Peach Blossom Collection

Chapter 449: survive

() Poria, Asarum, Calamus and other medicinal materials grown in Huashan have the best quality and the best curative effect. Huashan calamus and other medicinal materials have long been included in the "Compendium of Materia Medica".

However, Huashan is majestic and dangerous, with steep mountains, thousands of walls, and beautiful peaks. Generally, traditional Chinese medicine practitioners do not go deep into the dangerous land of Huashan to collect medicines.

However, in the depths of Huashan, there is a stunning woman who is collecting medicine. She has red lips and white teeth, tall stature, fair skin, and exudes a seductive mature charm.

Her name is Gu Qingcheng. She is a Chinese medicine practitioner and is already well-known in the Chinese medicine circle of the Republic.

Gu Qingcheng is a disciple of Ye Rennuan, the leader of Chinese medicine in the Republic, but it is not because of this that Gu Qingcheng is famous. Instead, it is based on her own real talent and practical learning, and of course her peerless appearance.

She likes Chinese medicine and studies Chinese medicine. Sometimes, in order to pick up some rare Chinese herbal medicines, she even risked herself to enter the jungle.

The Chinese medicine clinic she opened in Tengchong is also famous.

In the past, because she had to treat her sister Gu Xibei's illness, Gu Qingcheng's life was very poor. She went out to collect medicines all by herself, but now Gu Qingcheng is not short of money, so she hired a local mountain person as a guide.

The guide, an old man in his sixties, led the way with a machete in hand.

The old man seemed to be very experienced. He said: "In front of you is Shura Cliff. The top of Shura Cliff is the top of Huashan Mountain. The sky above Shura Cliff is shrouded in miasma all year round, and the bottom of the cliff is rarely visited by birds and beasts. Maybe you can find the herbs you mentioned."

"It's hard work, uncle."

"It's not hard. You give me five hundred a day, and I can't earn it in a month." Speaking of this, the old man suddenly stopped and his expression changed slightly.

"What's wrong?" Gu Qingcheng asked quickly.

The old man did not answer, but stepped forward quickly.

After Gu Qingcheng followed, he found that there was a person lying in the bush in front of him. The man was naked, covered in blood, and there were scars on many places on his body.

"Is it a tourist who fell off the cliff?" Gu Qingcheng was a little nervous.

The old man shook his head. The Huashan Scenic Spot has been repaired during this period, and there will be no tourists on the top of the mountain. Besides, if this person fell from the top of the mountain, how could it be possible to keep the whole body?

The miasma of Shura Cliff is not only poisonous, but also extremely corrosive. If a person passes through the miasma, it is likely that only a skeleton will be corroded.

However, it seems that this person really fell from the Shura Cliff, because there was a big tree next to the bush, and the branches of the big tree were broken off a lot.

The old man didn't care whether the other party was alive or not, he quickly took out his mobile phone and prepared to call the police.

"Wait." Gu Qingcheng suddenly said.

The old man turned his head and glanced at Gu Qingcheng, temporarily giving up his plan to call the police. Although he didn't understand Gu Qingcheng's approach, Gu Qingcheng was her financial master, and he knew that Gu Qingcheng had a good heart.

Gu Qingcheng's face was slightly pale.

Although Lin Feng had scars all over his face, how could she not remember this man who had blasphemed her over and over again, but had indeed saved her and her sister's lives?

Gu Qingcheng has long known that Lin Feng is not an ordinary person. Because of Gu Xibei, she has long known that this world is not as simple as what is popularized in textbooks.

Although Lin Feng had blasphemed her, Lin Feng had never forced her. Instead, it was Lin Feng who saved her and Gu Xibei's lives. Even, Gu Qingcheng often thinks of Lin Feng's evil and charming face with some vicissitudes.

Facing Lin Feng at this moment, it was difficult for Gu Qingcheng to sit back and ignore her, her heart was beating so fast, and she didn't know if she was worried or nervous.

Gu Qingcheng knew that Lin Feng was injured and fell off the cliff, and he must have experienced great dangers and dangers behind him. Maybe there are still people looking for Lin Feng. If the police call the police, Lin Feng may be sent to a desperate situation.

Gu Qingcheng knew about the relationship between Lin Feng and Shi Tianze. She wanted to call Shi Tianze, but she didn't know the current situation of Lin Feng, so she did not dare to make decisions without authorization. She wanted to wait until Lin Feng woke up.

Although Lin Feng was stabbed, at this time, Gu Qingcheng couldn't take care of it anymore. She quickly stepped forward and helped Lin Feng deal with the wound, but to her surprise, all the wounds on Lin Feng's body had already scabbed over.

Gu Qingcheng turned to look at the old man and pleaded, "Master. He is my friend. Please believe me that he is not a bad person. Can you help me take him out without calling the police?"

The old man's nature is simple, how can he not help him? Gu Qingcheng refused to call the police, so he had to carry Lin Feng out on his back.

Fortunately, although the old man is very old, he is a mountain citizen. He works all year round and has a solid body, so he can barely carry Lin Feng out.

After leaving the mountain, Gu Qingcheng left a bank card on him to the old man, but the old man insisted not to. Gu Qingcheng left all the cash on him to the old man.

Because Lin Feng was seriously injured and unconscious, Gu Qingcheng did not neglect and took Lin Feng back to the clinic directly.

