Peach Blossom Collection

Chapter 384: wit old devil

Director Zhang Zhongyi's re-examination at Beiying went ahead as scheduled.

At the gate of Beiying, the entrance of the school, the entrance of the film and television building, and all the conspicuous places on the way to the film and television building, there are big eye-catching banners.

This is the first time that such a high-level chief has come to the film and television building to observe the students' audition. All the leaders of the Party Committee of the North Film School have all arrived and picked them up at the school gate.

Major media also came one after another, including CCTV reporters.

Originally, the protagonist this time was Zhang Zhongyi, but because of the arrival of Guan Qishan, the Minister of Central Propaganda, the center of gravity shifted immediately, and Zhang Zhongyi was somewhat insignificant.

Even Zhang Zhongyi himself joined the ranks to welcome Guan Qishan. Although he was no longer seeking glory and wealth, he still did not have the ability to detach from the world.

Lin Feng was also near the school gate, looking at Zhang Zhongyi's entourage, and soon found that Liu Yingquan was following Zhang Zhongyi.

Liu Yingquan wore a gray cloth with a big braid, and looked restrained, looking very artistic.

The last time I saw Liu Yingquan in the secret room of Zhang Zhongyi's company, Lin Feng turned his head and ran away without looking at it. Today, after a closer look, Lin Feng finally found that Liu Yingquan was injured. I don't know if it was because of the Second Artillery.

Lin Feng's heart was mixed, but he was happy that the old demon kept the pain and torture. The worry is that the old demon is injured, but he still has such a strong strength. It seems that the realm of the old demon is unfathomable.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Guan Qishan, Minister of the Central Propaganda Department, and his party came to Beiying, and everyone went to greet them immediately.

Lin Feng followed to the film and television building. He was not a student who participated in the re-examination, and he was not allowed to go. But with Lin Feng's skills, it was easy to get into the film and television building.

All the students who participated in the re-examination arrived at the film and television building. Originally, the re-examination was conducted one-on-one, but because Guan Qishan was coming to observe, in order to create an atmosphere and reflect fairness and justice, the school temporarily decided that all the re-examination students should go to the performance hall of the film and television building. , to participate in the re-examination.

Guan Qishan sat in the middle, and the principal of Beiying and Zhang Zhongyi sat on both sides. The leaders of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television and other party groups of Beiying were seated behind. Liu Yingquan sat next to Zhang Zhongyi. Below are the female students waiting for the re-examination. Many reporters are already busy debugging cameras.

Lin Feng was restrained and stood in the corner, looking at the girls who came for the retest.

There are many beauties in Beiying, and the girls who pass the first test are basically called beauties. Liu Yingquan looked at this, looked at that, overjoyed. Both eyes shine.

Li Sisi probably obeyed Lin Feng's advice and did not come to participate in the re-examination. There is also Luan Muqi, who doesn't know if he plans to give up art to become a businessman. Anyway, he didn't see anyone in the retest.

Soon, Lin Feng found the fourth beauty, Xia Jingtian, in the crowd. She is slender and her facial features look more beautiful than on TV. She has a ponytail at the back of her head and wears a pure white fur-collar coat.

Lin Feng could see at a glance that Xia Jingtian was actually a martial artist, and her cultivation had reached the peak of the realm of questioning.

It is not surprising that there are martial arts practitioners in colleges and universities. When he was in Huaqing, Lin Feng met Xuan Wei of the Xuan family. Xuan Wei wanted to kill Lin Feng to avenge the Xuan family in Nancheng. If Lu Yunbing hadn't hit Xuan Wei with his car in time, Lin Feng would have been caught by accident.

What surprised Lin Feng was that Xia Jingtian was actually poisoned. And it's poisonous.

Feeling a cold air lock on him, Lin Feng shuddered, and immediately turned his head to look at Liu Yingquan. Sure enough, Liu Yingquan was staring at Lin Feng sinisterly.

Liu Yingquan could not wait for Lin Feng to cramp his skin and drink blood. Lin Feng destroyed the Valley of Bliss and the back garden where Liu Yingquan practiced. Later, Liu Yingquan came to the capital and coaxed Zhang Zhongyi into his subordinates. When he was healing in the secret room arranged by Zhang Zhongyi, he actually saw Lin Feng again.

The hatred between Liu Yingquan and Lin Feng was undeniable. At that time, Liu Yingquan didn't even care that the use of internal strength would affect the injury, and just wanted to kill Lin Feng, but at a critical moment, the monk Lin Feng pretended to be Xuanli and announced the Buddha's name, which shocked him and made him miss him. The opportunity to kill Lin Feng.

When the enemy met, he was naturally jealous. If it weren't for the public, he would definitely slap Lin Feng into a patty with one palm.

Feeling Liu Yingquan's anger, but seeing that Liu Yingquan did not act, Lin Feng knew that Liu Yingquan must be afraid of the current scene.

If it weren't for the "Peach Blossom Collection", Lin Feng would never have known about the existence of martial arts practitioners in his life. Lin Feng felt that martial arts practitioners should not be able to show their inner strength in public. Not only the public here, but also many media reporters, Lin Feng expected that Liu Yingquan would not dare to be presumptuous.

The principal of Beiying is already giving a speech.

