shock wave scattered around the collision point, twisting the surrounding branches and leaves into powder, and it was like rain. [.hujuge.](Feng Wu Literature Network) Many towering trees were also broken in the middle.

Lin Feng stubbornly grabbed the scales of the underworld snake, punching punch after punch.

"Take it. Take it easy." In the chaotic space, the black dragon felt extremely distressed.

The defense of the snake is extremely strong. It has been tossing and rolling in the canyon for a long time, unable to break free from Lin Feng, it suddenly stopped moving, and the entire snake body quickly stood up.

The underworld snake stalked the ground, its tongue and body rose rapidly, and it was hundreds of meters high. After raising his body to a height of 100 meters, he slapped the ground heavily.


After the earth-shattering sound, the ground instantly cracked a deep pit several meters long.

Lin Feng was finally thrown away by the snake.

After throwing away Lin Feng, Ming Snake seemed to be provoked. He opened his **** mouth again and swallowed it towards Lin Feng like lightning. The letter in his mouth stabbed at Lin Feng like a sharp sword.

This ghost snake seemed to know that Lin Feng was not easy to mess with. In order to kill Lin Feng, he began to secrete a lot of venom. Bai Sensen's fangs were covered with sticky venom, and the air was filled with a disgusting smell.

Lin Feng is invulnerable to all venoms. He doesn't take the venom of the snake in his eyes at all, avoiding the fangs of the snake. He grabs the letter of the snake with one hand and directly pulls the letter out of the snake's mouth. Wrap the head of the snake with the letter of the snake, and tie a dead knot.

Unable to open his mouth, the threat of the snake to Lin Feng was much smaller. Lin Feng took out the golden spear without hesitation and attacked the snake head of the snake.

Seeing that the snake could not beat Lin Feng, he turned his head and wanted to run away, but unfortunately its speed was slower than Lin Feng. Lin Feng rose into the air, and after a few strides in the air, the person had come to the sky above the head of the snake. Then, Lin Feng swooped down with a spear in hand, the tip of the spear pointed directly at the snake's head.


With a muffled sound, almost all the golden spears sank into the snake's head.

The huge body of the snake rolled in the canyon, many rocks cracked and splashed, and century-old trees were uprooted.

After a fierce struggle, the canyon finally returned to peace.

"Good good. Quickly put the snake into the golden spear." Hei Long said.

There is a chaotic space in the golden spear. Now Lin Feng is the owner of the golden spear. It only takes a thought to bring the snake into the golden spear. Lin Feng did not shy away from Gu Xibei, and accepted the snake in front of Gu Xibei.

Gu Xibei's face did not reveal much surprise.

Lin Feng believes that in the world of cultivation, storage space should be a very common thing. For example, he did not see the long sword used by Gu Xibei, and it is estimated that it is also placed in the storage space.

In the canyon, Tong Xuan grass is everywhere.

Under the shock of Lin Feng, some spirits in resentment circled around and dared not go forward. Lin Feng didn't bother to pay attention to those spirits in resentment, and began to collect Tong Xuan grass.

With Profound Tongcao, Lin Feng can refine the Earth Spirit Pill. The Earth Spirit Pill is of great benefit to the people in the early stage of transformation. Generally, people who are at the peak of the early stage of transformation can easily enter the middle stage of transformation if they have an Earth spirit pill. And even people who have just entered the early stage of transformation can enter the middle stage of transformation if they have enough Earth Spirit Pills.

Therefore, Tong Xuan grass is of course the more the better. Lin Feng almost collected all the Tong Xuan grass in the canyon.

Lin Feng has other medicinal materials for refining the Earth Spirit Pill, but because there are too many Tong Xuan grass, other medicinal materials seem to be insufficient. Fortunately, other medicinal herbs are very common in the Sunset Mountains.

After collecting enough heaven and earth treasures, Lin Feng began to refine earth spirit pills.

Lin Feng has studied "The King of Medicine", but everything he learns in the book can be perfectly mastered by Lin Feng, and his refining skills are beyond doubt.

With so many Profound Tongcao, Lin Feng refined it for a month, and produced tens of thousands of Earth Spirit Pills.

In the mundane world, things like the Earth Spirit Pill are completely unseen, and at most there is only the Ju Jin Pill. The strength-gathering pill is also of great benefit to the people in the early stage of transformation, but the effect is far worse than that of the earth spirit pill.

Tens of thousands of Earth Spirit Pills, even in the world of cultivation, are unbelievable resources for martial arts.

Having said that, Lin Feng gave half of the Earth Spirit Pill to Gu Xibei.

With the Earth Spirit Pill in hand, Lin Feng no longer needs to stay in the Sunset Mountain Range.

Although Lin Feng is not afraid of the demon beasts and the spirits of resentment in the Sunset Mountain Range, in order to avoid trouble, when leaving the Sunset Mountain Range, Lin Feng still tries to avoid beasts and resentful spirits.

On the way, Lin Feng also went to talk to Gu Xibei, but no matter what Lin Feng said, Gu Xibei did not respond.

There is one thing that makes Lin Feng a little puzzled.

