Peach Blossom Collection

Chapter 396: why are flowers so red

Actually Wang Yi was poisoned, and Lin Feng's performance would no longer be so cowardly. It's just that Lin Feng didn't launch the attack immediately. He wasn't very sure that Wang Yi was poisoned.

Lin Feng said: "I appreciate the kindness of the Palace Master. If the Palace Master has nothing else to do, I will leave immediately."

Wang Yi said: "Long Wei of the four major families is killing you, and the old demon Liu Yingquan must also want to get rid of you soon. You can stay in the Jade Maiden Palace."

Lin Feng saluted and said, "Don't bother the Palace Master. I'll be leaving now."

Wang Yi can basically conclude that many martial artists are tracking down Lin Feng's whereabouts. After all, she can think of Lin Feng's martial arts resources that are different from ordinary people, and others can also think of it. Of course Wang Yi would not let Lin Feng leave the Jade Maiden Palace.

Seeing that the good words could not be persuaded, Wang Yi snorted coldly and said, "Are you not giving me face?"

"Please don't embarrass me, Palace Master."

"I didn't plan to embarrass you. It's just that this palace owes the most favor to others. You have solved the poison on Jing Tian, ​​and I must pay it back. You stay in the Jade Maiden Palace for a few days, and I can also take care of the master. Friendship. When you leave at that time, I won't say a word."

Lin Feng didn't think Wang Yi would be so kind. After so long of testing, he could basically conclude that Wang Yi should have been poisoned by Hua Gong San.

Lin Feng said, "What if I have to leave?"

"Then you are toasting instead of eating and drinking. Junior sister."

Hearing Wang Yi greeting his junior sister, Lin Feng's dangling heart was completely relieved. Lin Feng knew that according to Wang Yi's personality, she was disdainful to let others do it.

Lin Feng had already explained to Xia Jingtian, and Xia Jingtian also passed the breath with Qin Susu. No matter what happened inside, Qin Susu and Xia Jingtian would not come over unless Lin Feng called for help. On the contrary, in order for Lin Feng to treat Wang Yi smoothly, the two were also responsible for taking care of Lin Feng and preventing anyone from approaching Wang Yi.

The corners of Lin Feng's mouth showed a rebellious arc, since Wang Yi lost his inner strength, Lin Feng would not forget it! He likes and hates clearly, and he will repay him. Wang Yi believed that he was strong, not only kicked Lin Feng's butt, but also kicked Lin Feng's face. Lin Feng had already written down this for Wang Yi. It's just that he didn't expect that the opportunity for revenge would come so warmly.

"Junior sister. Susu. Jing Tian." After waiting for a while, without waiting for any movement outside, Wang Yi felt a sense of unease, but she absolutely did not believe that Lin Feng could defeat Qin Susu. She looked at Lin Feng coldly and said: , "You little thief, what did you do to Susu and Jing Tian?"

"Don't worry. I didn't do anything. But no one will answer if you scream."

Wang Yi lost her inner strength, and she had already realized that there was a problem with the tea served by Xia Jingtian. She felt unbelievable, she didn't think Xia Jingtian would harm her.

Seeing Lin Feng walking over step by step, Wang Yi said, "What do you want to do?"

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes, his eyes became narrow and long, he looked at Wang Yi's better face, and said lightly: "No one has kicked my face except you."

Wang Yi said coldly: "I advise you to think clearly. If you are on the precipice now, it's fine. If you dare to be presumptuous, I will let you die without a burial."

Lin Feng smiled and said, "If I leave like this, will you let me go again?"

Wang Yi was at a loss for words. Thinking that Lin Feng dared to take the risk of the world and bombard the Bliss Valley, Wang Yi began to panic. She couldn't keep her composure any longer and got up from her chair.

Seeing that Wang Yi wanted to leave, Lin Feng opened his arms to block Wang Yi's way, and smiled charmingly: "If I had known today, why was it in the first place?"

Seeing Wang Yi's eyes flickering, Lin Feng was worried that Ye Changmeng had more dreams. He was no longer polite, and strode forward, grabbing Wang Yi like an eagle catching a chicken.

"Lin Feng. You are bold!"

Lin Feng was not very brave, but definitely not small. He grabbed Wang Yi, strode into Wang Yi's bedroom, and threw Wang Yi on the bed.

"You are too vicious. Although you ate my one, I didn't let you eat it. Besides, I saved your apprentice's life? Instead of thanking me, you wanted my life. "Speaking of this, Lin Feng paused, and the corner of his mouth evoked a rebellious arc, "Whoever dares to offend me, he must be prepared for revenge."

"What do you want to do?" Wang Yi was full of resentment. If it was normal, she would not take Lin Feng seriously at all, but now, she has become a fish in front of Lin Feng.

What does Lin Feng want to do? Naturally, I want to complete the s-level task triggered by the tome.

Lin Feng would not be so polite to those who wanted his own life. Horizontal and vertical is to offend Wang Yi to death, he does not need to be timid.

Lin Feng decisively threw Wang Yi onto the bed.

Wang Yi turned pale in shock, and while he stretched out his hand to block it, he gritted his teeth and said, "Lin Feng. If you don't kill me today, I will kill your nine clans in the future."

A look of ruthlessness flashed in Lin Feng's eyes, and at this moment his murderous intention was already in motion. However, this is the Jade Maiden Palace. If Wang Yi's life is really killed, he will never be able to escape.

'hiss. ' With a crisp sound, Lin Feng had already tore off Wang Yi's white shirt.

