Peach Blossom Collection

Chapter 435: The old devil strikes

→ Chapter 435 The old devil strikes

Everyone is guessing that Lin Feng has martial arts resources. Although everyone has basically confirmed it, everyone's hearts are beating fiercely when they see Lin Feng take out a bottle of Xing Jing Dan.

There are not many Sujin Pills in existence at all, and they are all left over from ancient martial arts cultivators. Nonrenewable. Each continuation force pill is particularly valuable.

Kunlun Dan Wang Su Mu's Renewing Strength Pill, compared with the real Su Jindan, is too far behind!

Sujin Dan, which was left behind in ancient times, is the size of a pigeon egg, the whole body is green, and it exudes a strong fragrance. Taking it for the first time can quickly restore all the inner energy of a person. Continuous use, the effect is halved.

Su Mu's Refinement Pill, which is almost the size of a goose egg, has a dull color and has a strong odor. After taking it, it can only allow people to quickly restore a small amount of internal energy. Continuous use, no effect.

Those who don't know Sujin Pill don't matter, but everyone who knows Sujin Pill will have their eyes wide open and look at the jade bottle in Zhu Fenghou's hand.

At this time, Zhu Fenghou was not polite. With the same excitement, he opened the jade bottle and poured out a continuance pill from it and took it.

Immediately, Zhu Fenghou felt the warmth of his dantian all over the place, and a strong warm current rushed to the inner sea of ​​dantian. After filling his dantian, it quickly rushed towards his limbs.

In just a few short breaths, Zhu Fenghou has returned to his peak state!

Everyone has witnessed Zhu Fenghou taking Sujin Pill, and everyone can infer the effectiveness of Su Jin Pill from Zhu Fenghou's expression.

A pair of eyes fell on Lin Feng. Although it was hidden, it was like a shadow. They were deeply afraid that Lin Feng would disappear out of thin air.

Lin Feng didn't care so much. With Mr. Tong here, he expected that these people would not dare to move.

After taking the Su Jindan, Zhu Fenghou regained his momentum, turned his head to look at the Dongying ninja who came to power, and drew out the soft sword on his body with a 'swipe'.

This Dongying ninja has a medium stature, sullen eyes, and holds the samurai sword in both hands. He does not dare to act rashly, and turns around Zhu Fenghou.

Not long after, Dongying Ninja took the initiative to attack Zhu Fenghou.

Ninjas have superhuman skills and are good at using swords, hooks and other weapons and hidden weapons such as darts; they can fly over eaves and walls, run on the sand without making a sound; hold their breath in water for up to five minutes; they are good at fighting on the surface and underwater, etc. These kinds of superhuman skills are acquired through inhuman training.

The ninja is hereditary, and the Waka lineage is the ninja family. All members of the Waka family, regardless of gender, age, and age, must unconditionally inherit this family professional tradition. They have been training hard from an early age.

Through some inhumane practices with extremely high mortality, ninjas have achieved superhuman leaps from spiritual to physical. Gained perseverance, endurance, and fighting power that surpassed ordinary people. The ninjas who survived through the training of ninjutsu are all an absolutely reliable full-power fighting machine.

Such as Wakaichiro, such as Hayao Miyazaki in front of him. All are excellent ninjas. They have a very high level in swordsmanship, archery, equestrianism, jiu-jitsu, footwork, body balance, and poison darts. But the most demanding martial skill is the well-known stealth flying technique.

The so-called hidden techniques in ninjas actually do not exist at all, but they have become extremely agile and run extremely fast through training.

Hayao Miyazaki's internal strength is not as good as that of Marquis Zhu Feng, but Hayao Miyazaki's movement is very strange. He uses the advantages of his body and insidious swordsmanship to deal with Marquis Zhu Feng.

Obviously, in the eyes of Zhu Fenghou, Hayao Miyazaki is also an extremely difficult opponent. The opponent's ninja sword is as sensitive and quick as a poisonous snake spitting out letters.

Everyone looked at the two people in the arena silently, and even many people who coveted Lin Feng's martial arts resources were attracted by the arena.

The success or failure of Marquis Zhu Feng almost determines the success or failure of Huashan Lunjian!

In fact, at this time, many people felt bad in their hearts, including some martial cultivators who were only asking questions, also felt a little bad.

Although Zhu Fenghou did not show any defeat, the two have been fighting for so long, and they have not yet decided the winner. There are still several masters who have not played, and the Republic's martial arts world is the first in the mid-transition realm. Everyone is on the field.

Lin Feng also looked very seriously.

Hayao Miyazaki is fast and can run! Hayao Miyazaki's swordsmanship is also very tricky, but Zhu Fenghou can handle it completely. It's just that Miyazaki also puts some hidden weapons such as ninja darts from time to time.

Lin Feng thought to himself, this is definitely a long-planned sword discussion!

Probably, these people brought by Wakaichiro have not only been carefully selected, but also have undergone many years of hard work! It is no exaggeration to say that these people basically represent the highest strength of the younger generation of martial arts practitioners in Dongying! If these people die, it will be a heavy blow to the entire Eastern Ying.

Of course, if it is the Republic martial artist who fails, then the Republic martial artist will inevitably suffer a mad slaughter.

After a long tug-of-war, Zhu Fenghou still had the upper hand with his super strength, leaving many wounds on Miyazaki's body.

On Zhu Fenghou, only a small hole was left by Miyazaki's ninja dart. Don't say it's for martial arts practitioners, even for ordinary people, such a small hole can't affect anything.