Sure enough, Gu Xibei had a small bag, which Lin Feng knew now. Like his storage ring, it could store items. The Earth Spirit Pill that Lin Feng gave Gu Xibei, Gu Xibei put all of them in that small bag. However, Gu Xibei did not take the storage bag out of the Sunset Mountain Range, but buried it on the edge of the Sunset Mountain Range.

Lin Feng felt that Gu Xibei might be careful, after all, there are so many spiritual pills, even in the cultivation world, it can cause a sensation.

Lin Feng thought that Gu Xibei would go to her master after she left the Sunset Mountain Range.

As soon as they left the Sunset Mountains, Gu Xibei and Lin Feng parted ways.

Lin Feng wouldn't like Gu Xibei, but for some reason, watching Gu Xibei leave, he felt a little reluctance in his heart, as if he was separated from a very close person.

Lin Feng found a hotel in Sunset City.

Before in the Sunset Mountains, he completed a task related to Gu Xibei, 'touching Gu Xibei', Lin Feng knew that the task had been completed. He wants to know the level and reward of this task.

Entering the guest room, Lin Feng immediately took out the collection and glanced at it. Sure enough, Baodian has a new prompt.

Task: Touch Gu Xibei. Mission Level: Unknown. Mission completion reward, unknown. Task status, completed. Rewards the Great Arhat Golden Statue of the Three Great Golden Statues.

It's actually the golden body of a big Arhat!

Lin Feng thought how many peach blossom points would be rewarded, but he didn't expect this. This is definitely a good surprise.

Before, Lin Feng has learned that the three golden bodies of the King Kong are not bad, and the King Kong is not bad. He can use it once a day. When he uses it, he ignores all the damage of the master below the peak of the transformation for three seconds. And the golden body of Great Arhat is more advanced than the indestructible body of King Kong, and can only be used once a day, but after it is used, it can ignore all the damage of masters below the virtual realm for three seconds.

That is to say, if Lin Feng casts the golden body of the Great Arhat, even if he is a top master of the transformation realm, he will never be able to hurt Lin Feng even a single hair.

Although there are not many experts in the world of transformation, but Lin Feng is now in the world of cultivation, and there are many masters of transformation here. Having the golden body of a big Arhat is particularly important to Lin Feng.

After taking back the collection, Lin Feng sat cross-legged and couldn't wait to start his own journey to join the meridian.

Lin Feng's attached veins are only at the peak of the questioning realm, but he has a good fortune pill, which can make his attached veins easily enter the early stage of transformation realm. And he still has thousands of Earth Spirit Pills on his body, so many Earth Spirit Pills, even if he eats it as a meal, he can eat a lot of middle stage transformation.

After Gu Xibei and Lin Feng parted, they also stayed in a hotel in Sunset City.

After entering the hotel, Gu Xibei lay on the bed and closed her eyes.

After about a few minutes, Gu Xibei suddenly opened her eyes and sat up. The calm and peaceful expression on her face was no longer there, replaced by a frosty expression.

Seeing that the sky was getting darker, Gu Xibei frowned slightly and quickly got out of bed.

She made an appointment with a martial artist to go to the Sunset Mountain Range to practice today, but she didn't expect to sleep so deadly.

After going out, Gu Xibei came to the door of the room where her companion lived, knocked on the door, and heard no response, Gu Xibei hurried downstairs and asked the hotel owner.

"Where's my friend? Has he left?" Gu Xibei asked.

When the shop owner saw Gu Xibei, there was a strange look in his eyes, because Gu Xibei was beautiful and generous, the boss was still very impressed with Gu Xibei.

Hearing Gu Xibei asking about her friend, the shop owner was taken aback and said, "What friend?"

"Just came to the hotel with me yesterday."

The shop owner's expression changed slightly and said, "Girl. You have been living in the shop for two months. I'm sorry, I don't remember your friend after such a long time."

"What did you say? I lived in your shop for two months?" Gu Xibei was shocked and looked at the shop owner with suspicious eyes.

The shop owner didn't say anything, just nodded slightly.

Gu Xibei breathed in a breath of cold air and was sweating heavily. She only remembered that she came to the hotel last night. Could it be that she slept for two months?

Seeing the owner of the didn't seem like a joke, Gu Xibei was trembling in her heart, and she didn't even bother to go to the Sunset Mountain Range, so she turned around and left in a hurry.

Because of her extraordinary talent, Gu Xibei was taken in by a wandering monk and accepted as a disciple. Later, the monk brought her to the world of practice.

With the help of her master, Gu Xibei's strength improved by leaps and bounds, and she quickly advanced to the peak of the questioning realm. Before advancing to the transformation realm, her master let her enter the Sunset Mountain Range to experience.

Gu Xibei Yiyan came to Sunset City and was about to enter the Sunset Mountain Range, but she never imagined that she would actually sleep for two months.

She was going to the master, she didn't understand what happened to her.

She vaguely remembered that she seemed to have had a very long dream, and there was a nightmare that impressed her particularly. She dreamed of the guy she hated deeply. In the dream, the guy reached out to her again. Claws. As for other things in the dream, she didn't remember so clearly.

Thinking of that hateful guy, Gu Xibei's already cold and pretty face turned a little colder. Even if he saved his life, he could never be forgiven for blaspheming her sister and herself like that. One day, he will make him pay for it.

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