Peach Blossom Collection

Chapter 388: Qin Susu's reversal

Chapter 388 Qin Susu's Reverse Push

Qin Susu's performance surprised Lin Feng. Qin Susu didn't even know the most basic physiological reactions of men, and she was so slutty.

Qin Susu didn't know, and it was not convenient for Lin Feng to explain. It was no longer a life-and-death struggle, and his life was at stake. Still being looked at by Qin Susu like this, Lin Feng felt uncomfortable again.

Although Lin Feng also had some ambiguous experiences, he couldn't face a woman he was not familiar with. He covered his bottom with both hands, and his tone was a little shy, like a little girl who was wronged. Daughter-in-law, said: "Have you seen enough?"

Qin Susu giggled and said, "Ouch. I'm not afraid. What are you afraid of? Listen to my sister and take your hands away."

Lin Feng took a few steps back, and he found that he had been molested by a woman.

Qin Susu's strength must be much stronger than Lin Feng's. Qin Susu is so dissolute, hungry and thirsty, Lin Feng is a little worried that Qin Susu will catch him and push back.

Lin Feng's first time was still there. He didn't want his first time to disappear in such a confused way. Besides, his boy skill had not yet been accomplished.

Lin Feng glanced down and saw a few hairs sticking out. He quickly covered it more tightly, and said, "I tell you, twisted melons are not sweet. I have someone I like. You should die."

Qin Susu didn't know much about Lin Feng, but she wasn't shallow. Based on the rumors in the martial arts world, she felt that Lin Feng was arrogant, but it wasn't heinous. Moreover, Lin Feng is so innocent, which suits her very well.

Qin Susu did not embarrass Lin Feng too much. After knowing Lin Feng's identity, she felt that Lin Feng entered the Jade Maiden Palace for refuge. After all, the Jade Maiden Palace did not allow men to set foot there. Since Lin Feng is here to take refuge, he won't leave for a while, but if there is time, he can take his time.

Qin Susu said: "Okay. I won't embarrass you, you can go get dressed. But tonight, remember to find me in my room, or I will reveal your male identity tomorrow."

Having said this, Qin Susu paused, looked at Lin Feng with a smile, and said, "The Jade Maiden Palace does not allow men to set foot there. There was once a man who trespassed in the Jade Maiden Palace. Later, although he went out, he was blinded by his eyes. There are two or two things left, do you know what they are?"

Xia Jingtian also said that if a man entered the Jade Maiden Palace, he would be punished. Lin Feng had long known that the punishment would be severe, but he did not expect it to be so severe.

It's just that the guy who trespassed in the Jade Maiden Palace last time left only a couple of taels, and I'm afraid I don't have half a pound of it.

Seeing that Qin Susu has no malice towards him, of course Lin Feng will not leave the Jade Maiden Palace. As for going to Qin Susu at night, just go, if you don't believe a man can't keep his innocence.

Qin Susu just wanted to leave, but suddenly thought of a very serious question, Lin Feng is a woman, Xia Jingtian will definitely not beware of Lin Feng, let Lin Feng and Xia Jingtian live together, do not know what will happen.

Furthermore, Xia Jingtian is so beautiful and is about the same age as Lin Feng. Lin Feng was close to Xia Jingtian and mixed into the Jade Maiden Palace. Apart from taking refuge, do you have any other ideas?

Love Qin Susu is not excluded, but women who practice the "Jade Girl Heart Sutra" are not qualified to fall in love. She didn't want Xia Jingtian to be trapped and hurt by love.

Qin Susu restrained the charming smile on her face, looked at Lin Feng seriously, and said, "Little friend, let me tell you, don't hit Xia Jingtian's attention."

Xia Jingtian is Lin Feng's fourth-generation beauty, and Lin Feng definitely wants to take it into his arms, but the enemy is strong and we are weak, so Lin Feng is too lazy to speak more.

Lin Feng hid in an unoccupied place and put on clothes. In order to avoid making Qin Susu suspicious, Lin Feng deliberately dawdled for a while before walking out.

Under Qin Susu's strong request, Lin Feng did not return to Xia Jingtian's place. Instead, they went to Qin Susu's residence. Lin Feng felt that he was being treasured by Jinwu.

Qin Susu's home is very comfortable and neatly furnished. From the inside, it is almost indistinguishable from a suite in a bustling metropolis. All the necessary appliances are available.

Lin Feng felt that the people in the Jade Maiden Palace would really enjoy it. While practicing martial arts, he kept pace with the times.

In Qin Susu's room, Lin Feng smelled a faint fragrance, which was familiar, but Lin Feng couldn't remember it.

Some are like the body fragrance of a woman, but it is not like that kind of fragrance is also found on Qin Susu's body, but it is not as strong as in the room.

For some reason, a long-lost face suddenly appeared in Lin Feng's mind.

Her facial features are exquisite, ####'s cheeks are white and rosy, her skin is as tender as beautiful jade, and her body is impeccable, like a young girl, shy, but her body is full of #### charm. At that time, her demeanor was impeccably beautiful, and the charm contained in her eyebrows was natural.

She is like a flame, even a casual glance will make you feel the heat. Every time Lin Feng saw her, an uncontrollable impulse would rise in his heart.

