Peach Blossom Collection

Chapter 433: The first person in the middle stage of transformation

All eyes fell on Qing Lun.

Among the mid-transition masters within the age of one hundred, Qing family Qinglun is considered to be the best. The result of his battle is particularly important!

Qinglun is also fearless. As the dragon guard of the four major families, he knows his responsibilities. He didn't just fight for glory.

"Qinglun of the Qing family. Please enlighten me." Qinglun saluted Waka Ichiro.

Wakaichiro didn't let the big man fight.

Dongying has prepared for no less than 20 years for this Huashan sword argument!

The majestic China, rising in the east, the sick man of East Asia in the past, is now like a waking up giant ship, marching steadily in the stormy waves.

The Japanese pirates in Dongying were uneasy, and they had already begun to carefully plan today's Huashan Lunjian. Even the United States and South Korea have become powerful foreign aids for the Japanese pirates.

Among the people who Wakaichiro brought to fight for life and death, one of them was a Korean Taekwondo master! There are also two American masters, one is a human-type tank that has already appeared, and the other has not appeared. Of course, in order to comply with the rules of the ring competition, these three people have joined the nationality of Dongying.

In the past 20 years, Wakaichiro has also worked hard to study the elites of the four major families and the seven major sects. Almost all transformation masters under the age of 100, Wakaichiro knew all about it.

Qing Lun, the Qing family, is indeed a very powerful character, and his swordsmanship is superb.

Wakaichiro didn't let the big man play again, but nodded to a tall and thin man.

Nor is this man the face of the finale, he is the other of the two Americans. This person is of moderate stature and looks unremarkable, except that he holds a sledgehammer in each of his hands. It's hard to imagine that he doesn't look strong, but he can use such a weapon.

After the iron hammer man came on the field, he took the initiative to attack, holding the hammer in his hands high, and pounced towards Qinglun.

When he was about to get in front of Qinglun, the hammer in one hand of Iron Hammer Man let go and smashed it towards Qinglun's head.

The moment Qinglun dodged and avoided, the hammer in the other hand of the hammer man swept down towards Qinglun without hesitation.

Qinglun is worthy of being a master in the middle stage of transformation, with superb movement skills and outstanding swordsmanship. He didn't use his software to fight the opponent's hammer head-on, but started a fight with the opponent.

The hammer in the hammer man's hand is wrapped around his wrist with an iron chain. His hammer can be used as a weapon or a hidden weapon, which is very dangerous.

The Hammer Man doesn't seem to have any offensive skills. He first dropped a hammer, then swept a hammer, and then stopped attacking, basically dodging.

Qinglun's sword was as fast as a sword, forcing the Hammer man to step back.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the Hammer Man was not pretending to be invincible. He was really not Qinglun's opponent. After retreating for a distance, Qinglun's sword ripped through the clothes under his armpit.

All the martial arts fellows at the top of Mount Hua, especially the four major families and the seven sects, breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Feng could also see that if the Hammer man just did this twice, Qinglun would soon be able to win. But Lin Feng always felt that things were not so simple.

"let go!"

When Qinglun had already made the Iron Hammer man in a hurry, he shouted loudly, looked at a gap, and stabbed the Iron Hammer man in the chest with a sword.

The Hammer Man immediately swung his hammer to hit Qinglun's long sword.

As usual, Qinglun will take back the long sword. But this time Qinglun didn't. He knew that under the hammer of the hammer man, he couldn't stab the hammer man's chest. However, he could overcome the rigidity with softness, and the long sword moved against the hammer man's hammer. Sharpening hammer man's hand.


The Hammer Man hit Qinglun's long sword with a hammer.

Suddenly, an astonishing scene happened.

The long sword in Qinglun's hand actually came out of his hand and was knocked out by the hammer man. Qing Lun himself seemed to have been affected by a huge external force, and staggered back.

Iron Hammer Man did not miss this opportunity, the iron hammer in his hand let go and bombarded Qinglun's chest.

"Qinglun!" Qing Shan, the patriarch of the Qing family, couldn't hold his breath anymore, stood up and exclaimed.

After Qinglun was injured, his response became slow, and before he could do anything to dodge, the hammer had already slammed into his chest.

Qinglun raised his head and spat out a mouthful of blood, his face full of unwillingness, and flew out.


After the iron hammer man knocked Qinglun flying, he didn't stop, as if Qinglun had angered him, he made a foul language, and quickly ran to Qinglun who fell to the ground, and made up for Qinglun again. hammer.

Everyone was terrified.

Including Lin Feng, the expression on his face is also very solemn!

Lin Feng is a mid-transition realm strength, he has also experienced many actual battles, and his kung fu is first-class. He concluded that the Iron Hammer Man's previous disadvantages were definitely not faked, unless the Iron Hammer Man's strength was much stronger than Qinglun's.

But if the Iron Hammer Man is much stronger than Qinglun, why would he bother so much? A hammer hammer Qinglun can.

In Lin Feng's opinion, Iron Hammer Man's strength is not as good as Qinglun, but Qinglun died in Iron Hammer Man's hands. His judgment is that Iron Hammer Man's hammer is weird.

Qinglun died in battle!

Now, no one of the Republic's martial arts practitioners can remain calm.

Among the apprentices arranged by the four major families and seven sects, Qinglun is already one of the best. Everyone thinks that even if Qinglun can't win cleanly, it can never be defeated!

In any case, the battle of heroes must continue.

After Qinglun's body was carried away, Qingshan fell silent and looked around.

Almost no one dared to look at Qingshan's eyes. When Qingshan's eyes swept over, they all lowered their heads subconsciously, their faces burning.