Lin Feng did not expect that Wang Yi's capital was not small at all. Wang Yi did not wear a **. After the white shirt was torn open, the chest strap inside was exposed. The chest was severely deformed, but it was exposed from the top and bottom of the chest strap. When it came out, it was enough to see that Wang Yi's **** were not small at all.

Wang Yi's face was pale, she practiced the "Jade Girl Heart Sutra" and never thought about sex. She has no feelings for men at all, the person she likes is Qin Susu. More importantly, once she was broken by Lin Feng from her pure yin body, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Lin Feng quickly untied Wang Yi's gown.

Wang Yi's appearance is no less than that of Qin Susu, Qin Susu looks like a very mature water ****, and has the incomparable charm of a mature young woman. As Qin Susu's senior sister, Wang Yi looks younger. Her skin is white and rosy, her waist is slender, her lower abdomen is smooth and flat, her thighs are slender, and there is no trace of fat on her body. Just like a girl in two decades.

Wang Yi stared at Lin Feng with a cold and outrageous tone, and said, "You will regret it."

Lin Feng turned a deaf ear to Wang Yi's threat. The s-level task triggered by the book is 'kiss Wang Yi's two ruts. ’ Originally, Lin Feng planned to complete the task. But because Wang Yi said that Lin Feng's nine clans would be destroyed, Lin Feng changed his mind. He wanted to transfer all the hatred in Wang Yi's heart to himself.

Lin Feng wrapped Wang Yi's neck with one hand, and relaxed Wang Yi's corset with the other.

When the white corset was removed, the fullness of the restraint was lost, and it suddenly bounced out, full, smooth, trembling, as white and delicate as suet jade.

"In your eyes, I'm just an ant." Lin Feng's hand climbed onto Wang Yi's chest, and he could feel Wang Yi's body trembling violently.

"So what? I can also kiss Fang Ze today."

Speaking, Lin Feng put his mouth close to Wang Yi's red dust, and after kissing Wang Yi's mouth, Lin Feng wanted to invade Wang Yi's mouth, but the tip of his tongue touched the cold shell teeth.

It's just that Wang Yi, who has lost his inner strength, can't be Lin Feng's opponent. Lin Feng exerted a little force, and his tongue pried open Wang Yi's teeth, choking Wang Yi's fragrant tongue.


Just after tasting the taste of Wang Yi's lips, Lin Feng felt his tongue numb, and he quickly retracted his tongue. If it weren't for the Tongue Guard of the Boy in Iron Cloth Shirt, his tongue would have been bitten off.

"You still bite people?" Lin Feng said, he bent down decisively, and began to kiss Wang Yi's breasts.

Facing a beauty like Wang Yi, even if he knew that Wang Yi was a lesbian, Lin Feng still had a subconscious physiological reaction. He thought to himself, if it wasn't for the fact that he didn't have a great success in the boy's gong, he should have done the Fa-rectification on the spot today.

After all, Wang Yi's strength is extraordinary, and Lin Feng was worried that Hua Gong San would fail, so he immediately choked Wang Yi's chest, held it in a big mouth, and slapped it hard.

Wang Yi closed her eyes, put her head aside, and bent her legs, her delicate body trembling slightly. All the humiliation she could only bear. After a hundred years of practice, I did not expect to break the Taoism today.

Lin Feng could sense Wang Yi's anger, and kissed Wang Yi's two **** one after another, feeling the movement of the collection. Lin Feng knew that the task triggered by the collection had been completed.

The task triggered by the book has been completed, but Lin Feng didn't intend to leave it like this. He blasphemed Wang Yi is good, but he has not avenged the face kick.

Wang Yi was the first woman to kick his face.

Lin Feng hugged Wang Yi, made Wang Yi turn over, reached out and lifted Wang Yi's long shirt, revealing the buttocks wrapped in white underwear. Lin Feng hooked the edge of Wang Yi's **** with one hand and took it off, and took off Wang Yi's **** to the middle of his thighs. He raised his hand and hit Wang Yi's snowy buttocks.

'Snapped. Snapped. Snapped. Snapped. Snapped. Snapped. Snapped. Snapped. Snapped. Snapped. ’

After ten hits in a row, although he didn't use his inner strength, he used a lot of strength, making Wang Yi's snow-white buttocks turn red.

Because Wang Yi lost his inner strength, every slap from Lin Feng landed on Wang Yi's buttocks, and Wang Yi's painful eyes even condensed with crystal tears.

After the fight, Lin Feng said, "Haha. Dare to kick my face, I want you to know why the flowers are so red."

The anger in Wang Yi's heart can no longer be described in words, but at this moment she has no choice but to endure it silently. She is also working **** her luck, trying to recover her inner strength as soon as possible.

Lin Feng said: "Do you want me to live rather than die? Do you want to burn me to ashes? I will give you a phone number, as long as it is your call, I will definitely answer, I will let you have my clues, you Just come to me. But if you hurt my family or friends, I will keep my name incognito and you will never get revenge for the rest of your life.”

Saying that, Lin Feng once again held Wang Yi's chest in a frivolous manner again, slapped it hard, and made a sound of 'bar'. Wang Yi's chest also trembled.

After helping Wang Yi sort out his clothes, Lin Feng quickly turned around and left.

"Mr. Lin, how is my master's illness?" Xia Jingtian, who had been guarding outside seeing Lin Feng coming out, asked quickly.

"Don't worry. Your master's illness is no longer serious."

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