Peach Blossom Collection

Chapter 464: body of pure yang

Chapter 464 The Body of Pure Yang

"Oh haha, oh hahahahaha..."

Laughing wildly into his ears, Lin Feng glanced around, but couldn't see a figure. He pulled out a spear flower with a golden spear in his hand, and said solemnly, "Who is pretending to be a ghost here?"

"Head. Please use to visit this site. You concentrate, stare at the golden gun, and feel the golden gun carefully."

Hearing this voice, Lin Feng's heart trembled, and he vaguely felt that the voice seemed to come from the golden spear.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Feng calmed down, looking at his nose and his heart, as if looking at his dantian from the inside, trying to see why from the golden spear.

However, Lin Feng looked at it for a long time, and the golden spear was still the golden spear.

The black giant was very displeased. This cowardly head was too weak. Even if he had become the master of the golden spear, he could not peep into the space inside the golden spear.

Of course, the strength can be cultivated slowly. The important thing is that this coward is actually a body of pure yang. In the battle at the top of Huashan, the blood of the coward seeped into the golden spear, and the golden spear recognized the master.

Only those who can make the golden gun recognize the master can communicate with the black dragon.

"Xiaotou. You are too weak. But don't rush. Feel it slowly, you will soon see the peerless style of my lord." The black dragon said.

Lin Feng also wanted to find out what happened. He simply didn't leave, but found a place to sit down, like an old monk entering meditation and comprehending the golden spear.

After repeated failures, Lin Feng finally saw chaos through the golden spear. There is no landscape, no human beings, and even the earth cannot be seen.

Suddenly, a huge faucet emerged from the chaos, and opened its mouth to Lin Feng.

For a moment, Lin Feng was terrified, exclaimed, and his consciousness quickly retreated from the chaotic space.

"Oh hahaha, ohhahahaha..." The black giant rolled happily again, he was so happy that he couldn't help frightening Lin Feng, he just confirmed that Lin Feng could see him, "You coward. "

After so many years of watching, I finally have a chance to see the sun again!

The black giant said: "Have you seen my lord?"

Rao is Lin Feng who has experienced strong winds and waves, and was also horrified by the giant dragon in the golden spear. The black giant dragon brought him an intuitive impact no less than Yue Lao. He said, "I see, what are you?"

"Things? Don't you see that I'm a dragon above me?"

"Why are you in the golden gun? Are you dead or alive?"

"In addition to myself, who has the ability to let me into the golden gun? As for whether I am dead or alive, have you ever seen a dead dragon speak?"

"Can't you get out?"

The black giant snorted arrogantly and said, "Why can't I go out? It's just that I don't want to go out. It's your blessing to meet my lord, and under the guidance of my lord, your future is limitless. Don't hurry down and kneel down and accept my lord as the master."

"I won't kneel."

"Tsk tsk tsk. You are a waste now, you have no inner strength at all, just relying on a little source of power, there is no use? Don't you want to wipe out the four major families? At the top of Mount Hua, Li Xiaoyao is enchanted for you. And you? You coward, you can't even protect your own woman, a person who can't even protect his own woman, does he still want to play dignity with me? Don't you want your little demon? As long as you recognize me Be the master, be obedient, and I will cultivate you into a peerless master."

Although Lin Feng yearns to be strong, he will not lose his mind.

More importantly, even without this dragon, Lin Feng can also become a Xeon master with the help of "Peach Blossom Collection"! It is absolutely impossible for Lin Feng to recognize someone else as the master.

Lin Feng pondered a little, and inferred from the words of this giant dragon, it seemed to have been in the golden spear for many years, and many people must have come into contact with the golden spear for so many years. What about those who have been exposed to golden guns? Did you recognize the dragon as the master? If yes, where are those people now?

In any case, Lin Feng believes that the dragon in the golden spear can't help himself now, otherwise it doesn't need to negotiate conditions with himself. Moreover, the giant dragon wants to be obedient and obedient, does it mean that it has demands from itself.

Taking care, Lin Feng said, "Go dream. No matter what you say, I won't admit that you are the master. Moreover, I don't need your help, I can also become a Xeon master. My meridians are damaged well, but My medical skills are extraordinary, and I can restore my meridians and cultivation at any time."

"Oh?" The black dragon was taken aback. "Is this true? Can you really restore your cultivation in the late stage of transformation? If that's the case, then it will save me a lot of trouble."

Lin Feng said: "That's right. I'm going to the real world of cultivation, and now I'm going to fight the battle of life and death. If I can't restore my cultivation, won't I go to die?"

"Come in. Let my lord take a good look at you."

Lin Feng hesitated, this time his consciousness easily entered the chaotic space inside the golden spear.

In the space, a black giant dragon, whose length is unknown, is burning with black flames all over its body, and the dragon whiskers rise up and down in the black flames, looking majestic.