As martial arts practitioners, these people never put people in the world in their eyes, and they are always arrogant and show off their power, with the spirit of Lao Tzu being the best in the world. Moreover, whenever they talk about the overseas barbarians, they are always disdainful, thinking that only the kung fu of the Republic is called kung fu, and the overseas barbarians are all monkey-style, as if each of them can kill Wakayama with one sword and one sword like Shushan Wang Yilong. .

"Wing Chun Gong Mingxing, willing to learn."

"Wen Xueshao, the eighteenth generation descendant of King Kong Finger, is willing to learn."

Overseas barbarians are aggressive, and there are also many arrogant warriors who are willing to fight in the ring knowing that they are defeated.

It's just that these people didn't even get a glimpse of the threshold of the transformation realm, and the successor of the King Kong Finger, Wen Xueshao, only had the strength in the middle stage of the realm.

Qingshan turned to look at Zhu Liangyu, the head of the Zhu family.

According to the lottery sequence, at this stop, it was the Zhu Family's turn.

Zhu Liangyu's expression was equally solemn. According to the initial arrangement of troops, he also planned to let the rising stars from several families come to the ring to see the world, but now it is obviously impossible!

Even, the Zhu family's original finale master was originally a rising star Bai Fengran who had just entered the middle stage of transformation. But now, Zhu Liangyu had to change his mind.

Seeing Zhu Zhengyi coming out, Zhu Liangyu waved to stop him.

Without Zhu Liangyu speaking, an old man with a red face, a childish face, wearing a gray robe and eyes like electricity walked out.

Seeing this old man come out, the people from the four major families and the seven sects all gasped.

Zhu Fenghou!

Ding Changjin of Bliss Valley, known as the first person in the early stage of transformation! Zhu family Zhu Fenghou was called the first person in the middle stage of transformation.

Zhu Fenghou entered the middle stage of transformation many years ago, but he has not been able to enter the latter stage.

Zhu Liangyu's idea is the same as Qingshan's, there is no need to make unnecessary sacrifices.

It is a huge loss for the entire Qing family to lose to the Qing family Qinglun. You must know that Qinglun is still very young, less than fifty years old. If there is any chance, or there is an epiphany, you may not be able to walk in your lifetime. Late stage of entry!

"Zhu family Zhu Fenghou." Zhu Fenghou did not give up to Wakaichiro. After walking to the center of the ring, he lifted his shirt and looked around Wakaichiro and others, "Who dares to fight?"

The veterans go out, and the momentum is different.

The originally lifeless atmosphere was diluted a lot by Zhu Fenghou's aura.

Wakaichiro's eyes narrowed slightly. This Zhu Fenghou was the most feared character in this Huashan sword discussion, no one.

Wakaichiro knew that Zhu Fenghou was about a hundred years old, but he did not know if Zhu Fenghou was over a hundred years old. Now it seems that Zhu Fenghou is less than a hundred years old.

It's just that Wakaichiro won't easily believe it. There are rules and you don't have to be a fool. He nodded to an old man with a hunched waist behind him.

The old man understood and came to Zhu Fenghou.

Zhu Fenghou knew that the old man wanted to touch his bones to determine his age. He snorted coldly and stretched out his hand.

The old man carefully touched Zhu Fenghou's hand for a while, then returned to Wakaichiro and whispered a word to Wakaichiro.

Wakaichiro pondered slightly, and glanced at a strong man in a taekwondo suit beside him.

This brawny man in a taekwondo suit was originally a Korean, but for the sake of this Huashan argument, he joined the Dongying nationality a long time ago.

The strong man also felt that Zhu Fenghou was difficult to deal with, and his expression was a little dignified.

Zhu Fenghou put on a starting gesture and slowly took a horse step.

"When you are still, you are like a virgin, and when you are moving, you are like a rabbit."

Zhu Fenghou's voice was not very loud, but it was like a muffled thunder, resounding in the sky above the top of Huashan Mountain, so that everyone in the audience could hear it clearly.

Everyone felt that something was wrong. Zhu Fenghou put on this starting gesture, the steps were very slow, and with the formula, it was not like he was meeting the enemy, but he was teaching his disciples.

Many young martial artists are already thinking about it.

Taekwondo originated from the Korean peninsula. In the early days, it evolved from Taekwondo and Hwarangdo in the Three Kingdoms period of Korea. It is a popular martial art in South Korea. The term "taekwondo" was coined by General Choi Hongxi of South Korea in the early years and is regarded as a national skill in South Korea. The majority of its footwork is used, and there are many routines. In addition, there are basic skills such as weapons, grabbing, breaking locks, and self-defense.

After the man stepped forward, he suddenly kicked Zhu Fenghou.

Zhu Fenghou dodged sideways, and soon got into a fight with the man.

Although the taekwondo master's leg technique is, the rhythm of the fight is quickly controlled by Zhu Fenghou. Zhu Fenghou was attached to the Taekwondo master, calm and relaxed.

Under Zhu Fenghou's deliberate control, the rhythm of the fight between the two was extremely slow. The taekwondo master had been suppressed by Zhu Fenghou, and cold sweat was pouring out of his forehead. On the other hand, Zhu Fenghou was calm.

"Hands are two doors, all rely on legs to beat people."

"Forty or two moves a thousand catties, and an iron arm sweeps the five mountains..."

The audience was silent, and above the top of Huashan, only the voice of Zhu Fenghou, like a dull thunder, exploded in everyone's ears.

Many people in martial arts seemed to have some insight, and some people were staring at Zhu Fenghou on the ring, thinking hard. Some people have already begun to gesture with their hands.

Lin Feng was in awe.

Marquis Zhu Feng, this is teaching all martial artists in the Republic to teach the arts!


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