After a series of clichés, the principal asked Guan Qishan to say a few words. The Minister of the Central Propaganda Department is about to speak, and there is naturally silence below, and everyone is listening.

Guan Qishan took the microphone and was about to speak, but Lin Feng came out, pointed at Liu Yingquan, with a look of horror, and said, "It's you? You pervert. Devil."

Liu Yingquan's complexion changed slightly.

No one thought that a good person would turn into an accident. The big leaders attended the event, and the cadres below were very taboo to stop the road and complain. For example, in today's re-examination, all the students who participated in the re-examination had a clear family background investigation, and they were afraid of those who jumped out to avenge their grievances.

Seeing Lin Feng's face, the principal of Beiying asked, "This classmate, who are you?"

Lin Feng shook his head, turned his head to look at Guan Qishan, and said, "Minister Guan, this person is a big devil, a real devil, he is very powerful, I saw him flying over the eaves and walking the walls with my own eyes. Last time I was caught by him, I saw He abused other women. I ran away while he was asleep."

Lin Feng pretended to remember something, pointed at Zhang Zhongyi and said, "Last time I was caught by the old demon, and I saw you too. It turns out that you were all in a mess." He turned to Guan Qishan and said, "Minister Guan. Missing girl. They were all caught. The choice of the female lead this time was actually a #### conspiracy."

Liu Yingquan didn't expect Lin Feng to make this move, and his face was gloomy and terrifying.

Zhang Zhongyi felt a little guilty, but still said angrily: "It's nonsense." He turned to look at the principal of Beiying, "I want to ask what's the situation?"

The principal did not expect such a situation to occur. Of course, he would not believe what Lin Feng said. He doubted whether Lin Feng was mentally ill.

The principal is also very smart. He explained to Guan Qishan, "This classmate is a student of Beijing Film Academy, because she failed the first exam. So her behavior is a bit aggressive. She just wants to show her strength again in front of Director Zhang." After speaking, she turned her head. Looking at Zhang Zhongyi, he smiled and said, "How is it? Did you act well?"

After the principal finished speaking, he felt that he might have guessed correctly. He thought that this classmate had gone too far, and he even made a mess in front of the leader, and he must be severely punished afterwards.

Of course Zhang Zhongyi knew that was not the case, but the principal gave Zhang Zhongyi a good reason. He frowned and said, "Let's follow the rules. Today's re-exam is a re-exam. If this classmate is really interested in his acting skills. Confidence, you can go to the group to find me tomorrow, and I can make an exception and give you another chance."

Seeing that Lin Feng did not show any surprises, the principal realized that Lin Feng might be really ill, and it was not serious, he quickly winked at the security guard next to him.

Lin Feng knew that no one would believe what he said, so he walked quickly towards Liu Yingquan and threw his fists at Liu Yingquan.

Martial arts practitioners, especially the masters of transformation realm, everyone agrees that they cannot show their inner strength in public. Lin Feng pressed step by step, wanting Liu Yingquan to violate the rules.

Liu Yingquan knew that even if he escaped Lin Feng's punch, Lin Feng would continue to attack. If he didn't want to be beaten, Lin Feng's strength would definitely force him to make dodging moves that were unimaginable to ordinary people. Lin Feng has been listed as the target of Long Wei's killing, and he can break the jar, but Liu Yingquan doesn't want it.

Liu Yingquan's thoughts turned around and weighed the pros and cons.

With so many beauties right in front of him, if he kills Lin Feng recklessly, he will lose all his previous achievements, and he will become an 'abnormal' and be killed by Long Wei. He can also choose to be beaten, so that his identity will not be exposed, and Lin Feng's 'lie' will naturally be self-defeating.

If he is beaten, he shouldn't be beaten for too long. Everyone will definitely stop Lin Feng. If he can't stop it, it is very likely that Long Wei will be disturbed if the situation arises. Liu Yingquan believed that the current Lin Feng would definitely not dare to face Long Wei. Once surrounded by Long Wei, Lin Feng would not be able to escape.

Liu Yingquan had fought against Lin Feng. He knew that Lin Feng was only able to step into the realm of transformation. He felt that with his realm, he should be able to withstand Lin Feng's beating.

Liu Yingquan made up his mind, and when he saw Lin Feng swing his fist over, he did not dodge or evade.

'Push with a muffled sound.

Liu Yingquan's cheeks were severely deformed. He didn't have to pretend to fall, he had already fallen to the ground under the strong impact. He also didn't have to pretend to foam at the mouth, because he spat out a lot of broken teeth.

Liu Yingquan never imagined that a person who was worthy of entering the realm of transformation would have such a powerful force. Did you really get punched? Since he accepted Zhang Zhongyi, he has seen many movies. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would have thought it was Thor who hit him with a hammer.

For many years, he has not been injured, but because of Lin Feng, he was injured three times in a row in a short period of time. Once was bombardment. Once he was in pursuit of Lin Feng. Once was today.

Liu Yingquan swore that he had never hated a person so much.

Liu Yingquan didn't dare to stay any longer. If he didn't fight back or dodge, he would be beaten to death by Lin Feng. He gave Lin Feng a resentful look and left in a hurry.

Lin Feng didn't dare to force him too hastily. If he didn't give Liu Yingquan a way out, if he insisted on forcing Liu Yingquan to jump over the wall, Liu Yingquan would definitely kill him.


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