According to this progress, it won't take long for the battle to end!

However, the situation is not as everyone imagined.

Slowly, Zhu Fenghou's offensive slowed down a lot, and Miyazaki slowly gained the upper hand.

A few minutes later, Zhu Fenghou was even more dangerous, retreating frequently, and there were a few more holes on his body.

"Despicable!" Zhu Liangyu stood up, his face ashen.

Lin Feng also knew in his heart that the ninja darts of Dongying Ninja were poisoned. Zhu Fenghou was scratched by a ninja dart, and the toxicity was already starting to work. If things go on like this, Zhu Fenghou will only have a dead end! Even if Miyazaki did not kill Zhu Fenghou, Zhu Fenghou himself would die of poisoning, and the more intense Zhu Fenghou's exercise, the faster the blood circulation.

Swordsmen have no eyes, life and death have a life!

Zhu Fenghou can admit defeat by himself, but if Zhu Fenghou does not admit defeat, according to the rules of the ring competition, no one is qualified to come on stage to interrupt.

Soon, Zhu Fenghou was stabbed by Miyazaki Hayao through the shoulder blade.

After Hayao Miyazaki drew his sword, Marquis Zhu Feng staggered back, and his whole body fell to one side. At the critical moment, he tapped the ground with his soft sword before he stood up again.

Marquis Zhu Feng, the first person in the middle stage of transformation, has already been defeated.

Almost everyone's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and the top of Huashan seemed to be covered with a layer of dark clouds.

Zhu Fenghou turned his head and glanced at Lin Feng, with a bit of heroic twilight sadness on his face, and a bit of self-blame, he smiled and said, "It's a waste of Lin's sect's continuation force."

Having said that, Zhu Fenghou threw the jade bottle on his body to Lin Feng again.

"You admit defeat!" Lin Feng shouted loudly.

Zhu Fenghou smiled boldly and said, "As a Dragon Guard, my duty is. As a descendant of Yan and Huang, my integrity lies! How can I admit defeat?"

A cold light flashed in Miyazaki's eyes, he would not be merciful. Especially this Marquis Zhu Feng, who is less than a hundred years old and so powerful, is likely to enter the late stage of transformation in the future!

Hayao Miyazaki raised his long sword and charged towards Marquis Zhu Feng again.

Everyone knows that in the next second, Zhu Fenghou should splatter blood on the spot.

"Jie Jie!"

It was at this time that a sneer suddenly came from above the crowd. Everyone looked at the sound and saw a white-haired old man in a big red robe in the air, like a red piece of training, quickly swept toward the ring.

Almost before anyone had time to react, the old man in red had already come to the ring and charged towards Hayao Miyazaki at a speed that could not cover his ears.

The visitor Lin Feng knew was Liu Yingquan, the great elder of Bliss Valley. It's just that Lin Feng doesn't understand. The Valley of Elysium has been removed, and the old devil must be more than a hundred years old. What is he doing here?

Seeing Liu Yingquan rushing towards him, Hayao Miyazaki was taken aback, gave up chasing Zhu Fenghou, and slashed at Liu Yingquan with the samurai sword in his hand.

Liu Yingquan is a peerless master in the late stage of Transformation Realm!

Seeing Hayao Miyazaki slashing with a knife, Liu Yingquan dodged to avoid him and knocked Hayao Miyazaki out with a punch.

"Haga!" Wakaichiro stood up suddenly.

"Jie Jie!" But Liu Yingquan didn't want to fight at all, and fled.

Liu Yingquan's Bliss Valley was destroyed. In the capital, I originally wanted to hold the beauty contest in the Northern Division, but Lin Feng destroyed it and beat him half to death! Well, if you discuss the sword in Huashan, let's discuss the sword in Huashan. People from the four major families and several sects actually took out the Valley of Bliss as a reward.

Liu Yingquan was too depressed, so of course he wanted to come over and destroy it.

Zhu Fenghou is also dependent on misfortune and good fortune, and escaped a catastrophe. If he has the upper hand in this battle, Liu Yingquan will kill him! Liu Yingquan's murder depends entirely on his heart, whoever hangs and kills.

Liu Yingquan's strength in the late stage of Transformation Realm, but also a sudden attack, two Miyazaki Hayao are not enough to see.

Liu Yingquan ran away as soon as he succeeded.

Soon, several figures appeared in many places and quickly chased after Liu Yingquan.

These people are all peerless masters in the four major families and seven sects. They all came to the top of Huashan because of Lin Feng.

Seeing Liu Yingquan's sabotage, everyone rushed out.

It's just that these people are chasing Liu Yingquan, which is to pretend to be seen by Wakaichiro, and no one dares to really catch up. The old demon is the late stage of the transformation realm, and the strength is similar to these people. You can't keep them behind if you catch up. If you are hated by the old demon, it will be bad. The old demon is a mad dog now, and he will not tell you any rules of the rivers and lakes.

Wakaichiro looked at Hayao Miyazaki who could no longer die, his face was ashen, and he kept saying "kusuo".

Liu Yingquan was originally the Great Elder of Bliss Valley, and of course Wakaichiro knew about Liu Yingquan, and he also knew about Liu Yingquan's current situation. When Liu Yingquan came to him like this, he was also dumb to eat Huanglian.

Although Hayao Miyazaki died, the oppressive atmosphere on the top of Mount Hua was not relieved in the slightest. On the Republic's side, Zhu Fenghou, the first person in the mid-transition stage, also lost his strength to fight again.

Who can turn the tide?


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