Gu Qingcheng's clinic is still in the old place. With her current reputation and financial strength, she can open a larger traditional Chinese medicine hospital. Even the Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine threw her an olive branch and asked her to be the chief physician, but she still chose to maintain the status quo and just expanded the clinic. However, now Gu Qingcheng generally does not have to see a doctor in person.

Gu Qingcheng's office has a wing, which is her lounge.

Gu Qingcheng directly asked Lin Feng to be carried into the lounge, which surprised many people. The lounge is not a place to see a doctor, but Gu Qingcheng's private territory.

Lin Feng's heartbeat was normal, his pulse was stable, and his body was also recovering at an astonishing speed. Gu Qingcheng found that she didn't even need to provide any treatment to Lin Feng, and Lin Feng would wake up by himself.

Sitting quietly beside the bed, Gu Qingcheng stared fixedly at Lin Feng's scarred face, remembering the scenes of the past, her cheeks turned bright red.

After a long time, Gu Qingcheng took a deep breath, she knew that she and he were people from two different worlds, and to each other, they were just a passer-by in life.

Lin Feng saved himself and his sister, and he saved him this time.

Gu Qingcheng didn't want to face Lin Feng after waking up, so as not to add to her troubles. After thinking about it, she left a note to Lin Feng and left silently.

Lin Feng's mind was groggy.

He clearly remembered that at the top of Mount Hua, he was shot down the cliff by Li Xiao Yao. He will not forget that Bai Chu's chained legs kicked Li Xiaoyao's chest heavily, kicking Li Xiaoyao's weak and delicate body into the air.

He didn't know what was waiting for Li Xiao Yao.

Lin Feng felt that his mind was unusually awake. He just wanted to wake up. Even if his body was shattered, he and Li Xiaoyao would face the masters of the four major families in the later stage of transformation.

However, no matter how hard Lin Feng tried, he couldn't open his eyes.

He felt sleepy and tired.

Every time, Lin Feng told himself that he would be able to open his eyes after resting for five minutes and then resting for another five minutes. However, he never did.

I don't know how long it took, Lin Feng finally opened his eyes.

He immediately sat up and entered a fighting state.

However, the top of Mount Hua is no longer in front of you, and it is not even Mount Hua here.

Lin Feng looked around, he was sitting on the bed, there was a faint fragrance in the air, and there was a faint smell of Chinese herbal medicine, and there was a set of men's clothes neatly placed on the head of the bed. Judging from the furnishings and decorations in the room, this is a bit like a girl's boudoir.

Lin Feng thought he was dreaming, and everything in front of him seemed so unreal.

He shook his head, trying to remember what happened, but unfortunately, his previous memory only stayed on the top of Huashan Mountain.

Unexpectedly seeing a note next to it, Lin Feng quickly picked it up and took a look.

- Don't worry, you are safe now. I found you in Huashan collecting herbs, and I heard from the guide that you fell from the Shura Cliff at the top of Huashan. I brought you back, this is my clinic. Now that you are awake, leave on your own. Finally, I want to remind you of one thing. My sister Gu Xibei has always hated you to the bone. She was taken away by a wandering monk a while ago. She should have gone to study art. If possible, for the sake of saving you once. , do not care about her.

The signature is Gu Qingcheng.

So it seems that he has been in a coma for many days?

Lin Feng looked down at the clothes on his body. It was no longer the black robe he was wearing. Then, who changed the clothes for him?

This thought passed by in a flash. At this time, Lin Feng didn't have so much time to think about such trivial matters. Besides, even if Gu Qingcheng helped him change it, he wouldn't mind.

Gu Xibei hated Lin Feng to the bone, and Lin Feng knew it for a long time, because he once completed an S-level mission on the two sisters, 'stroking Gu Qingcheng and Gu Xibei's breasts, with both hands, one with the other'. Gu Xibei had already said that she would kill Lin Feng, but Lin Feng had no pressure.

Is it possible to get revenge by learning from a teacher? joke!

Gu Xibei originally had a master, and her master was Zhuang Ci from Yunling Ruyi Sect. That Zhuang Ci had only the strength of Wenjing's peak at the beginning.

After waking Lin Feng straightened out his thoughts immediately.

Huashan's sword discussion has ended, and the Fenglin faction should be relocating to Huashan.

He killed Xuan Ling on the top of Huashan Mountain, and risked the world's great injustice. Even Mr. Tong couldn't save him. But the Fenglin faction is innocent, and with Mr. Tong there, no one will move the Fenglin faction. Besides, what the Four Great Families want is only their own martial arts resources.

Walking against the sky on the top of Huashan Mountain, although the consequences were severe, Lin Feng did not regret it at all, because he had no way to retreat, and no way to escape!

Li Xiaoyao sacrificed his life to save himself, and won a chance to survive for himself, and he didn't know what happened to Xiaoyao now. If Li Xiaoyao has some long and two shortcomings, one day, he will bloodbath the four major families!

The top priority is to quickly recover from the injury.

No matter where you go to heal your wounds, you may not be safe. Gu Qingcheng seems to be doing well here. Lin Feng has always hoped to get along well with Gu Qingcheng. This time is an opportunity. Lin Feng decides not to go anywhere until his injury is healed.


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