Peach Blossom Collection

Chapter 401: dead end

Chapter 401

Shortly after Lin Feng left the Jade Maiden Palace, Wang Yi then left, but she did not contact Lin Feng immediately, but did some other work.

Wang Yi wanted to find out Lin Feng's growth trajectory. She also used the wealthy family in the world, but a lot of information related to Lin Feng had already been erased. In addition to investigating Lin Feng's parents and Lin Feng and Tian Mengqian's good relationship, Wang Yi did not get other more valuable information.

But this is enough, Wang Yi believes that Lin Feng will meet her.

Lin Feng was not too surprised by Wang Yi's remarks. Lin Feng had already learned Wang Yi's vicious heart, and the martial arts world preys on the weak. As one of the seven major sects, the palace master of the Jade Maiden Palace, how could he be a kind-hearted and soft-hearted person.

Wang Yi said: "Little genius doctor, can you tell Ben Gong where you are? Ben Gong wants to ask you to cure Ben Gong's gynecological diseases."

Lin Feng knew that Wang Yi understood everything. A few black lines appeared on his forehead, and he said, "Palace Master. I was helpless at the beginning, and I hope there are a lot of Palace Masters."

"I don't understand, why are you helpless?"

Lin Feng didn't know what to say. He was sure that Wang Yi had a vicious heart, but he was the one who made the first move. Before Wang Yi could start, he took his word.

Lin Feng was really reluctant to face Wang Yi, he said, "Palace lord. It's better to resolve the enemy than to end it. When will the grievances be repaid. Besides, I already know I'm wrong."

"If I knew today, why was it in the first place?"

Lin Feng also knew that it was impossible to convince Wang Yi. He said, "Palace lord. There is a debt to the lord. You come to me if you have anything. Don't bully the weak."

Wang Yi smiled contemptuously and said, "It's as if you're strong. You're right, there is a grievance and a debt, as long as you don't be a tortoise."

After a pause, Wang Yi said again: "I will give you another sentence, 'If you dare to offend me, you must prepare for revenge'. Okay. My patience is limited, tell me where you are, and I will make peace with you. You do the math. You can leave it alone, but on this day next year, don't forget to go home and pay homage to your parents."

Lin Feng hates others to blackmail him with his relatives. However, Wang Yi would not give up the threat because of Lin Feng's hatred.

Although Lin Feng is now in the middle stage of transformation, he is now facing Wang Yi, and he can only die. However, he couldn't help but see.

The only thing Lin Feng can do is to delay for a while, but if he delays, can it be delayed until he enters the late stage of transformation? Wang Yi couldn't have given him that much time.

Lin Feng also thought about finding an excuse to coax Wang Yi, but he couldn't escape the first day of the new year, but he couldn't escape the fifteenth day. He didn't dare to gamble. If Wang Yi attacked his parents or Tian Mengqian, he would regret it for the rest of his life. Even if he completed all the fixed tasks carried by the collection, he would not be happy.

Lin Feng must go to see Wang Yi.

only. When I went to see Wang Yi this time, even if Lin Feng escaped with his life, Wang Yi would still meet him. He must completely control Wang Yi in order to avoid future troubles forever.

Lin Feng has just entered the middle stage of transformation, and it is a fool's dream to use force to subdue Wang Yi. But if it was resolved through dialogue with Wang Yi, it turned out to be a joke.

In fact, there is no way. Wang Yi used Lin Feng's family to threaten Lin Feng, and Lin Feng could also use his own way to heal him. Now that Wang Yi is not in the Jade Maiden Palace, Lin Feng can take advantage of this time to go to the Jade Maiden Palace to find Xia Jingtian, and trick Xia Jingtian into being willing to be a hostage for himself.

Asking Xia Jingtian to give Wang Yi the power of transformation, it is very inauthentic. Let Xia Jingtian hold him hostage again, Lin Feng can't get past this hurdle in his heart.

After pondering for a long time, Lin Feng said: "I apologize to you for my original behavior. As compensation, you can ask me for it. I will try my best to meet it."

Wang Yi's tone was full of disdain, and said: "Do you think you have the capital to negotiate with me? I don't care where you are now, I will not listen to your explanation, I will only give you three days. Gui, if you don't show up in front of me, I want you to know the consequences."

After hanging up, Wang Yi's face was still covered with frost.

For so many days, as soon as she closed her eyes, the image of Lin Feng desecrating her would pop up in her mind. Especially when I thought of Lin Feng kissing her **** with a 'click' sound. She couldn't wait to lick her skin and drink blood from Lin Feng's cramps.

Based on Wang Yi's understanding of Lin Feng, she knew that Lin Feng was a person who valued love and righteousness. She used Lin Feng's relatives to blackmail her, so Lin Feng would obey.

After obtaining the martial arts resources that Lin Feng possesses, she will not easily kill Lin Feng. She wants to enslave #### Lin Feng for a lifetime, making Lin Feng's life worse than death.

I am already in the late stage of transformation, if there is no accident, this should be the height that I can achieve in this life. But if you can get the resources against the sky, you can still go further.

Martial arts practitioners are physically strong and generally live longer than ordinary people.