The giant black dragon put its head in front of Lin Feng, took a closer look, and was overjoyed, saying: "The body does not contain any impurities, it really is the body of pure yang, and the aptitude is excellent. You are the slave I am looking for. Quickly kneel down. Recognize the Lord, the great opportunity is in front of you, this is the blessing you have cultivated in your lifetime, don't miss the opportunity..."

Lin Feng's consciousness immediately exited the chaotic space.

"Hey, Xiaotou, everything is easy to discuss."

"If you want me to recognize the Lord, you are just dreaming!"

The black dragon knows exactly what it needs, what it needs is to see the light of day! After so many years, just thinking about an ugly, old female dragon makes her go crazy.

How many years have passed before I met a body of pure yang! You must know that the body of pure yang needs the creation of heaven and earth. No matter how good the aptitude is, there will be a trace of impurities in the acquired tempering, and it cannot be called the body of pure yang.

Only with a real pure yang body, the meridians can be divided into two, and the two meridians can be cultivated together to break through the many barriers on the road of cultivation, and travel unimpeded all the way.

After so many years, it has only met Lin Feng. Even if Lin Feng is not its slave, it will find a way to help Lin Feng improve his strength. Lin Feng is its hope to see the sun again.

The giant black dragon said: "Little cootou. It seems that you don't see rabbits and don't scatter eagles. You have a 1% demeanor of my lord. Well, my lord will give you some sweetness first! I ask you, do you want to become stronger? ?"

"Of course I do."

"Very good. Then can you eat the pain of dividing your muscles and bones?"

"Master is stronger than you think."

"d! You find a safe place to hide first."

Lin Feng is not afraid of any conspiracy and tricks that the black dragon will display. He has a feeling that this black dragon might be trapped in the golden spear.

Looking at the appearance of the black giant, it should be asking for himself, so even if you want to harm yourself, you have to use yourself first, right? Haven't started helping it yet.

After thinking about it, Lin Feng found a hidden cave in Shushan and got into it.

"Ten years of cultivation can lead to the same boat, and a hundred years of cultivation can lead to sleep together. I don't know how many years it took to cultivate and meet you. Therefore, we have a destiny. It is also our destiny, so I want to mention you. You are born naturally, and there is nothing Impurities, your meridians can be divided into two, and from now on, the two meridians can be cultivated together.”

The black giant was long-winded and long-winded, and Lin Feng finally understood the meaning of the second-line practitioner.

Only with the body of pure yang, the meridians can be divided into two! Lin Feng's meridians have been transformed by "Yi Jin Jing", "Yi Jin Jing" is from "Peach Blossom Collection".

After the meridians are divided into two, there are main meridians and auxiliary meridians!

Lin Feng can major in the main vein. For example, now, if Lin Feng uses the peach blossom points to restore the meridian and strength, he is a master in the late stage of transformation. It is very difficult for a master in the later stage of transformation to break through the barriers and step into the peak of transformation. After all, as a master in the later stage of transformation, you have so much internal energy here, and you want to use the inner strength you have in the later stage of transformation to break through and enter the peak of transformation. Barriers, easier said than done?

But if you have attached veins, it will be different!

When the main meridian reaches the bottleneck, I specialize in the auxiliary meridian. When the inner strength of the attached meridian is also very impressive, it can be poured into the main meridian!

Cultivating inner strength can be regarded as a process of continuously strengthening the meridians. The stronger the meridians, the more inner strength that can be integrated and used.

Comparing the internal energy to water, the meridians are dams and dams. Every improvement in the realm can be seen as the water breaking down the dams once, and getting more space. The river is so big that it can only hold so much water, and the water storage is also within the bearing range of the dam. Therefore, it is extremely difficult for the river to break the dam.

The meaning of double rest in one pulse, UU reading www. is cheating, and the floodgates are opened from other places to release the flood, no matter how awesome the dams are, they will suffer...

After understanding the true meaning of double rest, Lin Feng was very excited!

After he recovers his cultivation in the late stage of transformation, it is very difficult for him to step into the peak of transformation as usual! But if he can rest in the same vein, he has so many resources for martial arts, and he is a master of medicine refining. Even if he is crazy about taking medicine, he can make the inner strength of the attached veins quickly enter the early stage of transformation, and then wait until that time. , The internal energy in the early stage of the attached channel is all injected into the main channel, maybe a breakthrough can be made in one fell swoop.

This has not yet entered the world of cultivation, and has obtained such a great benefit.

"I have to remind you that it is very painful to divide your muscles and bones. If you are not firm enough, you may become an idiot or you may die." The voice of the black dragon came faintly.

If one meridian is to be rested twice, one must divide the meridian into two, and endure the pain of dividing the sinews and dislocating the bones. Li Xiaoyao can demonize Lin Feng on the top of Huashan Mountain, and distinguish the pain of the bones, what can Lin Feng not bear?

He could not forget Li Xiao Yao's white hair like frost.

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