The fragrance on Qin Susu's body seemed to be similar to hers. Lin Feng still remembered that he and her still had a 30-year contract. Thirty years later, he will give her the second half of the Book of Changes.

There are too many mysteries in her body. Lin Feng knows that disaster comes from his mouth. He didn't say anything, and he didn't ask anything.

From the moment Lin Feng stepped into the room, Qin Susu's eyes never left Lin Feng. Seeing Lin Feng's frowning face, she said, "Why, am I so ugly?"

Qin Susu looked at Lin Feng with wide eyes. Not only was she not ugly, but she was also very beautiful, exuding the charm of ### all over her body. The fragrance on the body adds to the temptation. Lin Feng was a little worried that if Qin Susu attacked too violently, would he be chaste or not.

Lin Feng asked, "What realm are you in?"

Qin Susu raised her brows, looked at Lin Feng with provocative eyes, and said, "What do you think?"

"If I knew, I wouldn't ask you."

"I can tell you." Qin Susu sat on the sofa, stretched out her index finger, and pointed to her cheek, "Do you know how to do it?"

Lin Feng didn't want to agree, but Qin Susu was so beautiful, her face was flushed, and she could be broken by blowing bullets. After hesitating for a while, he bravely came to Qin Susu's side, and gently kissed Qin Susu's cheek.

Lin Feng could feel that Qin Susu's cheeks were extremely hot, and looking at the crisp **** and neck that were as white as jade, Lin Feng's heart was a little unsteady again.

Lin Feng retracted his neck, Qin Susu pointed to the other cheek again, and Lin Feng had no choice but to kiss again.

Qin Susu said: "My strength is the peak of the mid-transition realm."

The peak of the mid-transition realm!

In the world, there are not many martial artists who have entered the early stage of transformation. It is no exaggeration to say that anyone who can enter the transformation is either a genius or a great opportunity.

Lin Feng felt that in the middle stage of transformation, there were not many in the world. He asked: "In the martial arts world, are there many masters in the middle stage of transformation? Are there more powerful ones? Who is the most powerful person?"

"The ambition is not small. You are still in the early stage of transformation. It is not certain whether you can enter the middle stage of transformation. You actually asked who the most powerful person in the world is."

Lin Feng felt that as long as he could live longer, not to mention the middle stage of transformation, even in the later stage of transformation, the peak of transformation is possible.

In just two years, Lin Feng has grown from an ordinary person to the peak of the early stage of transformation.

Seeing that Lin Feng didn't speak, Qin Susu pointed to her cheek again.

Lin Feng could only kiss Qin Susu again.

"There are not many masters in the middle stage of transformation. Except for the seven sects, the four major families have some masters in the middle stage, and there are very few masters in other sects or families. It is certain that even if you look at the world and enter the middle stage of transformation, there are also experts in the middle stage. No more than a hundred."

"What about the late stage of transformation?"

"Of course there will be fewer in the late stage of transformation. I don't think it will exceed the number of palms. Maybe there will be a few more. Experts in the middle stage of transformation will generally not speak to people when they enter the later stage of transformation." Speaking of this, Qin Susu After a pause, he looked at Lin Feng with curious eyes, "Liu Yingquan in the Valley of Bliss, it should be in the late stage of Transformation Realm, and you can actually escape your life in his hands."

It turned out that Liu Yingquan was a master in the late stage of the transformation, and Lin Feng secretly said that it was dangerous. No wonder the second artillery shelled the Bliss Valley, but Liu Yingquan was not killed.

Qin Susu raised her chin with one hand, leaned forward slightly, the pair on her chest almost touched the coffee table, she said, "As for the most powerful person..."

Qin Susu suddenly remembered something and said to Lin Feng, "Little enemy, you kissed them twice, and they have answered your two questions. You are so cruel."

Lin Feng felt that if it weren't for the fact that the boy's skill had not been completed, he would have turned his back on the customer. This Qin Susu was too arrogant, and simply regarded himself as a man.

Looking at Qin Susu's flowery face and her plump breasts, Lin Feng took a deep breath, stepped forward again, and brought his mouth close.

Lin Feng just wanted to kiss Qin Susu's face, but what he didn't expect was that when he put his lips close, Qin Susu suddenly turned his head and sent his lips kissing Qin Susu's smooth and fragrant lips, Lin Feng heart could not help but tremble.

Without waiting for Lin Feng to react, Qin Susu had already wrapped her arms around Lin Feng's neck, closed her eyes gently, and looked like she was picking it up.

If Qin Susu was a woman who could do her best, Lin Feng would push it away without hesitation, but, based on a man's intuition, he knew that Qin Susu was not yet hired.

Taking a deep breath, the shadows of Tian Mengqian, Bai Yichen, Lan Qiao and other girls flashed across his mind one by one, and his restless heart finally calmed down.

Resolutely pushing Qin Susu away, Lin Feng said, "I'm sorry, I'm not such a casual man. It's fine if you don't answer."

Qin Susu opened her eyes, giggled, and said, "Do you think you can escape from my palm?"

Lin Feng felt a little guilty. Although Qin Susu's temptation was fatal, Lin Feng really didn't want to explain it like this. He said, "Even if you get my people, you won't get my heart."


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