For example, it is not easy for ordinary people to live to a hundred years old, not only to be free from disasters and diseases, but also to pay attention to health care. But it is very common for a martial artist who enters the realm to live to be a hundred years old. If you take good care of it and have a good mind, it is not uncommon to live to be one hundred and fifty years old.

Transformation realm is a brand new realm, entering into transformation realm, under normal circumstances, at least one can live to be more than two hundred years old. It is not impossible to live five hundred years.

Stepping into the peak of the transformation realm means that Wang Yi has more time. If there is any chance, maybe you can break through again and reach a new realm.

Wang Yi thought to himself, not to mention other things, Lin Feng's aptitude is terrible. It must be some secret book that can wash the marrow of the Book of Changes. If you practice it yourself, the peak of Transformation Realm is just around the corner.

Only thinking of the martial arts resources on Lin Feng can make Wang Yi feel better.

It has been several days since I came to the Luan family, and Wang Yi suddenly became interested, wanting to see how the Luan family, a hidden chaebol, is developing now.

Hearing the summoning of the goddess, Luan Shihou, the head of the Luan family, did not dare to neglect. The Luan family was a chaebol supported by the Jade Maiden Palace. In the past, ordinary disciples of the Jade Maiden Palace contacted the Luan family.

Every time I see Wang Yi, Luan Shihou will have high blood pressure and abnormal heartbeat. I remember that he saw the goddess once when he was seven or eight years old. Now that so many years have passed, the goddess is still as beautiful as ever. Luan Shihou is sure that the goddess is not disguised, she is really so young.

"Goddess." Luan Shihou Ji nodded.

Regarding Luan Shihou calling himself a goddess, Wang Yi did not think it was an exaggeration. In the eyes of secular people, martial arts practitioners are not much different from those of immortals. In fact, what martial practitioners are asking for is not the longevity of the Tao.

Wang Yi nodded and said, "Is the Luan family okay? Have you encountered any difficulties?"

"Everything is fine in the Luan family. Besides, Luan Muqi of the Luan family has given up art to pursue business. Luan Muqi has an amazing talent for business. She has begun to gradually take charge of everything in the Luan family."

Speaking of Luan Muqi, Luan Shihou is very happy. Because of his childhood training and Luan Muqi's own talent, Luan Muqi has amazing business talents. However, Luanmu Qizhi was not here, and the university she chose was Beiying.

Luan Shihou doted on Luan Muqi and could not bear to deprive Luan Muqi of his choice. However, apart from Luan Muqi, no one else in the Luan family could lead the way.

I don't know the reason, maybe Luan Muqi had just recovered from her serious illness and realized that she actually gave up her career in acting and entered the business world.

In a short period of time, Luan Muqi has already shown extraordinary means. Under her planning, the Luan family has already caused the famous Fenglin Group to suffer a few big losses.

Luan Shihou is an old man and he feels that the Fenglin Group is not simple. Because of the bad relationship between the Luan family and the Fenglin Group, several hidden giants have jumped out to speak for the Fenglin Group. If it hadn't been denied by the people from the Jade Maiden Palace, Luan Shihou would have almost thought that the Fenglin Group was also a consortium newly supported by a martial arts sect.

Luan Shihou felt the need to confirm again, he said: "There is a newly emerging Fenglin Group. At present, the Luan family is preparing to gradually encroach on the industries under the Fenglin Group. This group was established not long ago, but the momentum of development is extremely terrifying. The energy is also very powerful.”

"Fenglin Group?"


Hearing this name, Wang Yi didn't have any good impression. Without thinking about it, she sneered: "It's a good job. It's better to make Fenglin Group go bankrupt."

In the spacious and bright president's office, Luan Muqi sat upright on a chair and looked at the planning book sent by the secretary. With a biting coldness on his face.

She has announced her retirement from the entertainment industry. Her dress and her temperament are very different from before.

Her lower body is an elegant and noble black dress with some violet patterns on it, and the skirt hangs down directly to the end of the calf. The upper body is a cumbersome white shirt. It was covered with a black coat of quilted fabric. A strong aristocratic atmosphere rushed towards him.

Her life was saved by Lin Feng, but that doesn't mean she should be grateful to Lin Feng. Lin Feng cured her terminal illness, but also trampled on her pride and self-esteem.

She couldn't forget what Lin Feng said when he treated her.

‘Because of your illness, the Luan family lost an oil field. Because of your The Luan family lost another ten billion dollars. Do you know how much effort it takes the Luan family to get them? Put away your eldest temper, in my eyes, you are just a parasite. ’

In order to prove that she is not a parasite, and to refute Lin Feng's fallacy, she gave up her favorite acting career. One day, she will make Lin Feng bow his head in front of her.

Lin Feng fell into deep anxiety.

He clearly knew that he was not Wang Yi's opponent, and he clearly knew that this act was a disaster, but he would still go to the meeting resolutely.

But he will never accept his fate easily. He is mobilizing his brain and exerting all his milk-feeding wisdom, just to think of a game-breaking plan.

After thinking hard to no avail, Lin Feng immediately summoned his three disciples to discuss the best way to save his life. If it wasn't for the fear of losing the majesty of the master of one sect, he would have wanted to mobilize the entire Fenglin Sect's disciples to help him think of a plan.

He doesn't want to die.

(Brothers, how to break the game in a critical moment?)


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